Audio for invoking hindu deities

nah, Samurai said something about letting you experience the fucked upd things you ever could imagine :D

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Yeah and what is that gonna be? My loved ones getting tortured/raped? I’ve had nightmares like that before. It all gets better when I wake up and I’m not traumatised in the slightest bit lol.

idk, but it will sure be hell, I thought the first time I read it oh man what could happen, just some scary things blablablabla, but that is ignorant, we’ll see if it comes to that

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Just another experience. Eventually, we’re all gonna get enlightened and reunite with the source anyway. What’s one unpleasant experience?

And hey Samurai seems okay. The trauma doesn’t seem to have fucked him up majorly.

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cuz he probably fucked up the thing that wanted to fuck him up

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Eventually he did but he saw them as a kid and got scared didn’t he? I’m an adult now. Should be fine bro.

dunno if as kid, he’s a mystery to me

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Yeah he did talk about him accidentally astral projecting as a kid and being traumatised by it. That’s what he said to try to convince me to master lucid dreaming instead (this was before the lucid dreaming video was taken down)

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you remember having told me that I will feel nostalgic again ? haha
well I never thought I will feel nostalgie again but now I did, I look at the old Playstation 1 and 2 games, Crash Bandicot Team Racings, Dragon Ball Budokai 3 Hercules Tarzan all these games that were so much fun compared to the games these days and man I really feel like a little kid again, Spyro was in it 2 but I dont expect you to know these games
these games were pure magic and are magic even today

I probably even felt nostalgic some days ago but didnt realise it because I replayed one of the games I mentioned, but now I realize it and man do I hope that this magic that was there in the days will be back in the games to come

if you want me to delete this message, tell me


Have you played Dragon Ball Z Kakarot bro?

nah, didnt fuck with it

Best DBZ game I’ve ever played by a long shot. The free roam is enough for me to say that.

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Feel stupid talking to air or say talking with mind which gives me an illusion of philosophy first but then gets corrupt again anyways I am not energy sensitive either also as bronyraur said even when u get s feeling there are good chances u are interacting with some trickster being disguising themselves or maybe interacting with ur own ego thoughtform.

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That’s just great! I’m glad that you shared @anon48416969 :)

As for you @Talldude, don’t listen to me that much because I may be a trickster myself ;)) What I meant is this: when there’s a kind of so-called “higher whatever” telling (either to me or to someone else) things like “yes my child, you are sweet and right, bravo my pumpkin :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, this is the path of enlightenment… but the path of X or Y culture/civilization/group is veeeery bad… so just treat them as inferiors… don’t even listen to them, let them down”…

(this can sound caricatural but it is not)

Then I say “What the …?! Do you expect me to believe in your superiority and your discriminatory speech?? Haha I had a good laugh! :-1:t2:“

You see what I mean…