Audio to help stretch/increase flexibility in new muscles from workout fields?

Hi there!

I’ve been on the road of multiple herniated discs in my lumbar spine, and I’ve essentially been homebound since May. The herniation was originally posterior and then did multiple areas anterior. Not a common case.

When I discovered Dream’s automated workouts a few weeks ago, I started them and I honestly credit him so, SO much to the improvements I’ve had in my body and strength since then. I’ve since purchased most of the paid workout videos (cycling, mbl, biceps, 20e) since my life revolves around trying to get my back out back together right now.

I’ve noticed about a week into the paid ones now, I’m incredibly excited at the muscle growth I’m gaining! However, since I’m currently unable to bend down or do any flexiblity workouts myself right now, I really need some help with gaining flexibility in the new muscles since it all feels very tense right now.

I listen to the myofascial release, muscle massage, cosmo volt, PRP, and just started the automated yoga by maitreya fields

If you have any suggestions that could help, I’d greatly appreciate it! Whether for flexibility or healing disc issues (though mine stems from loose ligaments/hypermobility)

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How about

New Release: The Fascia Shakeup and Wakeup

And or

Automated Cycling : New Release


Thank you! I’ve started the cycling one a few days ago, but I hadn’t seen the fascia one. I’ll try that out!

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