Attraction on Soul Restoration (CORE)?

Exactly, well said!. Your mind’s perception creates your reality.


That’s what I was thinking. Wasn’t sure if I was picking up the wrong info.


You’re suffering from a victim mindset but as long as you’re aware of this you can move out of it. Point of no return is a good starting point.


so in terms of attraction wich would be better: The Entwining Worlds of Beauty and Joy or Soul Restoration(core)?

…is more directly associated with the broad topic of “attraction” (whatever that means to you).

Attraction is a secondary result from Soul (Core) because when you repair your energy system so that you’re no longer “leaking” light, you’re able to shine more attractive light into your world.

I personally would give preference to Soul (Core) because I would want my energy for all parts of my life (beyond mere attraction). But Entwining Worlds is more directly associated with “attraction.”


Wellbeing gave an amazing reply.

I would only add perhaps taking a look at the Golden elixir audio, very little is know atleast experienced by many but can lead to new levels of development and transformation.


so do you say to combine this with soul restoration(core)?
i read too that is a good idea to combine soul restoration(core) with jing, so…gold elixir will transmute the jing’s energy?

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Can I ask you a question or receive some recommendation?..
What happens is that I am interested in soul restoration (core) because intuitively I know that it works on the first 3 chakras, which are very important in terms of attraction and well-being… but I have also had some problems with my heart chakra , I tend to reject people a lot when I go out on the street, I see that I feel a lot of resentment when they don’t pay attention to me, and I feel powerless not being able to approach a girl I like, I have a hard time trusting, obviously because of past issues ( toxic, unconscious relationships).
and obviously I would like to feel attractive with greater security, self-esteem, confidence and be able to approach the women I like, etc. but I would also like to have/create genuine, authentic relationships… full of love, passion, etc…you know:)

So which would you recommend of these two soul restoration (heart center) or soul restoration (core)?

anyone that would like to give advice, opinion or observation, it is very welcome


Then I, personally, would put your goal of “attraction” on the backburner until you heal this part of you.

Because what you’re saying so far is, although I have a desire for other people (I’m guessing why that’s why you’re wanting “attraction”–as I said, that’s a broad and vague term)-- although I have a desire for other people in my life, I have seen that I have a wounded part of me (and that’s all right; we all do) that’s in need of healing and that my wounded part of me is stronger than my desire for other people in my life.

If I tapped you with a magic wand so that you are now brimming with “attraction,” none of that would do you any good because that wounded part of you is still running the show.

So, if I were in your situation, I would make healing that wounded part of me (because, by your own description, you’re not yet ready for “attraction” and you wouldn’t enjoy any relationship you are now able to attract) a more immediate priority than your goal for “attraction.”

With the caveat that my next answer is going to be focused towards the healing that I just mentioned (and not on your goal for “attraction”) I would use Soul (Core) plus a combination of healing fields (depending on the issues you have that you need to heal). When I’ve made some headway there, then I would add in Soul (Heart).


I fully agree with WellBeing.
For you to “shine”, you first need energy.
Thus, I would also recommend going with Soul Core Restoration first.

Soul Core Restoration will prevent Jing leakages and also extend the amount of Jing your Lower Dan Tien can store.

No it doesn’t. Chakras are different things. I recommend you study all the threads have the terms “Dan Tien” or “Dantiens” in them. Also all the 3 Soul Restoration threads, as well as the all the Jing, Chi, Shen, Ojas and Chakras threads.


This audio definitely increases women attraction, I have noticed myself.


Try looping it over a few nights in the beginning :wink:


Nice man :+1:t5:! How many times did you loop in a day and for how many days have you been at it bro :blush:?

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I played 11th power booster by QI then would loop this for around 3 hours when I would listen to this.


good strategy for this field… there is no downside to lots of looping :sparkles:


I think if you combine this field with Minor Blueprint of Power it could be an extremely powerful combination!


So you’re saying IPF cleanses your perception of reality or makes it so that you can experience REAL reality

I’m going to have to start listening to this more:)

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One night I’m due to loop this for 8+ hours while I sleep….


So what would happen were I to loop this overnight for the foreseeable future. Would my dantien expand ad infinitum, or would it reach a limit? If I was to then loop jing would I become so horny I’d literally be a slavering wolf ready to pounce on the first suspect I saw?
How would this affect my attraction level, would my dan tien storage be so huge I’d be viewed as a God?
All jokes aside I’d be interested in finding out

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