Aureus Fortuna

Yes however these lucky fields should not be played for long they are very powerful; even Probabiity Wave could give rise to adverse effects, so it is necessary to invest a lot of time in fields such as
Reality Architect, however even angry parts of oneself should be eliminated, but it is not easy, it also takes time. Just my impression that came to mind now.


Most definitely

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Intuition and perception, no. Charisma, I’d say yes. I also have the charisma potion now, but before I couple it with that, there was a confidence boost I could feel.


I have had similar experiences as Rosechalice with Aureus Fortuna. Nothing but good vibes and things going my way as I wish for them to. (I do so love the music with this one, too!)

I am grouping my listening of Aureus Fortuna with The Major Elixir of Alchemical Effect first, followed by The Blossom of Abundance (Mind Program Series 3), then Aureus Fortuna as the third.

I wish for those experiencing the negative being pushed up for clearing, speedy recovery and many many blessings to follow.


I have observed same effects of reconciliation with previously released fields of same category (chance related), including Unexpected Gifts. So some backpressure shouldn’t be unexpected I guess, at least for people haven’t extensive stacks with overlapping effects before.


Similarly as Rosechalice and others, I have spammed Aureus Fortuna with no adverse affects, most recently spamming while looking for bereavement airfare for a same-day transatlantic flight. Once I got to the airport, I was asked if I would move to a seat in FC, as an operational upgrade, and I’m not even a member of that airlines loyalty program at all. Operational upgrades are rare, if ever, to happen.


Hmm , I’m Definitely Purchasing this One - I appreciate the evolution of these fields honestly ; it came to my attention recently that some users “pool in with friends or others to get paid fields at a lower price” I’ve also read that dream doesn’t condone this because it’s cheating the creator or something like that a while back — maybe the built in protections get in the way of the field working if the user hasn’t paid full price ( Not Saying This is How you’ve acquired this ) something to consider for anyone who pools in with friends to get the product for a lower price — Would love some Current Clarification on this especially for the newer gen fields @Dreamweaver I know allot of people are still doing this , and probably don’t know better because they are new to all of this .


I’d say if you’re subconscious knows you’re not just sharing with immediate family there’s gonna be some resistance there and it’s not going to work. [for them]


I don’t pool fields with friends - I have invested a lot of time and money in these tools over the years.

I just give honest accounts on my experiences with them.

This one is giving me a hard time right now, but as the old buddhist legend states, what is a a bad thing? They may all turn out to benefit me in the long run - once that happens, I will report likewise.


Why do you think about shielding while this field is about good fortune?

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Been unemployed for 2 months and felt a little bit stressed out. Three weeks ago I decided to give this a try and soon after I got offer from my desired job. Very grateful for this experience.Will keep using!


Congrats bro! How did you choose between this one and the Woven Worlds series and the other manifestation fields like The Potion of Manifestation Or architect of reality? I am frankly lost between all these options.


Congrats man, so this must be the job field I have requested in requests thread.

edit: 2 people got job already with this


It depends on your goal i think. IMO manifestation fileds need some extra works like set intentions or visualization… So I choose this cuz it directly boost my luck and success probability for my urgent situation without extra work i mentioned lol.
But both of them are very great fields so just trust your ituition!


Does this also apply to purchases during sales periods with discounts?

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Why would it be the case?

It’s on Dreamweaver the sale code so it is safe and sound to assume the field works as it is supposed to work.


The sales code is initiated by Captain Nemo.
So if the full price was 100 and there was a 20% discount, that means the full price is temporarily 80.

Consider this a new full price variable during a sales period. So whether you purchased during a sale or when there wasn’t a sale, either way, you paid the full price, hence the field fully works.


The deep lesson that this one has taught me - luck is relative


Can you elaborate please?


can you add more details?

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