Auto-Mewing (Negentropic)


God damnit, how good do you need to look ?



Well that’s easy…
Better than last time. :sunglasses:


Can I loop this field overnight?

U can, but probably NOT a good idea!


Been using this 2-4 times everyday since it came out and i think im seeing some results. I would expect it to have taken longer but my face looks a bit different. You know how when you see someone for the first time in months they look a little bit different? Thats how ive been feeling when i look in the mirror lately. Subtle things but its noticeable. Face looks more masculine and it seems as if my jaw has become slightly bit more aligned.


Any one use a face field for long term? I always want to change my look but im worry if im listen for long time i will become a different person and my Identity picture (national id) don’t look like me anymore.

just get a new ID man.

shouldn’t hold yourself back because of an ID.

uhh no, first face fields im using but i’m planning to keep these up + facial symmetry + hair ones for at least… a long time

skipped two days though because i’m alzheimers


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Social General

Its not that difficult anymore i think

remember people do plastic surgery as well.


I listen to this field for 30min everyday since it came out. I am naturally keeping my tongue in proper posture even when I am asleep. In fact past 3-4 days I wake up with mewing and initially I thought it must be a coincident but today morning I woke mewing and its just too much to be coincident


this exactly happend with me too i didnt even know i was doing it until i seen my reflection and my mouth was closed which has never happend when i wake up


yes. even though i am not a disciplined sleeper like one more often than not sleep on my stomach with my face buried in pillow.

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Sorry of it’s a n00b question, but when you say you wake up mewing, what do you mean?

I’m trying to understand the tongue posture that mewing means.
When my mouth is closed (which is most of the time when I’m just chilling / working :D), my tongue is pressed up to the top of my mouth… but only the first half of the tongue.
I’ve tried and it’s super weird for me if it’s not there, but I’m confused, is that supposed to be mewing? How is mewing different? You do it with force/more of the tongue?


Hope I can explain, but mewing just means to have the tounge up in your mouth and to press against it, so it doesnt touch your teeth, my tounge is often touching teeth but that aint a problem, what the field does tho is getting you to have this position, where your tounge presses against the top of your mouth without touching your teeth. And with this field my tounge is more touching the top of my mouth, and I only used it 3 times one week ago

While you mew, your lower jaw gets pressed to the front, so your jaw muscles develope because they are “triggered” by your tounge posture, therefore you get a more defined jaw


It’s not only for the jaw, most people nowadays have “drooping faces” due to the position of the tongue. If it’s proper, the jaw would be wide enough to not have issues with wisdom teeth, and teeth will be straight and aligned, mouth closed.

According to mewing, it’s because at some point of our life as children, being fed soft foods and not having whole foods to chew on frequently for building of the correct jaw muscles and proper tongue posture. I think even straw usage (? unsure of my memory) caused this problem. Which unfortunately leads to the need for dental surgery nowadays. Ofc disclaimer, this was what I read years ago (like 5 years ago), so I’m not sure if I recall correctly.

A dentist even told me to use a massage ball to loosen the face muscles before…it’s akin to poor mouth and tongue posture I guess.

Though I really should remember to use this :joy:



can’t wait to see the effects on the maxilla.


I dont know why but I feel like physical appearance is somthink frowned upon within this fourm. :thinking:

I kind of understand why but dont at the same time.
what do u guys think?

What do you mean?

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As in when ever a field for beauty is recommend

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