Are there fields that one absolutely should NOT play overnight during sleep?

Hi, I started using Dream’s fields since this August. And this year I had two shopping sprees already, spent quite some $$$ within my affordable budget within this year. Thus, I got so many tracks in my computer, and curating a playlist has been challenging for me.
My life is quite a mess, so facing the plethora of fields, every single one seems to be useful for me. Inadvertently, I had several playlists that can’t be possibly played through within waking hours in a day (at one time they ammased more than 24 hrs :man_shrugging:) and thus have to arrange some fields to play during sleep.
Are there fields that one must avoid at all during sleep?
Thanks for reading my noobie quiestion.


Superhuman genius is the one where it’s in the description I think.

I’m pretty sure you can’t play all fields because some with wake you up / you will be super tired when you have them in the night stack.
If you wake up tired, irritated etc., Adjust the stack.

It’s quite personal, I read at one point someone (Luna) having the metabolism boost overnight, I tried it, it woke me up 2 nights in the middle of the night and I couldn’t sleep for hours. She didn’t have the same issue.


I think eventually I have to learn to prioritize and wind the playlist down to more manageable length…I think I’m bombarding myself too much at once, but don’t know where to start trimming down.


if we talk about fields not to listen at night, Im sorry since my post wont help the OP but I guess for people its good to know

Echoes of the past overnight will melt your brain
Blueprint of Life will too
Atlantis will make you stand up and be confused
Third Eye Chakra will melt your brain

Galactic Meditations have the possibility to do that too, especially Arcturian and Sirian

and some more I guess

these above are my experiences till now


Why tho?
These are exactly the individual things.

I have blueprint of life overnight, though obviously I don’t loop it, just 1x.
Third eye I used to have as well, 2x, no issue

For months I meditated and then slept with the Sirian audio every day 🤷 since then I have the tag


I meant the whole night, 7-9 hours of sleep

of course everyones different and you get used to the energy pretty fast too, but for the beginning it might be a bit too much

and yes theres no need to loop them at all, 1-2x is enough for good results


Share your Nightly Stacks. Kimchisauerkraut (lol at the name), you can find inspiration here

Yeah people should be careful what they loop all night if it’s one field. Many fields you shouldn’t really listen to more than a few times at all, but there are always some people on the forum going “nah brah it’s ok I’ve done it it was cool” :D
I only ever do that with Schumann Resonance nowadays when I feel I need a lot of grounding.


I won’t say It’s cool, sometimes its just fun to be a idiot :smiley:

Schuhmans something you could listen to a week fully tho which is good


Personally, I solely use grounding and avoid shumancancan. The cancan music is too funny for me to be a nighttime play… :joy:


Me every night 🤦


Not Monkey will take over the world

but us, the idiots :smiling_imp:




When you say “overnight,” are you meaning “looping then continuously overnight?” Yeah, that’s never a wise idea for any field, especially when we have no direct experience of the field’s effect on us personally.

(For the record, looping BoL continuously overnight [through negligence] did not melt my brain. Could mean my brain is made of rock; that’s been suggested at various points in my life :man_shrugging: )

But yeah, it’s been said a number of times in its thread to go low and slow with BoL, regardless of you’re sleeping or not. That’s why it’s important (or at least helpful) for all of us to read the threads for the fields we’re interested in. (Thinking of _Om’s Master Skill thread.)

@kimchisauerkraut, I don’t know if it’s one of your fields, but Plasma Light has been reported (even by me) to have interfered with forum friends’ sleep, at first. And that’s another point: our experiences with our fields change as we become more attuned with a field. Where a field might have been problematic for us at first, we acclimate to it.

Oh, yeah, the original SLR (with the William Tell Overture) has been known to wake people up due to its sudden increased volume. That’s why a quieter second version was made (on Patreon?).


All these experiences are different at times take the above they couldn’t sleep with plasma beach overnight where as the day it came out I did exactly that but again i didn’t think twice about it I just did it, slept pretty sound and undisturbed and it wasn’t until the next day or two that I saw on a thread that others couldn’t quite handle it sleeping overnight.

Also there are a few only a few that Captain has said it’s sort of ok but they are older ones and some of the newer folks wouldn’t really know that to be the case like fat to stem cells / cholesterol and plaque (old Patreon one) which mind you is still amazing over it being included in heart restoration so much so it takes the plaque off your teeth in just a few loops. Anyways even tho he has said this is ok on some occasions he Said it might be ok for a night or two but not anything exceeding a every night kinda thing. Use your own judgement with what you need and always ask around here as you can see plenty of answers and viewpoints to form your own informed decision. :sunglasses::v:


All health fields need their description to be internalised with common sense.
Pro tip: the process or what the field actually csrriesnout while interacting with your body is usually mentioned in the description, read it, think of the process being carried out forcefully for 8 hours and see if it would be healthy for your body and mind and life or not. Surprise surprise, most won’t.
Please be cautious.


:joy: :joy: :joy: I would never have thought about this term for Schumann Resonance!

I get what you mean though. I had a similar issue with Enhanced Visual Processing, made me dance every time.

And more recently with the Lesser Diamonds album. I was sleeping like a log, then a track from there starts playing. I jumped, although the volume was pretty low. I swore a lot, thinking that it was one of the disco-cars hanging in my street at 3 am.

Using those only during daytime since then.


YMMV but I slept really badly after playing Blueprint of Life right before bed


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I bet you started to dance. :joy:


Are you beginning to see how individual our experiences are?


Not this time because I was caught by surprise and super pissed :sweat_smile: