Auto-Mewing (Negentropic)

lol these mental tricks your mind is playing to you :joy:

I wanna know too! Cuz ahh what if your body uses this for releases?



The ‘jade fluid’ will appear as an increase in fluid in your mouth. The warm fluid rising through the Du channel will move into the head until it is ready to begin mixing with the acquired fluids which are naturally produced in your mouth all the time. What will result is a mixing of Qi, body fluids and Jing. This will take the form of a very sweet, watery fluid which fills your mouth at the point of the Du meridian fully opening. The fluid is extremely copious and very sweet-tasting; it is not easy to mistake. It is as if somebody has suddenly filled your mouth with a great deal of sugared water. This is the result of the substances coming together and mixing at the ‘magpie bridge’, the connecting point of the tongue, the Ren and the Du meridians.

This fluid must then be swallowed down to the lower Dan Tien in order to complete the cycle. This has a very particular method to ensure that the essence of the ‘jade fluid’ is extracted ready for absorption. In Nei Dan metaphorical language, the rising of the energy along the Du is often referred to as clouds rising from the Water of the perineum. From here the clouds condense back into rain, the jade fluid, where it falls back to the Water at the base of the body once more. This ‘water cycle’ must be achieved and then becomes something of a constant in the rest of your Nei Dan practice.

But honestly this more related to Neidan practice :sweat_smile:


does this also fix protruding philtrum/mouth?

This might help you understand exactly what changes you can expect from mewing, see if its what youd like

Lip and Philtrum Shape

You might notice some individuals have a protruding lower lip. This is not entirely genetic. An uneven lower lip is pretty standard for people with longer faces. A person who has a longer face will need his lip muscles, particularly the mentalis and orbicularis oris, to work extra hard to be able to close the mouth.

When the mentalis muscle detects that the mouth is not closed for extended periods, it will try to help by pushing the lower lip directly upward. The force exerted by your mentalis muscle gives overlapping upper and lower lips.

People with excellent tongue posture have balanced upper and lower lips. It may even look like their lips are the same size. Having perfectly sized lips is a result of proper facial growth since the muscles that pull on the lips are not straining to keep the mouth closed.

The area between the mouth and nose (the philtrum) will become more curved with mewing. Changes in the philtrum occur with mewing because the maxilla grows to a more forward position, causing the teeth to push on the lip. At the same time, the angle between the philtrum and the nose decreases.


i don’t like this. i have a recessed maxilla but my philtrum is already really curved and protruded

Why dont you try Facial Symmetry alone first?

Maybe the curve on your lips is more noticeable because of the recessed maxilla, thats why i am suggesting that one first, see how the overall face changes and by being more symmetrical youll like the size of your lips more. :blush:

I think if you try this it’ll help, and if you like the results you can do a little of the mewing and see if it helps too.


Very good thread I found on Twitter on why to practice mewing


Can this be used safely if someone has cracked jaw?


what is the difference between these 2 audios?

just the title.


Accidentally fell asleep to this on loop last night. Woke up and noticed I was getting way more deer in the headlight stares from women :joy:


I have TMJ and I mew for 3 years :woman_shrugging:t4: going to be 4 years soon


i guess facial symmetry will also help you tremendously

As the field has been released for more than a few months, I am really curious to see some before and after pics people!


the field works fast, all I can say



I wonder if this raise the hyoid bone? :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d like to know if anyone here personally or anyone you know regret having mewed for a long time. I always felt that mewing makes one look ugly with long elongated faces, seen some very long by average standards and I don’t know what it is so attractive about such faces.

So many YouTubers who promote mewing actually look very horrible in my opinion. It is like Johnny Bravo meeting Peter Griffin (barring the fat on the face).

@anon25711007 curious to know your opinion and experiences.

Thanks @Rosechalice edited my post.


Welcome, @Kalacakra! You might want to query @anon25711007. Above it says she has mewed for almost four years.


Just go upstream on this thread to read Imogen’s posts on mewing.

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