Auto-Mewing (Negentropic)

Next time you have this problem, come and find me. We’ll deal with it together :p

No seriously: as far as I could see until now, physical/aesthetic issues have generally been well received on this forum. Of course there will always be some remarks like “only inner beauty matters”, which is true to a big extent: for instance, I always fell in love with guys being the opposite of “my type” lol. Except one, but that was the most fake relationship of history :)))

You know how it is. That aside, there’s nothing wrong with aesthetic goals when using fields, etc. provided that it doesn’t suppress other qualities. What’s beauty, after all? A subjective whole.

So maybe the reactions that you saw were related to stuff becoming slightly obsessive or too superficial.

More on topic note: the music of this field is just… <3


lol same

I’ve never experienced this in the forum, i also think these are mostly well received and the environment is supportive, we have had some before-after topics with pictures, i think only with supportive comments.


Well said. But i think andro plays apart of this whole beuaty and fields thing whenever somone asked what happend people just start flaming them for no reason and tieing him with the same people that where in the youtube comments.

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I see but well, try not to worry much about those things because otherwise it becomes a spiral. You also know this: whenever you interact, you sign up for a risk-contract.

If it’s a love relationship, you accept the risk to be dumped or fall out love someday. If you get a job or enroll in a training, you accept the risk of being evaluated without any mercy, etc. etc. And even when you don’t interact and lock yourself, you run the risk of being labeled as a sneaky psycho who’s got something to hide.

Same for opinions/reviews + reactions shared about the fields here or elsewhere. It’s all the more complicated because it’s online: you don’t see the faces, there are language barriers for some of us, or Internet is the only place where some others may be allowing themselves to finally express what they got on their chest but in a wilder way (because they keep biting their tongue outside), etc.

Or when a person shows up in a judgmental way here and says stuff like “you should do this or you shouldn’t do that, it’s lame” or whatever, they may be simply expressing a personal fear, reluctance, etc. through you.

But like MonkeyOwl said, we have a generally supportive atmosphere here. People are open enough to take their time to discuss and solve mutually their problems, even at times when things get more rocky. So again, don’t worry much.


:joy::joy: very relatable.

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What are d results

Can u share d facial changes

Why number 1?

Jaw slightly more symmetrical. I have been skipping a lot though, but I make up for it mentally. Uhh… yeah.

I’d post a pic but the lighting here is pretty bad.


Read my and other’s testimonials in the thread about this field. This field will save you several incarnations and a lot of pain.


I think everyone should know that mewing is a habit that you should take for the rest of your life. It’s not just 4-6 month of mewing and then you not mewing again. Then all that effort you earn will fade again. I been mewing for 3 and almost 4 years now. It’s become a habit for me anyway. But this field do indeed strengthen your tongue muscle. Like what I usually do when I do cardio and fix my posture


WHat has been your result in 3-4 years?

Just improvement on my chin. And cheekbones. But it actually making me more chubby looking.


yeah it cause ur maxilla moved forward

Before and after Mewing audio exactly about 3 weeks or so my jaw got a lot more defined, have been supplementing with the microcurrent facial stim and adipose annihilation


we can really see the changes, congrats !


how is it going now?

Spit or swallow 🤷
Lol sorry
I’ll see myself out

It is only during the audio or sort of permanently?


You stole my joke…
was going to let someone else go there…

But seriously, swallow.
All kinds of benefits from the saliva when spiritual work is being done.


I’ve never heard of that!
Can you share some details?