Astrology Chat

where do i find this information my friend

Your own natal chart. You can read it your own if you understand it. I use jyothi star software. I think there is free one where they can just look for the Dasha system online.

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PU recommends
I also find it easy to use and you can make bookmarks and look at charts according to various different traditions.
Also astrocartography maps.


I asked ChatGPT:

“Where exactly are the energies or the template of the natal chart are stored? Is this in the subconscious mind? Or the energy body? Or somewhere else?”

You can see the answer below.
In short:
It has no clue at all :slightly_frowning_face:

So if anyone else can answer this, you are very welcome to do so.

The useless ChatGPT answer:

In astrology, the concept of where the energies or the template of the natal chart are stored can vary depending on different astrological philosophies and interpretations. Here are a few perspectives:

Subconscious Mind:
Some astrologers believe that the energies of the natal chart are imprinted in the subconscious mind. This perspective aligns with psychological astrology, which suggests that the positions and aspects of the planets at the time of birth reflect an individual’s psychological patterns, tendencies, and potentials. These patterns are thought to influence one’s subconscious mind, shaping behaviors, motivations, and experiences.

Energy Body:
Another perspective is that the natal chart’s energies are stored in the energy body, often referred to in terms of chakras, auras, or other subtle energy systems. This view is common in esoteric and spiritual astrology, where the planetary influences are seen as affecting the energetic and vibrational fields surrounding and permeating the physical body. The energy body interacts with the physical, emotional, and mental layers of the individual, integrating astrological influences.

Cosmic or Universal Connection:
Some astrologers and mystics believe that the natal chart’s template is part of a larger cosmic order or universal intelligence. In this view, the positions of the planets and stars at the time of birth are seen as a reflection of a divine or cosmic blueprint. This blueprint is not necessarily stored within the individual but rather exists as part of the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. The individual is thought to be in resonance with these cosmic patterns.

Collective Unconscious:
Inspired by Carl Jung’s theories, some astrological interpretations suggest that the natal chart energies are linked to the collective unconscious. This concept refers to shared archetypal patterns and symbols that influence all humans. The natal chart can be seen as a unique manifestation of these universal archetypes, influencing the individual through shared, deep-seated collective experiences.

In summary, where the energies or template of the natal chart are believed to be stored can vary widely. It can be seen as residing in the subconscious mind, the energy body, or as part of a greater cosmic or universal scheme. Each perspective provides a different lens through which to understand the influence of astrological factors on an individual.

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I asked ChatGPT:

“What are considered the most challenging astrological constellations and why?”


In astrology, challenging aspects and placements are often referred to as “hard aspects” or “malefic influences.” These configurations can create tension, obstacles, and difficulties, but they also offer opportunities for growth and transformation. Here are some of the most challenging astrological constellations and why they are considered difficult:

Square (90 degrees) and Opposition (180 degrees) Aspects:

This aspect indicates tension, conflict, and challenges between the planets involved. It requires the individual to take action and resolve the conflicting energies. For example, a square between Mars and Saturn can create frustration and obstacles in pursuing one’s goals.

This aspect represents a polarity and a need for balance between the opposing energies. It can lead to struggles in integrating these energies, often experienced through relationships or external circumstances. For instance, an opposition between the Sun and Moon can indicate internal conflicts between one’s ego and emotions.

Saturn Aspects and Placements:

Saturn is known as the “taskmaster” of the zodiac and often brings delays, restrictions, and lessons through hard work and discipline. Challenging aspects to Saturn, such as squares or oppositions, can indicate areas of life where the individual faces significant obstacles and responsibilities. A prominent or poorly aspected Saturn in the natal chart can signify struggles with authority, limitations, and self-doubt.

Pluto Aspects and Placements:

Pluto represents transformation, power, and the underworld. Difficult aspects involving Pluto can bring intense experiences, power struggles, and deep psychological challenges. For example, a Pluto square to the Sun can indicate a struggle for personal power and identity, often through transformative crises.

Mars-Saturn Aspects:

Mars represents action, drive, and aggression, while Saturn represents restriction and discipline. When these two planets are in a challenging aspect, such as a square or opposition, it can create frustration, blocked energy, and a feeling of being hindered in one’s actions. This combination often requires the individual to learn patience and perseverance.

T-Square Configuration:

A T-square occurs when two planets are in opposition and both are square to a third planet. This creates a high level of tension and conflict, requiring significant effort to resolve. The planet at the apex (the one being squared by the other two) is the focal point of the challenges and must be integrated for resolution.

Grand Cross Configuration:

A Grand Cross involves four planets, each in square and opposition to the others, forming a cross shape in the chart. This configuration indicates multiple areas of life experiencing tension simultaneously, often pulling the individual in different directions. It requires balancing and harmonizing opposing energies, which can be very challenging but ultimately rewarding.

Challenging Aspects to the Moon’s Nodes:

The Moon’s Nodes represent karmic paths and life lessons. Hard aspects to the Nodes (such as squares) can indicate significant karmic challenges and important growth opportunities. For instance, a square between Mars and the Nodes might suggest struggles with assertiveness and courage in following one’s destined path.

These challenging constellations are considered difficult because they often bring intense experiences, internal conflicts, and external obstacles. However, they also provide opportunities for significant personal growth, resilience, and transformation when navigated with awareness and effort.


Astrology rules!

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Yesterday night, I did an in depth analysis of all my astrological aspects in my natal chart.
While looping Conceptual Conglomerate und using ChatGPT.
I also included the astrocartographic lines that I am living on.
I think I learned a lot and a lot of it was really helpful for my personal self reflection.

There are a lot of squares and oppositions in my natal chart :dizzy_face:

Including and leading to…
…Three so called “T Squares”.
…And one massive so called “Grand Cross”. :skull:

I wonder how I am still alive and not torn into pieces by the various forces lol.

My whole life is like a chaos star…


Morphic fields :sparkles:

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The squares and oppositions can be intense, especially when you have powerful malefics transiting. Most of my chart is made up of squares, but my saving grace is most likely my saturn sextile moon, tropically speaking. If Saturn was in bad aspect to my moon placement, given the other placements, I might be dead. Thank you morphic fields!

I lived near my pluto line for a while. Only recommended if you’re ready to blow up your life and burn the whole thing down.

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This is the Grand Cross I am dealing with:


On top of what I have mentioned above, I am also directly living on my Pluto IC line and have been living here for a long time.


My whole life is an ongoing hardcore process of transformation, death and rebirth.
But that’s okay, that’s what fast growth / speedrunning the game is all about I guess lol.


The growth is directly proportional to the challenge.

Absolutely, I am using all the possible fields from Sapien Med and PU that I can in order to counterbalance my natal chart and even turn it into a template of supporting me on all levels.

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That makes sense. If you’ve been there a while you’ll definitely have a feel for the cycles, and if you can make use of them and not let it burn you, wow! Tough work.

Where is your Pluto in your natal chart? Mine is in the 1st, which can already be enough. Lots of personal change over the years. Now that I know better, I would live on my Pluto line in small doses, if needed. But also, probably never again! That was enough, I got the feel for it. I’m good.

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Pluto in Opposition to North Node :laughing:

Pluto in 3rd House.

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So…pluto conjunct the south node. You might be uncovering some deep work you did in past lives for soul growth. You’re probably feeling it if you’re in the speedrun mentality, picking up where you left off, so-to-speak. Ironically, maybe you need to let go of that mentality to move forward. Not that you asked, but the southnode tends to be what we have already “mastered” but have a hard time letting go of. You are intense in this matter and maybe it keeps you locked into this mentality that prevents you from totally moving forward. Do you mind sharing what signs the nodes are in?

3rd house is very communications oriented, but also knowledge in a more mundane sense vs the spiritual knowledge of the 9th house. You’re definitely moving in towards the 9th house, but I think in order to really move in that direction you have to let go of some of the 3rd house mentality. The spirit is beyond definition, we can’t necessarily grasp it, behold it maybe, but it’s in direct opposition to what you would consider “practical.” We can know, but we never really know, ya know? Not in the flesh, at least. To make statements or think we can define an indefinable, or make plans for realities we can only vaguely guess at, is to believe the mundane and the spiritual aren’t always in direct opposition to each other, and beyond that…I don’t think it’s able to be conceptualized.

If you haven’t guessed, my north node is in the 3rd house, sn in 9th. Lol we probably don’t agree.

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North Node in Taurus (almost Aries) in 8th House
South Node in Virgo in 3rd House

One of the keys to a new life without re-incarnating, is getting a new natal chart.

☉ ☌ ☊

Today, I created my very first Midpoints chart.
Very helpful stuff that helps to reveal things that previously where “mysterious”.

Here you can create your own:





Hi there @Zafrais!

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