Big results - 2 years of using (Brain Stack)

what u mean by part 1 and part 2 so if that’s stupid question but am new am just trying to learn


It’s the order, part 2 after part 1 :wink:

it’s not not one long(er) list, but divided up by function, but you’re supposed to play them one after the other.


By the way I wanted to say something, might be redundant, it’s about the new fields.

Some people are under the impression that conceptual realization is “just” a mind field with a little brain stimulation.

Anyone who paid attention will know that even the conceptual realization field is a STRONG brain field with mind aspects. When I put it, I feel just as much stimulation as Brain growth. When I put it I can feel the pressure… it’s like “yeah baby, that’s it” it kicks in as soon as you listen.

The old cognitive enhancement and TDCS are barely felt compared to the new one and they offered lots of results already.

Superhuman genius is still amazingly strong, people are afraid to abuse it. The new brain fields should be treated just the same.

I chased the brain pump, always wanting more. With the new fields I stop myself, I’m not exploring too much. I stay in my comfort zone. It’s not the same game.

You need to be aware of that. You make daily gains with the new one. If you’ve been measuring your progress you now how “instantaneous” they are


understood thank u for clearing it up. am new to this so is it okay to listen to lots of fields also i cant find some fields that u mentioned could u possible give the full name to them.

Sorry for the questions and the hassle


Some of them are not on YouTube but for sale on Teesprings or gumroad. You can find the link in the top corner of the site.


Just to reinterate this cause I know not everyone reads every thread
or thinks we are joking or being overly protective.

Dreamy has leveled up big time… so yeah… newer fields are NOT to be spammed like old ones.

Will you die if you spam them?
Will there be serious detox and/or pain and/or a need to take a break therefore setting you back like pulling a muscle when working out?

So now you have @Dr_Manhattan saying the same things…
Trust us… 2-3x is MORE than enough with the newer fields.


Even I say it and I like cliff-diving


it’s because some of those are paid fields
Which ones did you not find?

The free version of Alchemical blend is just find all the ones which have “Mstate” in the title and add those
Hydrogen is a paid field, I’m not sure about the alternative
Brain growth is paid, conceptual realization is paid

Synesthesia, visual processing you can find on youtube,
it’s not listed but Animal Telepathy is another field which is free and you can add - but i don’t think you’ll need it for now if you’re looking for a study stack :smiley: Just use visual processing.
I like Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity which is also good if you don’t buy the paid ones (yet :D).


ill check the website now


is it worth paying for a free one are they faster if u do?

Not paying for a free one, paying for the upgraded version. That’s shorter, stronger and give you more opportunities if you’re experienced.

That’s just the M-state blend the others are another thing altogether.
Conceptual realization, brain growth etc… they are so much better and complex than the free alternative.

Just listening to the free one will give you good results, no need to feel cheated if you can’t buy the more advanced one. Might even “beat” a lot of people using premium one from time to time.

But if you know what you’re doing and want the best results right now. You get what you pay for.

Any car is better than walking, but that cheap car that offered you freedom can’t compete with that last super car. The free audios are like that cheap car (free in that case because uncle Dream gave it to you) your life gets so much better, you go to the movies with your friend, kiss your gf/bf, leave the home for a tour of the city when you’re stressed. BEST THING EVER. But two years later you see that Bentley on the high way and you want one. No one needs to explain why the Bentley is better, you can feel the “wow”, accelerations push your head back. You need to be more careful.


I guess you’re pretty young, so… you can always start with the free ones and buy some paid ones later.

It’s better if you can start listening today and keep consistent with what you have vs put things off considering getting paid audios. Your results will convince you to get them anyway probably :D


i get u i have seen lots of comments and am ready to pull the trigger on this thing

u think this is fine for long and short term school cause i need a field that will get me to how i was before lockdown now i cant focus for longer then 1 hour before lockdown i could revise for hours on end but now no matter how much i try i cant get it into my head is their any fields that will help with my problem.


Unstoppable willpower and the Ojas audio both free on YouTube are what you’re looking for. That should be enough.

If you feel tired you can use hyper state sleep.
Should you become a patreon member for the low low price of 4 dollar, you’ll get gamma brainwave and plasma into mitochondrial cells.


will do the patreon tmo thanks for the advice. is there a lucid dream one?

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If you don’t get brain growth work (teesprings), superhuman genius and ADD ADHD will give you your focus back


can u link theres plz

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Add that to the one you already posted above :+1:t2:

Thanks you muchly appreciated



Absolutely, yes.

The newer fields are very powerful.

Apart from the issues one can encounter with ‘spamming’ the newer fields, the effects are enough with only a few listens or less.

I’ve personally noticed effects and benefits from the newer fields equivalent to weeks or months of listening to older fields, from only 1 or 2 listens for a few days.