Are we servitors of God?

I know it’s a big bomb to drop like this, but after reading many scriptures and finding all arrows point to this idea; I’m troubled.

All holy scriptures talk about service to “the All”, and it makes sense when you put it nicely, and it’s even lovely. However, not having any other fulfilling alternative is the part that spoils the whole thing. I rather create and serve because I want to do it, not because some higher force is telling me to.
While appreciating the “guidance”, it feels a lot like “domination” when the alternative is karma and continuous reincarnation until we submit to “the program”. After reading Bhagavad Gita -which is marvelous- and other popular scriptures, I now understand much better what the Matrix movie is based on.

What does it mean to be a servitor of creation? What would be the “responsibilities” of a servitor? How much freedom do we really have?
How could one blame the rebels if all they seek is just self freedom?

Now, all that being said, if we’re extensions of God’s mind, I can’t blame it for seeking harmony within its own mind. Yet, I still question what would be the parameters of such a vision.

Of course, I’d love to hear @Charlie.0’s perspective on this, but I hesitate that he may prefer not to comment because once I read him saying he didn’t want to oppose/attack anyone’s beliefs.

FYI, all DMs are welcome.


then maybe you should read the whole thing he wrote where he said that, you might find the answer to your questions. Or at least some of them.

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the whole thing of what? the message I am referring to, did not have answers to my questions.

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I suppose you can see it like that in a way.
The problem really is in understanding and seeing the bigger picture,
It is quite easy to get lost in the world, everyday life, finding food, shelter.
In quiet moments, people reflect, ahh there must be something bigger than this.
Then return to everyday living.

There is a saying we are like little pieces of light from a greater shard of light.
A small fire begotten from the large one.
Then in a logical thought process, we are no different from the larger fire and can burn just the same.

The real folly is taking this as truth without ‘realizing’ it.
(a realization is the innate understanding of the subject, in completion without speculation.)

Then the ego takes over, it says
I am the great so and so now, I am just like god,
I have simply been sleeping now I have awakened my grand power.
(the ego is personality imposing on the world to support its ‘identity’ which is, no doubt artificially created and sustained through day to day interactions, you say things that support the reality and the ideas you associate with, and tell these things to other people. (I think this, that is the way it should be, i believe that, etc etc))
Just as you question, am I really doing it for me? or because god wants it.

You see these posts everywhere throughout the new age communities and here even.
Attention makes people feel appreciated, and some like the control it gives them over others.
Most simply live in a pretend grandiose world, which comes crashing down harshly in time.
(there are cycles to human interactions and reactions even, whenever you see people expressing too much love and gratitude on the channel, you will see a reddit post to promote the opposite, its a cult! its Jinns!, these things happen because the redditor poster wants those things for himself (love, appreciation) and hates that anyone else has it, its all ego play and the expression of it. this is the bigger picture)
reverse entropy and entropy in play)

The two constants in the universe are entropy and moments of reverse entropy.
destruction and creation.
If we draw a comparison to the world as is now.
and use technology terms, we can say the universe is a giant processor and we are simply information gathering tools.
It learns and then perhaps as the universe implodes to start again, new variables would be added from the previous learning.
an update so to speak.

Being that everything is made from the universe, all matter has an innate inbuilt connection to the universe ‘consciousness’
All forms of matter have consciousness, it may not be all ‘self aware’ as humans are.
But its there.


Thanks @Charlie.0 . I really appreciate you taking the time to reply.

This describes my day and how I ended up creating this thread.

My trouble didn’t arise only from the realization of a grander truth, but also by some of its attributes. The systems in place to ensure its stability and integrity, - similar to humans having homeostasis-, reminds me of a saying that I now prefer to refrain from sharing.

However, your choice of words has helped me gain a different perspective; a universe with homeostasis rather than a “rigid and mean being”. Thanks again.


I would say that the most types of human behaviour esp. in a group resembles that of normal animals. Dont tell them that because they become offended very quickly.

i alone after observing the crysis in our society, saw a de-volution of the populus with more primitive traits taking over. (as a reaction to the stress and change of circumstances (COVID and everything)). And the people around me frose. They absolutely dont question anything anymore and everybody is for himself/herself. They are all cold and affraid, but hide it and compensate it.

I am all for accepting the so called “divine spark” in any human being. Before COVID i felt it in lets say 10 Percent of the people i meet daily. Now i dont feel it in 1%. And the people accept this state of being. Accept being animals.

I have therefore almost no connection to my society. and am grieving. but also am patient. i have no other normal choice.

I feel they are suffering too… but the channel that conected me to them is poisoned now and through it i recieve bad things…

Sorry for the tone! All of it is true!..Take care!

Not to mention the fear of death…the complete humankind has imbeded fear of dying and so also fear of living and fear of the living force they think they ll loose.


only observe what happens arroung me. i dont feel drained anymore, they cannot do anything to me. i only say what i see because i believe information should be shared. am not complaining. i cut etheric cords all the time.

Dear @Charlie.0 i want to warmly thank you for the new energetic exercise you gave us with your input in this topic. It is one truth, one i have known and practised in the past, but the life circumstances and my decisions up to know had me disconnected from this truth. ! Warm thank you for the reminder!

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I like these kinds of questions. I don’t have any answers, which typical of someone who asks such questions. For instance, I like the simulation hypothesis. It can explain some things, but it’s just another bit of flypaper.

The real utility of such questions, I believe, is to show the limits of the narrative voice to provide a story that encompasses the totality of universe/reality/all hat. This has something to do with the limits of our minds, but it might be true of most minds, including “artificial” minds. Godel’s Incompleteness Theorems illustrate this problems as do irrational numbers–or any “map” of anything. The mind can not capture itself or the world through representation. We sense this, and we realize that we are part of something greater. But what? Trying to answer such a question starts the game all over again. And yet we play it.


Angels are literally servitors of God. We are more like God playing DnD with himself on a massive scale.


Thank you for your reply, you helped not only Quad, but all who read this thread.
Your view is truly on another scale, Captain!
Regarding those people who are jealous of you or of anyone who achieves something, there’s this saying " Be careful who you let on your ship, because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can’t be the captain." - well, some of those haters are not even on your ship, they can’t stand you, but, as you see the bigger picture, I guess it doesn’t bother you, I guess that’s their current level/understanding (?).

Well, you are Wise, but let me remind you something (you already know), “the night is darkest just before the dawn”, so I guess the Dawn hasn’t come yet to the majority of mankind.

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Is this you professor Nemo?

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If any of us were to have a NDE, we would only see what we wanted to see.

It’s just a hologram inside out.

Some see Jesus, some see loved ones. Some see infinity.

It’s all one of the same G consciousness.

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There are differences in the NDE experiences people have, but that doesn’t make it a case where people “only see what [they want] to see”, at least not in any conventional meaning of ‘want’; some see hellscapes and others see things that are unexpected.

Not quibbling with the idea that there are subjective aspects to the experience, but there does seem to be a transpersonal structure that sets the shape of those experiences.


My point was in reference those NDE videos above with a grain of salt.

Every Tom Dick and Harry thinks he has the answer or seen it all.

It’s become a cliche at this point be it thumbnail clickbait or just recycled new age leitmotif.

I agree with you that many of these NDE mistake video have people confusing the most profound experience of their lives with an exact blueprint of ultimate reality. But I cut them a lot of slack for the same reason. Most (of what I’ve seen) are people with little knowledge of metaphysics but bursting with enthusiasm to tell their experience . If they are stuck in a New Age vocabulary/gestalt, that’s because it’s the ambient spiritual cultural they came of age in.

I’d be happy if more people posted videos. I really want to see videos out of China, especially from people who had/have a materialist/atheist cultural lens. How much does the experience account for that and how much does it challenge it? Let a hundred flowers blossom.


Well, people are on the case.

Spot on.

I just get unsettled when I see videos recommend like these or posted by others, because it comes across as a drop in the bucket but later big picture propaganda.
The algorithim then peddles these only for a now new subscriber just to later foist their worldview on others.
Then be stuck in their ways and to say that is that.

Like the people who post videos saying Heaven is now real because they saw Jesus.

It even goes for those alive and see their prophet in a dream.

Then out of unchecked superstition now you have people sinking into lower acts such as repentance and kowtow.

This goes for any cliche afterlife school of thought that has been perpetuated or continues to be purported.

Be it done deliberately or unconsciously.

This then further engenders nonsensical groupthink around these idealogies.
Which inevitably gels people in together only to solidify as ingrained dogma.

– “I knew it must have been true, here is proof!”.

Worst of all are the types that now turn this into a career, create a Youtube channel, publish a book series, give it a documentary and continue to ill-gotten gains profit on behalf of your truly-goofy consumers.

But like they say not my monkey not my circus.

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