_Social Room - Hello? How are you? Hope youre good ❤


There is a flat calm, too calm, almost unusual I would say; I think we will soon see the 3rd revolution in the Sapien production. If what we saw immediately after 21/12/2020 impressed many, the next ones will certainly be of another dimension. This time I expect something more sensational about the fields involving money / wealth / abundance, a kind of negentropic effect or blueprint, as never seen before.

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Hey man are you energy sensitive?

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Keep the memes in the discord lol

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I’m so sorry to hear that, hope you get better, I hope to read a happy review from you on the Alzheimer’s thread :muscle:t2:

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With your Alzheimer, I hope you cure it bro


He already forgot about that


huh? what alzheimer? oppenheimer? yeah, i knew that guy



You are on the Sapien forum, it’s ok, calm down


i cannot post in all caps sadly

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We should have a real life avengers. Pipe dreams.

I played this field once yesterday.

I was peacefully lying in bed, meditating on the sounds of this ‘alien intercession’. Drifting in and out of several states of consciousness, several types of brainwaves, having my fun. I went down memory lane a little, remembered I used to play devic intercession to call on devic girls, for my pleasure, because like always, I am bored.

This time around though, I didn’t need to do that. ‘Awakened’ by a knock on my door I jolted up and got off my bed, my cat looking at me with big widened eyes, and I went to the door. I looked through the keyhole but there was nothing. Only an empty void. A bit confused and irritated I went back to my bed.

I got comfortable again and chilled out, maxxed, relaxxed all cool while thinking about old posts that OM and Samurai used to make. All the back and forth about Shen and specific sexual desires. I laughed a little, my cat drank some tea, all was good in the multiverse of Grimnir.

But then I realized.

That should’ve been my first warning. You shouldn’t be looking into an empty void when you gaze through the keyhole. ‘Fuck’ echoed throughout my meridians all the way up into my sahasrara when I jolted upright. BAM it echoed through my head when I suddenly headbutted into a feeling of vibranium. ‘What the fuck?!’ I silently meditated as I saw visions of SammyG floating throughout my head, concussed by the near knock-out experience I just had.

“We’re coming to get you, Grimnir”, belted from the mouth of my cat, Gizmo. Who was sitting on her tail, body in the air, sipping tea with her four arms. That… in hindsight, should’ve been another warning… ‘Oh God oh shit’ I thought when I heard another voice scream out ‘God won’t help you now, Azazel!’ - it was Josh. Deeper into the abyss I sank…

When suddenly, a hand made of pure light stretched out to me and gestured me to grab onto it. I recognized the hand, but I can’t post who it was due to risk of serious lunar energies flowing out my way, psychically attacking me again aggressively.

“Saved, I am” thought the 11th monkey in my mind, Yoda, he calls himself. Little green bugger that’s never up to good, pretending to be a good samaritan. Saved, I am. Or so I thought. That’s when it all unfolded. My bedroom started morphing, and changing, shape-shifting into a honest-to-Odin what one could imagine to be the interior of a Jormunr damned U-F-O! ‘Son of Odin almighty!’ I cried out, when suddenly -


The wheels of the bus go round and round… round and round…

1000th post man. Had to flair things up a bit.

Second part? Maybe. Or maybe I’m worlds #1 asshole and just leave it at that.


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Congrats on your 1000th post! :tada:


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Your charisma its so High that even if i dont sell anything i want to give you a 50% discount man :handshake: :laughing: :revolving_hearts:

Thanks for being here @GianLee @Everyone :pray:


hahaha Thanks brother! :grin: :grin: :grin: @AkiraTheWild It is beautiful to note that a few words from a heart as noble as yours can brighten someone’s day! thank you very much for that brother! Thanks for all the things that I usually read and learn from your valuable contributions !!! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Think I’ll really have to start an OnlyFans now…

I want this. They do paypal, right?