July 5, 2021, 3:38am
Too much of anything can create imbalances and issues.
Often ‘looping’ or ‘spamming’ fields is done to pursue faster progress or to experience more ‘feeling’ in some way but this can actually slow one down tremendously.
Many of us have emphasised this in different ways across many posts.
Here are a few gathered together.
From Captain_Nemo:
feeling the fields doesn’t mean it is effective or not, or shouldn’t be used as a gauge of working.
What you sense is the difference between your own energetic system and what is being introduced.
So chances are you feel less over time. (as with mental acceptance or even just growing accustomed to how it feels, same way, you don’t sense your own energy trails or signatures that you leave behind and also grow accustomed to the presence of a new person in your life.)
Over boosting will evoke a natural response to protect yourself, like sticking your hand into a fire, you will immediately pull it out, without thinking too much, “should I pull it out, wait, who is grilling”
The course is meant to help develop your system and then also give you an ability to heal and a few other things.
Being a fairly unique individual being, you will still have your unique responses and interactions with fields etc.
It still depends on you to measure that.
I guess its like kids newly learning senses.
ahh I feel this, ‘sensing’ or ‘feeling’ doesn’t mean its working.
the best things are the ones your hardly feel, because it doesn’t clash as much with your energetic system.
(what you sense is the difference, between you and what is presented)
From Sammy:
I’ve tried expressing that ‘more is not better’ as much as possible throughout our work because it’s something I cannot stress enough. Too much of anything is bad for you so the same will apply with energy. If you keep pouring water in a cup, it will overflow and spill. If you keep bombarding your energy system with more and more energy, it will overflow and cause imbalances. 2-3 field boosts is more than enough to be quite honest.
And I get it. For one, you may feel the energy more in the begi…
From @_OM :
As the late Mr. GreenTea was apt to say, (paraphrased) “Whether you ‘feel’ something or not, doesn’t mean it’s working or not.”
Of course it’s working.
I don’t “feel” DW’s original energy collection piece anymore and can wear it all day, but as soon as I give to someone else to try, they are feeling buzzed within 10 mins and have a headache after 15 mins.
I’m just acclimatized to the energies after all the work I’ve done over the years.
Just to reinterate this cause I know not everyone reads every thread
or thinks we are joking or being overly protective.
Dreamy has leveled up big time… so yeah… newer fields are NOT to be spammed like old ones.
Will you die if you spam them?
Will there be serious detox and/or pain and/or a need to take a break therefore setting you back like pulling a muscle when working out?
So now you have @DR_MANHATTAN saying the same things…
Trust us… 2-3x is MORE than enough with the newer fields.
(and the post quoted above, of course)
Hopefully, by now, there have been enough “over boosting” and “I spammed this overnight” horror stories to see and understand that the fields are already overpowered and one should err on the side of CAUTION.