As Above, So Below

Yeah, but without sadness there is not really need for happiness, right?
Like imagine some non-existent duality, You dont need one side, because the other side does not exist, so You neither feel lack of something or abudance of something.
Thats kinda abstract but You know what I mean

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Been to one of them, jumped around, got back, time was almost frozen back here, I lived like 100 years in about 2-3 hours. I could go into this mental space, do sooo much there, and be back to see not even a minute was passed here, things got scary because I was basically stuck. Time was tremendously slow in 3d too although I was able to make conversations with friends. Just a warning for anyone interested in psychedelics. It ain’t all sunshine and rainbows although I was somewhat an experienced user at the time.

Anyways, that was nearly 4 years ago, now what came to my mind is that the machine elves are so colorful, how come our reality is mostly dark, only bright and colorful half of the day by a close star. Does this mean anything?


Maybe our reality is more ‘‘grim’’ because we life in a ‘‘denser’’ reality?
I am under impression that higher realms are enhabited by beings less and less dense, and more and more mental/spiritual. They are mich brighter and all because their ‘‘thoughts’’ instantly create their reality.
Our reality have bigger lag, to follow our thoughts, because its ‘‘heavier’’ ‘‘denser’’ and ‘‘darker’’
In my opinion its like comparing a rock with a plant


Wonderful talk from Hugh Jackman, he almost summarised most of the spiritual things that we discussed on the forum and the course :slight_smile:

May not be posting in appropriate thread, mods pls move accordingly.

A definite watch, worth the time …


How were the machine elves? Remember your interactions with them? Anything else you can tell us from being there? I love these kinds of stories lol.

Higher realms have a much higher spectrum of light/color. One of the most commonly reported things in DMT experiences is how bright and colorful everything is. A level of vividness that makes that reality feel more real than this one to some in those states of mind. I think it’s cause of what @Forumuser said about density. Light and all sorts of things lag here. Also our minds aren’t attuned to seeing most things around us anyways… We can’t even see UV light.


I like this! Didn’t know he was into all this stuff. Really cool.

He does the same thing I tend to do rather often. When I take hot showers, I sometimes put the water on all the way cold to train my mind to not react uncomftorably to it. The way cold water makes me feel… being ‘bad’ is just an idea… Just like anything ‘negative’ that happens that I’d consider ‘bad’ is just an idea. So if its just an idea, then technically I can choose to feel however I want about it. And feeling at peace when the water is hot or cold is a way to start feeling at peace when negative or positive things happen in my life.

It’s a nice way to train the mind to think non dually. I try to do this as often as I can when I encounter ‘undesirable’ things throughout life in general.


The real questions are:
how Can we make our realty more real?
And: is the thing described as “hell” Just an extremely dense and heavy realm? With lag so big that It feels like an eternity before anything changes. It feels like torture and impossible to escape because of how sluggish It is


By dissolving more of the egoic patterns that limit our experience of reality… and awakening our awareness to the possibilities of everything. Reality is infinite possibility. To awaken to that and be in that mindset is to experience reality more fully and vividly… rather than just experienced from a limited perspective (ego).

Energy & emotional sensitivity would also make reality more vivid and stimulating. But I don’t know what your definition of what more real is so I’m just throwing a few thoughts of there.

That could be ‘hell.’ Hell is subjective though cause it means different things to people… From my perspective though, hell is a state of mind. Something sort of like you mentioned.


Hi I know Im asking many questions but can You share some light on how to dissolve Ego like it keeps reattaching to the bigger thing.
My journey started with search for ancestral wisdom, spirituality etc, then I realized Im not just actual me as a Mleirbag but Im kinda all my Ancestors and possible children, their children etc so my Ego attached to to my bloddline/genetics.
The Rabbit Hole led me to the Vedas, so I started practicing meditation, lucid dreaming, mantras etc. I realized Im more of a spirit, one that never dies. And then my Ego attached to that.
Then I realized everything is spirit, everything is conscious so I thought, Im not just my spirit, Im spirit of Everything, and my Ego attached to that.
No matter what I think about to convince myself(and my Ego) that this Ego is not so important because there is a ‘‘bigger thing’’ my Ego almost immediately attaches itself to this bigger thing its like my Ego is evolivng with me it keeps adapting.
And the worst part is I cant convince myself that Ego is actually bad thing, I mean If everything happens for a reason then every Ego and every Evil that happened had their reasons too, right? there were also meant to be.
And the final logical trap is: If I want to be better by overcoming my Ego, thats an Egoistical thing to do too, right? its the Ego who wants to be always ‘‘bigger’’ or ‘‘better’’
I always could explain a lot of spiritual things to myself using my logical mind but the Ego seems to be resistant even to that.
Its like when I overcome one Ego another, bigger one seems to be born. Its like fighting an immortal monster. It uses the very same reasoning I use to overcome previous one to form the next one.
It has lead me to the point where I dont even know who I am
Thanks Friend


A good ego is good. A bad ego is bad.

Also fun stuff too: As below, so above:

Eat healthy food guys. Don’t drink too much.


You should get satori-fied, you would understand the answers to these questions from within.
There is something below the ego identifications that is more pure.

(I promise I’m not going to be the person telling this to everyone but your post is just so spot on :sweat_smile:)


You know, that means that all our family members and friends are within us. And not just our loved ones, but deities as well. And various archetypes. All the diversity of the universe is within us. Kinda helps to remind yourself of this when you find yourself missing a lost loved one.

To quote one of my favourite childhood movies, “He lives in you” :slightly_smiling_face:


Awesome. I’ve always felt good vibes from Hugh Jackman in all his interviews. Separate from the fact that I love Wolverine haha

But yeah, dude seems quite detached and peaceful.


Awesome, like the lines "remember who you are’ …


Same with “The Great Kings of the Past” haha


What does satori-fied mean?


Well, I’m not sure how accurate my experience and perspective to describe them because honestly I didn’t even know about what they were or believe in higher entities at the time. I suppose it’s one of the biggest reasons that it turned into a bad trip for me. My earlier experiences was mostly consisted of higher perspectives in this realm, like seeing sound in colors, or auras of trees, small synchronicities etc. BUT having been to one of them before ever knowing about them what makes me believe in their existence. One could assume “oh he heard/saw it somewhere, and experienced a similar hallucination”, nope, I accidentally ended up there, and then discovered that it was a thing.

A friend of mine had us do an access bars practice prior to taking LSD + smoking mj, so perhaps that’s a reason that I got into a realm that is totally distinct from where we are. In the beginning, It was mostly moving constructs of geometrical shapes / lights, then I could get into a giant galaxy-like dust/energy construct when I jumped into one simple box, there I could
teleport into certain lives and live them, like earthly lives, and I assume it was my imagination although it felt quite real, maybe more real than what we experience here. it was really fun in the beginning but then I missed home, my family, my dog, etc. Although I was able to come back at an instant, time was extremely slow here, and I could close my eyes and go to the other realm live like 3 months, come back and see that it’s been only a minute here. I knew it was going to pass once the drug ceases its affects, but that wasn’t like a regular LSD trip of 8 hours feeling like a several days. It was taking decades, and I was not able to communicate this to my friends, who were also in slow motion with incredible interconnectedness / synchronicity, which is really heavy stuff for a mind that is not familiar with that level of perception. And I’m talking about a mind that had already experienced a fair amount of time dilation, synesthesia, extreme visual “hallucinations”, synchronicities, etc. This was 1000x beyond a regular LSD trip experience.

Here’s an interesting comment on “hallucinations”; how likely is it for several people to hallucinate the same thing? standing in the same place, taken same drugs, yeah makes sense, but a total change of vision from a sunny summer to snowy winter, saying “wooow” at the same time, and thinking “are we seeing the same thing?” and asking “wait what do you see?”, just to find out she describes exactly what I a saw… That was the day I started believing there was something beyond what we experience here, and “hallucinations” weren’t just what I thought they were.

Anyways, long story short, it’s best to take things slow. Adjusting between experiences takes a special kind of effort.

My intention for sharing this story is mostly to warn people, otherwise anything I say -even if I write a novel-, is only as good as a fantasy story to enjoy. Any other objective is futile. It’s ineffable.


Great questions man. I’ve asked these same questions on occasion along the journey… There are so many pathways to the dissolution of ego that there really isn’t one answer to your question. But I’ll offer some of my perspective on it.

Your ego identifying with other things as soon you detach from one aspect that you believed yourself to be, is a natural part of the process. Don’t remember his name but a guru said something along the lines of ’ Enlightenment is measured by a thousand ego deaths.’ I don’t think he meant 1 thousand literally but you don’t just dissolve your ego once and it is gone and you are free. For one, you don’t get rid of your ego. You detach from it. In a way, every ego death is like pulling away and breaking free from one of the thousand chains that keep you tethered to your ego’s reality.

But see, there’s another thing. You seem to be looking for things to identify with. When you realize you aren’t your ego, you believe you are all your ancestors…. That you are your spirit…. That you are the spirit of everything….that you are something. Well, what if I told you… you are nothing. There is nothing to identify with. You aren’t one thing or the other. You are nothing at all. And in being nothing, you are also everything because nothing contains everything that is. Nothing is infinity. It is non-duality. And it is through knowing nothingness, that you will know enlightenment.

Beyond this, what you seem to be experiencing is also… spiritual ego. Believing you are something more. The thought that you are something bigger. Don’t fall into that trap as many do. It happens naturally so you’re not really at fault here. There is no right way to overcome this but I guess the way me and dream did is by realizing how insignificant we really are. We aren’t that important in the scale of infinity. And so…. we don’t develop a god complex.

When I have the time to write more, I’ll expand on this. Fun topic! :blush:


The fact that Dream and You also undergone this is somehow making me hopefull. You mean like changing “I am something” mindset to " I am nothing" or “I am not” There was an occult society I was part some time ago, and they teached “Void meditation” but that Group was kinda racist so I left after some time, and discredited its teachings as irrelevant

