Attraction on Soul Restoration (CORE)?


Haha wow… this is one of my very favorite fields due to feeling drained, I didn’t even know about this side effect.

Now that’s one heck of a bonus… :smile:


Does listening to SR help give u more energy for the other fields to work?
Bc if u have more energy, more potential for results from other fields as well?


It prevents you from leaking your energies, so indirectly yes


Will repairing your aura and energetic body stop energy leaking? I have had many surgeries which is trauma to the skin and I’ve been lead to believe they are points for energy leaks


As far as I know aura act more like a storage of informations. Your aura interact with auras of other people, animals, plants etc… (and yeah, even DW fields)
The more holes your aura has the more you can pick unwanted information from the outside and then get influenced by others stored informations.
Also infos about traumatic events etc get stored here.

So its important to repair it (to be less vulnerable to outside influences/unwanted informations)
New Release: Aura and Energy Body Repair

And clear/clean it from time to time
Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning

Yes its possible that surgeries damaged energy system and interrupt the free flow of qi


It’s like becoming new, read below


What can I do to repair the energetic system damage?

Will it make fields less effective or not even work if surgery has damaged my energetic system

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Read the message before this.

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Its the same audio posted in previouse message, aura AND energy body repair

Oh sorry guys, my bad! Great I have auric body repair ! Thanks for your help


No problem

Great :handshake:


lmao this thread :rofl:

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Can anyone say that they feel like they are becoming more physical appealing each day they use this? Like nothing physically about me changed but when I look in the mirror it seems as if I’m more…magnetic.

As far as attraction goes, I did get some older woman just eyeing me down at a restaurant while I was eating. While the attention was nice, it was creepy at the same time lol.


By improving energy, you may consequently be perceived as more attractive, but be careful it is not enough to restore it, you need a different mindset, otherwise the initial good impressions will vanish.

can relate, it’s creepy


So what else should be used to restore it?

You can also use Knight/Warrior but in my opinion the motivation should be other, that is to transform yourself into that and not use it to impress people or seduce them. That is, he becomes that person then the rest can arrive as a by-product, but I repeat don’t use this field only for that purpose, because it’s like driving a Ferrari to go to the supermarket, I don’t know if I’ve made myself clear…


Main reason I bought soul core was to restore myself. I also use charisma and glamour from time to time. However that is mainly for work purposes.


I’ll put a little update here. I use this audio only twice while sleeping. As soon as I wake up I also use alchemical jing charged blood twice.

I have to say…with these 2 audios…my attraction level has gone up a lot. It’s so strange I tell you. There have been some women at work who I haven’t seen in months and they see me again, all of a sudden they can’t keep their eyes off of me.

In fact…about a month ago I had a dream that I was hitting it off with one of them and the next day when we saw each other again work, the vibe was DEFINITELY different in a good way. It was so obvious that another coworker of mine was like “what the hell do you do to get attention like this?” And I told him “nothing. I just mind my own business.”