Are there dragons in these items?

Please can someone, who is able to view astral dragons tell me if they can see dragons in these items? Thank you.

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I get no communication from either. A bit of energy stuck on the yellow one.


That’s really strange? I thought I did the ritual very well. Maybe @El_Capitan_Nemo could help?

@_OM and @Maoshan_Wanderer, I believe you guys are energy sensitive to view this as well?

Is the top one a metal ring? How long ago did you do them?


Must’ve been about a month ago?

Tell you what, why not just say & set an intention that if any are in there that you release them to go find their best/highest purpose? If you’re not getting anywhere, and aren’t even sure if they’re in there, then I think this would be best for now. Give it some time & thought, then decide later if you want to try the servitor creation process again.


See I don’t wanna create any more dragons that I need to. Messing about with these rituals and later finding out that I have 10 dragons that all need attention is unpleasant.

Plus I do like the idea of having a dragon servitor to help me with my astral projection. I need them in fact.

Though giving them attention is a good thing, there is no need to give them attention. Servitors don’t really demand anything, including attention as they are precisely programmed by Dream. They are not pets that get angry or sulk if you don’t pay attention. It is always good to be responsible for something we create though …


Well, the idea is that if you release them, you no longer need to worry about them needing your attention, as they’re not yours anymore - they’re free. I don’t think anyone should carelessly make servitors, so we’re in agreement there about not making bunches of them until it “feels right”. In general, I don’t really like the idea of them being made and just kinda being stuck because whoever made them isn’t really able to interact with them well.


I actually do ‘talk’ to my dragon as if it were real everyday just in case it actually turns out to be there.

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Yeah, I’m not exactly sure where this balance is, but I always feel more comfortable playing it safe with things like this. Just my perspective.

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Could photo quality affect the dragons’ ‘viewability’. Should I retake higher quality photos of the items?

@MasterOfYellow your input is appreciated as well

Photo quality doesn’t matter, what you provided is sufficient.

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I would suggest sending a PM to Sammy/Captain with the picture and one of them can confirm if they senses the Dragon (quality of picture should not impact the ability to sense energy). I have retired from the business of sensing energy, the strength of energy, etc. haha so Sammy or Captain are best suited to confirm.


Does that mean we can’t play on your lawn anymore?


Thank you guys. I must come clean now. The yellow band was the control item, i.e., it has no dragon in it. The ring was the item I did the ritual on and is supposed to have the actual dragon in it.


So, you’re testing us? Why?


Not testing you guys per se. But actually just conducting a standard experiment to avoid any unconscious bias.

I still do need to know if there is a dragon in the ring and because I’m not energy sensitive, this is the only way I can actually know for sure without unconscious bias coming into the picture.

And I know haha. I feel like a deceiver for doing it but it’s all in the name of science.


Where I was raised, my father taught me that doing a bad thing for a good reason doesn’t make it a good thing.


Isn’t this how the effectivity of a drug or any intervention (like surgery) is tested though? You have two groups. One is given a placebo (control) and the other is given the actual drug (case). And the outcomes are measured.