Aureus Fortuna


On one level it’s very simple. As @Baya shared in his post earlier in this thread about his bicycle accident. Yes he had an accident, but in his own estimation the accident could have been way worse. So he’s lucky, relatively. I had a similar experience recently, I bought a car and road tripped it nearly 1000km home. It had some problems along the way and it wasn’t until I got home I realised how serious they are. It will cost thousands to repair… but tbvh it is a miracle this car made it home, and it’s a miracle that much more damage didn’t occur not limited to needing an entirely new engine. The mechanic can’t believe it. It’s not what I wanted, but relative to what could (and most probably should) have happened, I was very lucky!

Leading to my next point… I am going through my Chiron return right now so there are some things that luck can’t and shouldn’t bypass. Things I need to karmically go through and clear and fully experience the pain of. This is one of them as the process is now showing me. With life and Chiron return especially we need the pain for alchemy if it’s something we haven’t handled properly previously. I don’t think fields can ever truly replace this aspect of reality. So the luck aspect as being relative is also relevant here I feel. I had enough luck to prevent my engine from being grenaded completely, to protect me from the super high levels of pain, but not from the pain I actually needed for genuine growth in this situation.

@SammyG id love to hear your thoughts on this,
What we want vs what we need / growth vs “favourable outcomes” & luck in general


Yes, you hit it right on the money. You can’t escape the work you have to do within yourself. These fields dealing with luck for the most part can make most situations more preferable to you but in some instances when dealing with a blockage, they will make working through that blockage as least harmful as possible. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t run into the issue at hand that you still haven’t worked through.

Best Path in Life for example gets some dislike because people end up in situations they deem negative. But often those situations are just manifestations of the problems they haven’t dealt with, that are being pushed to the forefront in a way for you to overcome it and clear the path ahead for the best path possible.

Life is always going to keep testing your blockages/limitations/weaknesses and being conscious of this makes the path ahead clearer for you.


Well said dude


Yep, this field has been elevated to all time legend status

I have never really been drawn to luck fields, but I knew I had to have this one


Hm maybe with this one, one can win a big money in the lottery.


Could I ask, for those who have worked with Psychic University’s Elixir of Luck, how does it compare to this one based on your experiences. I do have a copy of it and the effects were minimal, such as going home earlier from work than anticipated due to an unexpected hiccup happening in another department, but nothing substantial.


Luck is indeed relative

There was an annoying shift in the evening plans, but If we kept the original plan that would have ended to be a very uncomfortable evening rushing every 15 minutes at the cinema restroom.

A suck out but the best possible one


It can take some surrender to see this, but surrender is always a good thing. In the relative sense :wink:


It may be that it adapts to specific purposes as in Lucky flow, for relationships wealth and so on, so we in turn test the power of a field combined with a specific goal instead of standing alone.


I noticed something every similar. I played this in the house on loop for maybe an hour. Multiple “bad” things started happening, but within a day, we realised that they uncovered much bigger issues that we would not have identified otherwise. Turned out very lucky, but it sometimes takes time to see that.



An annoying situation just got sorted for the best outcome

I’ll go to Rome for the Final Fantasy 7 live orchestra concert on 15th September, and I won’t have to book a bus and an Airbnb, just to share the oil and motorway fees



Do we need to do consul before buying??
What is this??


@candy It’s a Harry Potter reference. No need to consult anyone :slight_smile:


It was an amazing experience…

And the luck did not finished.

It also “casually” happened that my uncle, the driver, has a friend from Rome, they meet on an online card game, and she offered to make us a full tour of places one can visit in Rome in one day.

Soo, the hours before the concert were full of dwelling into Monutment and ancient history.

Loved it


Sei partito dal nord?


Nono, Marche! Due tre orette di auto.

Ma non vado spesso a Roma

Sono un provincialotto nell’anima e le città grandi mi mettono un pelino a disagio :joy:


Today I’ve used the Aureus Fortuna to boost my wealth generation, then I forget about it, gone with my day and made a good wealth generation.

And this is ordinary day in the business, what is cool is that after 12 hours since looping it I’ve decided to take a Too Good to Go surprise box from a local bakery

And for 3.99€ this is the surprise box, it is not the first time I buy from them, but the box was neeever neeeever that nice as this one :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I would say that this result is more wealth generation. I am still not clear on the effects of aureus fortuna. I listen to it almost every day and there are fantastic days and normal or not so good days. I wonder if I stopped listening to it things would go badly? I couldn’t say that my life before aureus fortuna was so different. Although things have been going better lately I could attribute it to other fields or maybe it works in such a subtle way that it led me to this destination maybe not in 1 month but in 3. Has anyone listened to this field daily for more than 3 months?

PS: this is one of the fields that if I spam too much I get tired very quickly which I relate to it being very powerful.