Audio Challenges

30 effing times!?! :grimacing: Man a 30x Ascension tag even if stable shoulda put you in instant kundalini for hours!! I need Captain or Sammy to verify some of your work to believe it! (no offense of course) just a little to “experimental” for my limited understanding/experience. I’ve just done my third listen to Body Primer for example and have a slight headache.I know everybody is different…but still

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How? Did The Captain verify this?

how can you handle all that? I listened to willpower from dreamseeds for two hours two days ago and I am still overwhelmed and have no good night sleep.

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I wouldn’t advice you to boost any field. As Sam mentioned on the Eternity redux dog tag queries thread once a field has been boosted that then becomes its natural state. You will never be able to reverse it to it’s original state like it was the day you received it.


Have you done any energy expansion “training” with the cards?

I will stop listening to all audios for a long time and start again. Only BPIL is useful to me now and the tag tells me to leave all the audios behind. I will try to train my energy system that’s why I am asking for the best paths to do that.

the cards I have in mind are

  1. Aura purification
    2.Chakra stimulation
    3.Energy expansion

Any Idea how to move unto a better and healthier energy field?

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Alchemy series once a day. Old or the new one. Or just microcosmic orbit.

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I know it’s been a post from a while ago, but how was your experience with this?

How well does for example a servitor train on the energy pattern of a field? And then, does just store it and expend it when you ask him to apply the field to you or others? Or it replicates the energy of the field like he has the trace in a sort of database, and then he absorbs energy from something and repattern that energy with the fields energetic signiture?

Take your time to answer back if ever. Not a rush

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IME, some fields work better than others. I do not use the servitor method pre-dominantly. I use it when there is an urgent need or when healing/energy needs to be sent to a loved one.

This depends on a bunch of things:

  • Capability of the servitor
  • The complexity of the field and if the servitor can engorge one with the energy of the field
  • How well one has connected with the servitor and can train it - constant practice is key

I prefer to directly connect with the fields, and with awareness, most of the time. I have a lot of servitors but nothing seems to come close to my Crystal Skull in terms of abilities though. This one has faithfully transmitted (my instruction is to transmit the energy of the field and engorge me with the energy of the field) every field I’ve tried with the exception of one private, unreleased field because the deity associated with the field did not allow that and wanted me to work with Her directly.


Thank you very much, it makes sense to me, what you have said.
Maybe with constant practice there could be an increase of potency and efficiency of such a work.

I am in the process of creating quite some Dark and Light servitors to attempt an automatization process of some works over my own slef.
Plus some person dear to me need a protection from a certain kind of situation and people and I prefer to use a servitor “coded” by Dreamweaver maybe projecting shields and Justice for All, which tools know where the red line is, rather than using myself and go in full “Leroy Jenkins Mode” and risk of doing some energetical bullshit that can compromise my, my Karmic balancesheet and other people’s too.

13th Skull is so sexy, I’m sure I’ll spazzz some money in acquiring him or her during my lifetime!

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