Ascension tag

Day 6 Update:

This tag is so extremely underrated.
This is because when we raise our vibration, it reduces or completely removes negative thoughts, emotionsand negativity.
And without any negativity in you, you can almost only manifest positive stuff in your life!

Having a high vibration is the best safety net you can get for yourself to avoid negative manifestations!

Basically the only thing that one needs for this is this combo:

Ascension tag + Vibration of Transcendce

By this, a lot of other fields, that combat negativity do become obsolete.
And this in turn will save you a lot of time in your listening stack, giving you more time to focus on other fields :hugs:

Disclaimer: please be aware that before getting to this point you might need to go through the whole “Point of No Return” stack and further energy body and trauma cleaning, before this will work with full power.

Also please be aware, that raising one’s vibration, especially in the beginning can be an unpleasant experience, since a lot of the old and stuck negative energy will need to be released and burned off in this process.

If you cannot afford the tag and VoT, here are the free fields to raise vibration and mostly manifest positive stuff in your life:

  • Ego Dissolution
  • Subconscious Limits Removal
  • Raise your Vibrational State
  • Attract More Love Into Your Life (Patreon)
  • Gratitude and Abundance (feat. Energetic Alchemy)
  • Love, Gratitude and Appreciation
  • Abundance Mindset
  • Coincidence and Synchronicity
  • Probability Alteration & Luck

Further helpful free supplements/additions:

  • Atmospheric Vibration Riser Ver2.0
  • Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
  • Nullify negative astrological and planetary effects
  • The Guided Path
  • Blessings for the Hearth and Home
  • Wheel of Fortune
  • The Emperor (1.0)

But if you can get Ascension tag + Vibration of Transcendce, then the only other audio fields I would use additionally are Subconscious Limits Removal, Attract More Love Into Your Life, Gratitude and Abundance, Love Gratitude and Appreciation, Coincidence and Synchronicity, Probability Alteration & Luck

Sad to see that this thread only gets new posts once per month on average.
Hopefully, others will get inspired to share their experiences with tag too.


:muscle: :heart:


Ascension Tag – Day 11 Update:

  • Experiencing slight detox systems (light cough which went away after 2 days).

  • People are more drawn to me. This effect becomes extremely apparant when I put the tag on in the morning and someone people out of the blue start to reach out to me or reply back to messages. I tested the effect also during other day times to exclude the “morning effect”.

  • Met new spiritual people / highly developed souls which I can learn a lot from.

  • Motivated to extend my social circle to more high vibrational people and cut off everyone with a victim mentality out of my life.

  • Feeling more inner appreciation back for the people at my workplace who value what I do.


Ascension Tag – Day 14 Update:

In the Morning:


In the Afternoon:


In the Evening:



I’m planning to buy this tag someday :heart_eyes: wish me luck


Do it rather sooner than later :wink:

Incarnation is not forever :wink:


Today I am having a look at the “hidden in plain sight” secret meaning of the Ascension tag picture.

As everyone knows from the description, this tag will constantly force a vibrational raise onto the wearer.

But what does this actually mean, “raising vibration”?

There are thousand aspects and human interpretations about what this means, however one aspect of it is certainly being energetically uplifted and become more aligned with one’s Higher Self.

In the picture we can see a humanoid figure reaching its arms up to a form of light or energy ball. The energy ball itself hangs from above like a droplet on a type of cord with a vortex like shape:

In this case, the energy ball does not just represent “reaching up to the light” but it is also above the figure’s head, just like the not-so-well-known 8th chakra is. The 8th chakra is also known as the Soul Star because it is a type of connection to one’s Higher Self and the whole Universe.

Source: The Soul Star - The 8th Chakra - Starchaser-Healing Arts

For example, listening to Vibration of Transcendce can be felt as a pulling upwards to the 8th chakra and/or a direct connection to it.

The more one connects to this chakra, the more unity one feels with the whole universe.

If one wants to discern information on it is truthfulness, I recommend to always connect to the 8th chakra and try to feel from there whether the information is valid or not. Via the 8th chakra the Higher Self will tell you whether the information is uplifting (= good, true) or not (= fake, misguided). True, positive and wise information will almost always create and uplifting effect on the 8th chakra.

Lower astral beings, negative aliens, fake gurus etc. can easily manipulate the 4th chakra (heart chakra), but they almost never can manipulate you on the 8th chakra, because to be able to work on this chakra, they would need to be of a higher vibration themselves. That is why this chakra is way more important than the heart chakra (on which most “light workers” rely upon and are thus misguided).

Furthermore, when one’s vibration is high enough, one is no longer pulled down by earth’s emotional energy gravity and is free to leave the incarnational game. Robert Monroe described this as “Escape Velocity” in his astral travel books and lectures.

It is no coincidence that in the Ascension tag picture the connection going upwards from the 8th chakra is of a vortex shape, representing a soul reaching its escape velocity:

Skeptics would say it is all selective perception and a case of “seeing what I want to see”, however the deeper into the spiritual and occult stuff one goes, the more all those hidden patterns appear and make sense. Everything is connected through meaning, symbols, consciousness links, shapes etc. – we as humans just don’t see those patterns in most cases. But when e.g. people almost die and have a Near Death Experience, many of them report that in their life review everything made sense and that there were no random events but that everything always fell 100% according to everyone’s manifestations.

(Recommended reading material: and )

So what is the Ascension tag and ascension in general for?
It is an early escape ticket from the matrix game.
It is spiritual growth on steroids.
The matrix game was designed for spiritual growth and ascension is a way to play a hardcore game on a more challenging mode.

I also want to add that, unlike what is promised in some Lightworker BS alien propaganda, Ascension from this version of the earth matrix game is “for the soul only”. No physical matter incl. the physical body can be taken with you in this iteration of the game.
But do not mind for souveniers, as all collected physical experiences are saved forever in the subconscious mind’s database, plus everything is uploaded to the Higher Self constantly. So, no information and experience is ever lost. And these uploads to the Higher Self are “the gifts that one brings home” when reuniting with the Higher Self.

Bonus coincidence for gamers:

The Ascension tag also looks like the Quake logo and wearing the tag will literally make your energy system “quake” and shake off negativity and old stuff :grin:


Wow man thats dope nice imgs :boom: :eyes: :hushed: :heart:


Can I respectfully disagree with some of what you wrote?

The Ascension field was originally based on the Dale Power “Higher Vibes” field.
Actually, I was one of the original people who requested and consulted with that (along with around 5-6 other people)
Having been one of the longest owners of it, I have a pretty good idea of what was put into it and how it works. Especially after, repeated asking Dale about how he was going to construct it. (Believe I mentioned all this above or in another “Ascension” thread)

That said, Dale wasn’t “occult” anything…lol.
He has an interesting back story (that won’t be told publicly) but rest assured, he wasn’t part of some mystery school secretly pretending to teach his secrets to the world under the guise of something else.
Actually, he was just a pretty regular guy with an amazing unique talent and not even necessarily ‘spiritually inclined’.

Now onto Dream’s version of Ascension.
Yeah, same thing… I know Dream likes to hide certain stuff (even from me) but pretty sure he just picked a really cool pic that showed the general CONCEPT of what the field does without too much “let’s hide an Easter Egg within it’s creation for others to find later.”

That’s more a recent thing with him. :smirk:

Don’t overthink it.

Now, let’s get to important stuff.
Gonna say focusing on the crown chakra, thinking it’s the master key to “spiritual growth” is a big “short cut” thinking routine.
ie. It’s “higher” therefore must be more important or “better”…

IN FACT, I just asked DW to make a field that most “occult” teachings would say is the actual key to “escaping this matrix”… ie. a certain balance between the several chakras needed to “graduate”.

And right now, for the vast majority of people, the lesson that needs to be learned is based around the heart chakra, or even the solar plexus chakra if they are still struggling around that.

The crown chakra for 99.9999% of people is really only “needed” upon Death (or the Death experience) as the physical body dies and all the chakras get “pulled up” into it for re-evaluation of one’s last incarnation and deciding on the next one.

But as always, the other 7 chakras (using traditional chakra system… will not respond to 9, 12, 30, 100 chakras system arguments unless that person can adequately explain each one and what it does) are there for a reason… ignoring or thinking they aren’t as important as the one’s below it is not wise, in my opinion.


Thank you very much for your feedback. As you probably know, your opinion matters a lot to many folks here, including me, and has been proven to be a very valuable source of key insights.
It is very interesting to learn about the background of how this tag was designed and created.

Doesn’t it always happen this way? We apparantly “randomly” pick something, but afterwards, since time is an illusion, it turns out to be like a perfect coincidence or synchronicity in the Jungian style?
Sometimes the Higher Self let’s us pick something and arranges for such a coincidence to take place later in our own future :joy:

I fully agree on that.
But at the same time 99.9999% of people currently on earth will not make it to this forum and will not study the Ascension tag thread – therefore what I wrote is really only for those who can utility this info somehow :wink:


But it’s just your interpretation of the picture because you were interested in these ideologies anyway to begin with.
So that’s already in your head and you look at the picture and you see that.

The description of the tag crearly says that it raises your vibration by:

“The item will constantly raise and push your vibration to highest level possible while drawing from external energy sources and then imposing it on your body,”

So the “what is higher vibration anyway?” question is rather clearly answered in the context of this tag.

When I look at the image, I think it represents the concept of that - the shining ball of energy inside that “shines through” the cracks of the darker parts and keeps on growing.
Like how extra energy added “floods” and removes blockages and raises vibration 🤷


Yeah, there were several iterations of the field before he started making them on tags with pictures.
Couple bracelets, a rock with a design on it, just jewelry, etc.
Picture based tags is relatively new.


If I may respectfully add my thoughts, one of the things which is often emphasised too little in spiritual growth is the matter of integrating seemingly ‘basic’ things.

It is often true that thinking we are ‘beyond’ certain lessons slows our own growth, whilst the seemingly simple, uncomplicated ‘basics’ for one’s growth are a tremendous shortcut.

It is often a ‘trap’ in spiritual growth to think we are ‘better or different than’ the vast majority of people—whether we have our own special traits or not, there are still profound lessons to be learnt from seeming ‘basics’.

To use an analogy, even advanced practitioners develop the lower dan tien / energy storage centre. To develop only the middle or upper energy storage centres would leave one unbalanced and without foundation.

When we learn through humility, it is said that we learn fastest—a true “shortcut”, whereas attempting to take shortcuts more often than not leads one along a much longer and more circuitous route.

Said another way, even an accomplished ‘master’ must eat, sleep and breathe.

It could even be said that such a being does these seemingly and deceptively ‘basic’ things better than most. :slight_smile:

Apart from that, I agree with what @_OM has said here and think it is quite profound.



Mind to share more detailed infos on Ascension Tag?

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There is a topic of indexed collection of OM’s posts.

You can read through the ascension topics (by using search bar) and also the vibration of creation/divine love / transcendence field topics.
I think if you still have questions after you can ask of course, but sooooooo much had been shared already. :)


I know that one.

Wouldn’t call it “detailed”

Because the details details details… have to be discovered and experienced by youtself.

Since everyone’s path is different.

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Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have any clue what you are doing.

You cant say you cant get ANY clue with all extensive posts about it, come on


I asked for very detailed description so i can work with the field together instead just waiting for it.

And yes i read the post’s.