Audio for invoking hindu deities

In Hinduism it is said that several deity like hanuman kali and even parshuram who is an Avatar of Vishnu are still here.It would be great if captain could make audio to directly call them without going thru rituals.


As far as I know this summons only nature deities right but these deities of Hinduism specifically parshuram abt whom nobody talks about how will I contact him specifically?


First I’ll briefly mention my own experience and then post you a confirmation written on the forum a few days ago.

I think I already wrote it on the forum a few times: the first being that I’ve ever seen with this intercession was Kartikeya. I have a particular affection for Hinduism, especially after having written a master’s thesis related to it years ago lol. At that time, I literally had to live with Hindu concepts 24/7. I still have posters and portraits at home.

Why do I emphasize that? Because first, I thought that my intercession experiences were conditioned and distorted by this personal interest (I have a portrait of Kartikeya too on my door).

But no, it was not that simple. As I went on with the intercession, other aspects symbolized by this god kept popping up. Most of the time, deities are just “personifications” of other issues, including those related to nature (of course!).

Now, the way you’ll contact them will only depend on you… or should I say also the way they contact you. Sometimes it’s not obvious and one realizes it only some time later.

And here’s the post I was taking about:


Also, just to add that: there was actually another deity (his brother Ganesha) that I wanted to contact specifically. But it didn’t happen. Only his brother came, no matter my initial intention.

Why? My simplified interpretation is that he information that I needed had to be given by Kartikeya, instead of Ganesha.


Wow. The sons of Shiva huh?

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how will I contact him specifically?

Just ask lol.
Or to put in another way, just set an intention to do that.

Yes, them. The wise bros :) I can’t help being delighted about the legends related to them. Like Ganesha Chaturthi and its connection with the Moon (:rage:). I love the way they choose to symbolize the ego, etc.

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Unfortunately I’ve always viewed Kartikeya as inferior to Ganesha due that story of Shiva asking them to race across the world. Kartikeya is portrayed as arrogant due to the fact that he has a peacock to ride and makes fun of Ganesha for riding a mouse. So yeah instead of deciding to race with Kartikeya, Ganesha just decides to circumambulate his parents, signifying that to him, they are his world.

But yeah, I should probably not judge these devas based on stories about them that might not be true. Best to find out straight from them :slight_smile:

Haha yeah that one. I was like, “Really bro, you’re gonna curse the moon just because he laughed at your tummy breaking open because you were too fat? :rofl: :rofl:”

I suppose then that all these devas have their own flaws, but that’s what gives them a unique and fun personality.


This is an episode probably explaining my affection for Kartikeya. Reminds me of another famous hunter… linked to a constellation ;)

Isn’t it just lovely? :))

And your last paragraph that I couldn’t quote… I confess: this is precisely this aspect of Hinduism which made me being more respectful towards religions (because I wasn’t, once upon a time…).


Haha Orion! That reminds me, would Greek gods count as Devas as well? Because apparently @Maoshan_Wanderer has communicated with Athena. But for some reason Thor (a norse God) doesn’t count as a Deva even though he is literally associated with lightning and thunder.

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Ah yes, you guys have briefly discussed about that in the Book thread, right? Actually I would fail to give an explanation in logical terms (_OM would help maybe).

Maybe partly this: when you look at resources, either shitty ones like wikipedia or more elaborated ones, the terms Deva/Devi are presented in the framework of monism/whole. So no duality, no distinction, no symbols, no association (despite our limited human tendencies doing it - just like what I did in the previous posts of this thread lol -). The big no no collection, in sum.

Whereas in other pantheons, these distinctions are more legitimate, if I may say so.

But at the end of the day… who knows 100% lol

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That’s definitely an interesting explanation. Although even the Greeks had similar monistic beliefs:

"The first principle in Neoplatonism is the One (Greek: to Hen ). Being proceeds from the One. The One cannot itself be a being. If it were a being, it would have a particular nature, and so could not be universally productive. Because it is beyond being ( epekeina tes ousias , a phrase from Plato’s Republic 509b), it is also beyond thought, because thinking requires the determinations which belong to being: the division between subject and object, and the distinction of one thing from another. For this reason, even the name The One is not a positive name, but rather the most non-multiple name possible, a name derived from our own inadequate conception of the simplicity of the first principle. The One causes all things by conferring unity, in the form of individuality, on them, and in Neoplatonism existence, unity, and form tend to become equivalent. The One causes things to exist by donating unity, and the particular manner in which a thing is one is its form (a dog and a house are individual in different manners, for example). Because the One makes things exist by giving them the individuality which makes them what they are as distinct and separate beings, the Neoplatonists thought of it also as the source of the good of everything. So the other name for the One is the Good. Despite appearances, the first principle is not double; all things have a double relation to it, as coming from them (One) and then being oriented back towards them to receive their perfection or completion (Good).

The particular characteristic of Proclus’s system is his elaboration of a level of individual ones, called henads, between the One which is before being and intelligible divinity. The henads exist “superabundantly”, also beyond being, but they stand at the head of chains of causation ( seirai ) and in some manner give to these chains their particular character. He identifies them with the Greek gods, so one henad might be Apollo and be the cause of all things apollonian, while another might be Helios and be the cause of all sunny things. Each henad participates in every other henad, according to its character. What appears to be multiplicity is not multiplicity at all, because any henad may rightly be considered the center of the polycentric system."

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Never ending questions bro, indeed. Or let’s say never ending human interpretations. But I can’t totally blame this tendency that we have, because otherwise, we would turn nuts lol.

We seek meanings. Some interesting posts about that in A Theology Discussion thread on the forum, as you know.

For example, here we have people saying 24/7: “solitude and celibacy is only for God (Allah)”.

Then, another guy pops up and says (quite legitimately): “Oh really, dude? What about the couples in my pantheon then?”

You see what I mean by this example… I think we just have to chill and hang out in our individual experience, no? Like you said too. Otherwise, brain fries on the route lol

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Like you said I suppose at a certain point, disagreement becomes pointless and the only way to progress is to develop one’s own experience.

I guess we could just ask one of the devas about the Gods of other pantheons and what they think of them lol. Thor is currently playing hard to get with me so it’ll take a while to spill the beans :joy:

In the meantime, this song comes to mind :slight_smile::


I like the way you’re making transitions :)) I’m listening now.

He’s full of complexity and “tangles” indeed :))

I confess: now, even when I read a trustworthy content (like those coming from the Captain), I go and confirm with Devas and Arcturians systematically.

Even if I don’t always get straightforward answers, I think they give keys to reach them ;)


Oh not a transition at all. What Hercules is saying is exactly what I’m feeling right now in terms of ‘going to the temple of Zeus’ and ‘getting answers’. :sweat_smile:

Best way to avoid indoctrination and cultish behaviour. Much respect for that :+1:


I should have said “chosen tool” instead of “transition” maybe :)) A nice one to illustrate your situation ;)

That’s what I like the most about El Capitán: he sort of says “ask others who even know better than me”. Whereas some folks who are incapable of 1/100000 of what he does are like: “ask MEEEE” lol

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Btw how do you contact Arcturians? Using the meditations on the dream seeds channel?

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Yes, mostly. Because I’m a little paranoid about my inner/spirit guides. I suspect them to be tricksters sometimes, wearing angelic masks lol

What I mean is that this precept “trust only your inner voice, etc.” is ok, certainly. I agree. But what if my inner voice/guide tells me some bullshit, like “ôôô yes sweet child o’mine, all your destructive tendencies are legitimate because they come from yourself my pumpkin” :jack_o_lantern:

So better double-check with wise ones like Arcturians (doesn’t mean that I worship them either).

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