I currently fast daily between 18-20 hours with a few longer fasts chucked in every now and then, I’m doing this for a few different reasons, mentally it makes me feels amazing, my digestion is great, helps how my skin looks etc.
But I would love to know your suggestions on what audios to pair with the fasting in order to get more out of it?
From experience, doing breathwork aka pranayama (conscious breathing) works marvelous next to fasting.
With Intermittent Fasting, I noticed that I easily got used to the idea of only eating after 10 or 12pm.
When breaking my fast (breakfast😁), starting with kefir helped me a lot too, as it improves the gut bacteria/microbiome. Better bacteria gives rest. The wrong bacteria gives us cravings…
There are some audios that help with deeper breathing: Breath of the Belly, Essence of Holy Basil & Honey, Air Revitalizer, …
One of the benefits of fasting is that you give your body time to remove these senescent cells so pairing your fasting with this field would speed up the self healing process I guess.
I do that almost daily as well, maybe more like 15-16 hours, but I’ll remain flexible.
I also noticed the benefits you did.
I do the Wim Hof breathing usually in the morning and the ensuing mental clarity is astounding.
But tbh, everything works better. I asked captain during a webinar and he did agree, once the body isn’t busy with digesting (which could be huge! Think of the last time you ate a huge pizza and how you felt afterwards), everything works better. Imo all fields are amplified in this fasted state.
So there isn’t any fields i use specifically along with fasting, i just use my usual stacks