2 loops today.
I am gigachad now.
2 loops today.
I am gigachad now.
Have u actaully seen improviment?
my jawline is now so sharp and strong it can cut through krypt… moldavite
Not yet, it’s been a day.
brother you already look like spartan warrior, that is the only plausible side effect i can see from using this field lool.
thanks bro
Yeah man, you never know right, might just become reality
I used it since release and it somehow fixed my slight overbite lol?! Unexpected but nice.
I tought mewing worsens overbite. but i guess like Sapien said this works on the mandible too.
Mate, you already look like Chad without mewing
However, there is always room for improvement with the maxilla and forward facial growth due to mewing
Oh dude you bet I’m gigachad maxxxing out. Using the facial symmetry audio twice a day now too, I’ll add inner beauty reflected outwards.
Might even make a whole thread about it ‘Grimnir’s OnlyFans Thread’ and put the bicep field shenanigans in there too.
what does this even do make people see you for what u are inside?
reflected physically too
I am looking forward to this. Maxxxing out right now too, but not with prio 1
Good luck on the gains bro
makes no sence to me. does it mean they know ur personality? or it makes them think ur more attractive?
It just gets you in touch with your inner beauty and reflects/pulls it outwards. You’ll see physical changes as well.
People see my personality and they’d probably run for the hills.
The Blessing of Saint Biceps + Myostatin + Extreme Muscle Growth and I am not lifting a dime – the muscles grow anyways
Sweet. I wonder how fast I’m going to get my old gains back (and then some) once I get that field in my arsenal.
Buy Conceptual Realizations first – it is #1 field of all in my opinion
I should, yes.
First I’m buying a magi tag though, IF my bank card (and account) arrives in the mail tomorrow. And biceps field, of course.
God damnit, how good do you need to look ?
You want to throw some renovation on top of that