Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance (Energetically Programmed Audio)

Mach weiter und sei lustig :woman_mage:


The video is missing and can’t be watched. Does anyone have another website that I can link to

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Since I discovered Sapien Medicine many years ago (but didn’t use fields :skull:)…is it possible there was an earlier version (or another wealth field that disappeared) that came with a warning (instills a sense of urgency to take action)?

Or am I tripping?

This field is instead suggested to be listened to once or twice every day. Other one had a different approach. Felt the urgency (or some energy to support it) within seconds. Or placebo-ed myself within seconds.

I remember I didn’t listen for more than a few seconds cause I was scared.


Anyway I just wonder if the concepts from that other field are still somewhere in some other field. Or there is no need to cause everything new is better :thinking:

The push to action in a wealth field is in Woven Worlds Millions. However, that’s obviously a newer field. I’m not aware of an older field with such a capability