No problem, now I understand what you meant and we’re pretty much in a similar way of thinking.
There are “villains” in fairy tales, horror movies, etc. People read and watch this kind of stuff because precisely as you said, this material allows to recognize and integrate shadow aspects. And to have some catharsis.
My concern is about the edge-lords and ladies… AS WELL AS those who totally deny the existence of “shadowy stuff”, never facing them, never looking in the mirror to analyze them. Hiding it under “lôôôôôve speeches” which lack true substance.
Because this is something that I witnessed on this forum and other places: they say “I choose lôöøõveeee unconditionally, I’m puuuure”, but whenever there is a conflict or someone having a difficulty… they are the first ones to jump into the conflict, mock, turn their back on a person who tries to explain his/her motives.
Why? Because they haven’t found yet the courage to face their own anger, envious and destructive feelings in order to transform them into something really positive. No, they just keep saying lôøõve like machines.
It doesn’t work that way. We have to acknowledge those things first in ourselves before being able to detect what the edgy person tries to really communicate (which happens to be, at the end of the day, not so evil that we had thought).
The system, guru, institution, etc. who come and say “shut up and lôöõve, only my oneness of vision will save you” also forget about this and makes things even worse.
So people who suffocate under this BS are sometimes exceeded and decide to experiment other stuff; not because they are evil, but because sick of this pressure.
That being said, truly and totally dark forces exist too, as reminded in the posts above. That’s another story and yes, like _OM said, not something that wannabes would like to encounter for real… thinking that it just looks like an idiotic horror movie.