Ascendant Healing and Development - Psychic University

Disclaimer - This field is created by a third-party vendor and not by Sapien Medicine. Third-party fields are not vetted directly by Captain.

"The Ascendant is almost impossible to sum up. It’s many things at once: a symbol of how one acts in the world, the ‘mask’ or ‘image’ of the personality that others see, and a spontaneous energy and attitude toward life that pervades the entire being. Although in some people it’s quite obvious, the Ascendant can also be ‘the most elusive and hard-to-know factor in a birth chart’.

The Ascendant always indicates something essential about the person that is at once deeply inner and also outer. It’s virtually impossible for a person to act in the world or express himself or herself without bringing the Ascendant into play. In many ways, it’s the gate through which we most directly confront the outer world. It symbolizes our individual approach to life itself. It represents the way one actively merges with life in the outer world when one’s energy is flowing spontaneously.

The Ascendant reveals the way we feel ourselves to be uniquely ourselves. It always denotes something essential about the individual’s personality and approach to life, but it may appear more dominant and authentic when the rest of the chart supports and harmonizes with it.

This field will heal and develop your Ascendant, considering all of its potentials, challenging traits and aspects relative to the rest of your chart.

You can expect a better energy flow in all forms of self-expression and approach to life.

-4:05 min audio-"


This field was not posted :slight_smile:


This is some of the most beautiful music I’ve ever heard in my life.

Beauitful and sad.


Any User Reviews and experiences for these energetic audios. I would be grateful for some authentic reviews

Every time I tried it I feel the effects in my sacral chakra , maybe because my ascendant aspects , it’s good to express your feelings to release them faster. I was just listening normally and the pain stays but now I felt better . before I feel I am nothing without the outside validation now I feel I am a child (inner child ) with healthy sense of self , I finally focused on me. I was loving others moe than myself & love if others like (teachers) like me …

Automated co regulation From sigh energy made PU fields works better for me.

Thanks Everyone :pray:t2:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube

also this audio made me realize not all momy issues connected to the moon.

:purple_heart: :purple_heart:

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today i used it again and wow the block i have in my lower back is gone , i felt its like a conflicted nerves , i understand now it came from crazy woman in my work place which in that corrupt place called " boss "
if these files didn’t work for you then you need more clearing to make them work.