As the late Mr. GreenTea was apt to say, (paraphrased) “Whether you ‘feel’ something or not, doesn’t mean it’s working or not.”
Of course it’s working.
I don’t “feel” DW’s original energy collection piece anymore and can wear it all day, but as soon as I give to someone else to try, they are feeling buzzed within 10 mins and have a headache after 15 mins.
I’m just acclimatized to the energies after all the work I’ve done over the years.
That’s nearly impossible to say at this point as Ascension has been around 10+ years. Vibes just came out a few months ago.
And ultimately I think if Vibes was on a field item that was worn all day, instead of a 20+ min audio, it would be “faster” than Ascension.
It’s working in a completely different way and is more “natural/organic” in it’s growth process.