Are there fields that one absolutely should NOT play overnight during sleep?

I won’t say It’s cool, sometimes its just fun to be a idiot :smiley:

Schuhmans something you could listen to a week fully tho which is good


Personally, I solely use grounding and avoid shumancancan. The cancan music is too funny for me to be a nighttime play… :joy:


Me every night 🤦


Not Monkey will take over the world

but us, the idiots :smiling_imp:




When you say “overnight,” are you meaning “looping then continuously overnight?” Yeah, that’s never a wise idea for any field, especially when we have no direct experience of the field’s effect on us personally.

(For the record, looping BoL continuously overnight [through negligence] did not melt my brain. Could mean my brain is made of rock; that’s been suggested at various points in my life :man_shrugging: )

But yeah, it’s been said a number of times in its thread to go low and slow with BoL, regardless of you’re sleeping or not. That’s why it’s important (or at least helpful) for all of us to read the threads for the fields we’re interested in. (Thinking of _Om’s Master Skill thread.)

@kimchisauerkraut, I don’t know if it’s one of your fields, but Plasma Light has been reported (even by me) to have interfered with forum friends’ sleep, at first. And that’s another point: our experiences with our fields change as we become more attuned with a field. Where a field might have been problematic for us at first, we acclimate to it.

Oh, yeah, the original SLR (with the William Tell Overture) has been known to wake people up due to its sudden increased volume. That’s why a quieter second version was made (on Patreon?).


All these experiences are different at times take the above they couldn’t sleep with plasma beach overnight where as the day it came out I did exactly that but again i didn’t think twice about it I just did it, slept pretty sound and undisturbed and it wasn’t until the next day or two that I saw on a thread that others couldn’t quite handle it sleeping overnight.

Also there are a few only a few that Captain has said it’s sort of ok but they are older ones and some of the newer folks wouldn’t really know that to be the case like fat to stem cells / cholesterol and plaque (old Patreon one) which mind you is still amazing over it being included in heart restoration so much so it takes the plaque off your teeth in just a few loops. Anyways even tho he has said this is ok on some occasions he Said it might be ok for a night or two but not anything exceeding a every night kinda thing. Use your own judgement with what you need and always ask around here as you can see plenty of answers and viewpoints to form your own informed decision. :sunglasses::v:


All health fields need their description to be internalised with common sense.
Pro tip: the process or what the field actually csrriesnout while interacting with your body is usually mentioned in the description, read it, think of the process being carried out forcefully for 8 hours and see if it would be healthy for your body and mind and life or not. Surprise surprise, most won’t.
Please be cautious.


:joy: :joy: :joy: I would never have thought about this term for Schumann Resonance!

I get what you mean though. I had a similar issue with Enhanced Visual Processing, made me dance every time.

And more recently with the Lesser Diamonds album. I was sleeping like a log, then a track from there starts playing. I jumped, although the volume was pretty low. I swore a lot, thinking that it was one of the disco-cars hanging in my street at 3 am.

Using those only during daytime since then.


YMMV but I slept really badly after playing Blueprint of Life right before bed


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I bet you started to dance. :joy:


Are you beginning to see how individual our experiences are?


Not this time because I was caught by surprise and super pissed :sweat_smile:


You are free to post it, i gonna cut it for you.


Thank you for your tip on 8 hours of carrying out. I haven’t taken this aspect under consideration so far. I’ll look into this. :grinning:

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Yes, I am grateful for all the resposes. :pray:
I think ultimately I have to train my ability to make better judgements and assesments. Also, perhaps the fastest way is to conduct experiments on my self.
I listened to Plasma Beach and Plasma Light only during daytime. I already have chronic insomnia, but I haven’t experience any deterioration of my symptoms. So I feel they haven’t cause any disturbances to my sleep.
BoL, this is one of the fields I plan to buy in near future. I’ll take precautions when I buy it. Thanks again for everyone here.

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Thanks for your generosity.
The following are my lists. My current daily use: 1+3 in daytime, 4+2 during night through sleep. If I do have a lot of time at a certain day, 5 or 7 or 8 depending on feeling.

  1. The Beginning List (must present as the first playlist of the day):
    Subconsciouness limits dissolver
    Energy Blockage Removal
    Torsion Field

  2. The Finishing List (must present as the final playlist of the day):
    Auric and Energy Body Repair

  3. Major list (I started this just three days ago, because of new purchases made on this monday):
    Plasma Light
    Plasma Brain
    Plasma Platelet
    Plasma Mitochondria
    Smart Stemcells
    Plasma Combo 1
    Plasma Teeth +
    Heart Work
    Cat to Mitocondria
    DNA Repair System
    Probability and Luck
    Capital Governance
    Mind Settings Album (all 4 tracks)

  4. Barely rise to the occassion list (My life is a mess, and my mental state needs a revamp, otherwise self-destruct is almost inevitable. I play this list everynight during sleep starting from this week.):
    Unstoppable Will
    Stop Procrastinating
    Opiate and General Addiction Withdrawal
    Overcome any addiction/Dopamind Receptor Repair
    Emotional Release
    Emotional Mastering
    The Unbreakable
    New Perspectives
    Amygdala Healing
    Ego Dissolution

  5. Minor list (I used to listen to some of the tracks in this list randomly over the past two month or so, but I axed this list down them starting from this week):
    Internal Alchemical Crucible
    Brain Antioxidant Complex
    Blood Brain Barrier Repair
    NAD precusor
    Induced MOTS-c production
    Grey Hair
    Posture and Atlas
    hemorrhage & fissure

  6. Gynecomastia list (Have been using for almost three months, I am a skinny guy from the outset, and the results are showing. Stopped from this week, not resuming unless relapse):
    Gynecomastia v2.0

  7. PP list (Used when lack of interest in general mood hit):
    Progesterone v2

  8. Exorcism & Cleanse list (I’m obsessed with darker things, and this is bought in case of emergency need):
    Negative energy and entity remover
    Curese/Spell Removal
    Exorcism Rite 2.0
    The De-Inhabiter
    Negative Entity Bad Spirit Demonic Removal
    Cutting Etheric Cords

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Quick question: Is this the order that you’re playing them in?


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Ego dissolution should be in there, change energy blockage remover to the integraton (2x)

cut torsion field and cosmo-volt

add 2x mstate gold (and not more)

Would prefer it more in the beginning.

Also more in the beginning

Cut it and stick with one or two mindset.

I would choose the unbreakable and capital governance (i don’t have the field but probably it’s also to mindset related?)

If you have the unbreakable this shouldn’t be needed. (and if you feel like you need more than just stick with unstoppable willpower)

Unles you try to recover from a very hard addiction (like opiate, years of daily alcohol etc) the plasma brain of youth should be enough. (mstate gold, new perspective and the normal bio plasma also regenerate things there)

If you have already plasma combo it should cover all aspects of your physical health.

all kind of entity remover isn’t needed if you have this

If you want something more stronger i recommend to look for Bhoot Pret Nivaran Puja and Homa.

Get the new smart etheric cord cutter, use it in the first week daily and then 1-2 once a week.
(same with deep aura cleaner, daily for once a week and then keep it with etheric cord cutter once a week)

Don’t forget to use something for your room.

Feeling good is also a question to have more life-force, consider minor blueprint or ancient arts (loop the whole series instead spamming one thing)

If you want to use more things but you don’t have so much time you could wear 2-3 mandalas and use sapiens card system.

This also might be interesting:

  1. Positive Power Waves
    are a dense compression of positivity and positive energy into the core of your being, this energy is slowly released for your own usage and repair, and remains as a sustained dense structure for a while, it will supplement any energy needs and be useful in sports. But each action is now influenced for a highly positive outcome.