Ascension tag

listen to mindfulness would be wise when having conversation with anyone


Okay, so it’s been a good minute since the last time I’d posted. Still been a pretty smooth and pleasant ride. I had even ditched the Vibration series for now, because I’ve been too overwhelmed with things that need to be done before this lockdown is over. So I am just letting the tag do it’s thing. I have been wearing the Lion tag(since it was a gift from someone :slightly_smiling_face:) and the Subconscious limits removal tag, along with the Ascension tag 24/7. I must say the combination is a great one. A really good overall feel. I love it. I also have been doing a pretty good job keeping my ego in check, and spot things before things get out of hand. Even when I feel anger pulling at me tough, I maintain my composure still, while still getting my point across calmly. Welps, that’s it for me. See ya guys at the meditation this weekend. :grinning:


Does the hunger ever go away? Some days I have to eat a loooot just to be satiated. I just hope I don’t get obese eating 2000+ calories worth of nuts some days :hushed:. At least I don’t eat processed food anymore


I had the same when I used the crown chakra one for a while.

The day of playing it was nice, good mood, connected with everything.

Next day tho,

Head pressure, couldnt even “taste” the food but was devouring it like a pig lol.


This pretty much sums the energy course and ascension tag at least for me, lol


It doesn’t last. :smiley:

Here’s a post by @anon26869922 and response by @_OM you might find of interest:


yes last year i had the same i don’t get the real taste of food, when im hungry i eat for eating lol, but sometimes i dont feel hungry at all could last a day or even more, seems i was sensitive to sunlight in get brown in few hours and it would last for months, feeling warm even during winter. energy absorption was intense, sometimes feels tired for doing nothing and sometimes i would sleep less 5 hours and feels ok. but i was in higher vibrational state it was demanding so much commitment i couldn’t follow.

i was following 5 main videos + the IPF tag for 24/7

Raise your Vibrational State
The Higher Being Experience
The Interconnection Of Everything (Self Realization Series Pt 1.)
Timelessness (Self Realization Series Pt 3.)
Mindfulness (Self Realization Series Pt.4)


That’s good, that’s how you put on muscle, like what you’ve been trying to do. Without food(no matter what kind of audios you use or what workouts you do), there’s no muscle gained.


I had a similar experience… One could go about the whole day without eating, even forgetting about it.
I narrowed it down to the audios as well, but couldn’t figure which were the responsible…Only that, in my experience it seemed that the below helped tremendously:

  • Sun Gazer
  • Photosynthesis

I was also listening to the Realization Series Part 1-4 and Old/New Energy/Ancient Arts album…

Hmm :thinking:

This might actually be a breakthrough… Will make some tests later on, thanks! :bowing_man:


Finally I have my hands on it! Looking forward to this one! :sunglasses:


Looking forward to reading your review


First impressions:
I thought it was going to hit me almost straight away, but it was not as “aggressive” as I expected.
I took off my other tags, I’m only wearing BPIL with it.
I slept with the tag next to me and I’ve been wearing it all day. I don’t feel overwhelmed/ungrounded, perhaps because I’ve had plasma flower playing non-stop.
I do feel super tired though - it’s only 5 pm but I could go to sleep right away. I slept okay overnight, maybe 6-7 hours but not deeply, woke up several times.
I am planning to go for a 1.5 hr walk in the evening as I’ve been inside by the computer all day, I do hope it will energise me a bit.

Another thing I noticed is some pain/sensation in the lower was similar when I looped the first chakra audio first. I keep feeling like I need to crack my back (which I can do on my own easily), and sometimes it cracks anyway with smaller movements.


How long did it take for you to receive the tag?

I think this round was fast, 10 days maybe, but I was abroad when it arrived.
My first order, with the SLR tag, took I think about 3 weeks.

Its hard to anticipate, because it depends on the order on which they make the tags. If there are a lot of orders before yours in the queue, it will take a while to print, then the delivery.
I live in a non-EU western European country if that matters.


Just quite excited to receive my first order :star_struck::raised_hands:t2:


What are you getting?

:incoming_envelope: :eyes::eyes:


Does anyone have experience with wearing ascension + chakra tags together?
Is this advisable?
I’ve been doing this for a week or two (daytime only) and it was quite taxing in the beginning. I’m starting to feel good with them, though it’s still a bit of a relief to take one off.

I think Ascension is my favourite tag so far. People have been writing this about some of the newer fields, but I think Ascension tag also enhances (the effect of) other fields - or maybe i’m just more sensitive.
For example I was listening to the vibration series today again after a little break while wearing the tag and it felt so amazing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


What does it do for you?

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thats the combo samuel used in his beginnings. I contemplated about this combo as well.