Based on your experience with Sapein

Hey friends,
Just joined the community after trying Sapien for sometime now. There are several fields to choose from and I have been juggling from one to another. Haven’t been consistent on any so can’t say anything about results yet… but I am optimistic. Based on reviews from so many people… I am expecting nothing less than miracles.

So here I come asking for your suggestions on where to begin based on your own individual experiences. I want to see faster results to be able to gain that trust and consistency. I have been trying lot of things and tend to loose hope now.

My specific issues are … well too many … I am depressed and have anxiety. No relationship and no career right now. Might sound like a failure but this is not the case … I have lot of merits too in my life.

So I want to heal my heart to be able to have a happy relationship. I want to have a direction and opportunity for my career to grow. I want to get rid of anxieties and phobias.
Where do I start ? I know I cannot do too many together but I want to see faster results at-least in some area.

PS : Yesterday I brought heart and solar plexus healing from gumroad and have been listening to it for two days now … an hour each day. Can’t say I am noticing anything significant yet.


Hello my friend. One step at a time! Did the same mistake too when I started

this is the “point of no return stack” anyone who is starting now if he/she wants to see results faster “must” listen to this. The article that have this stack as recommended states that is better to get a relief from everything of the past before you start reinventing yourself. I agree with that. One month of this stack is the best way to start.

In addition to this stack
1)Don’t listen to any field more than 3 times, it’s better to not overload.Be easy at yourself you don’t want to fall back and stop midway.
2)Exorcism rite is good to listen for 1 week
3)Subconsious limits removal is better to be added in every stack you make
4)Don’t listen Aura deep cleaning after audios you want to keep because it will clear them out
5)If you overload yourself grounding audio is the best to balance it

Good Luck!


No failures, only growth! Welcome to the family.


Hi Lanos! Welcome to the forum.

First of all let me extend you a big warm hug, i can feel your despair and exhaustion in your words, and a pat on the back because i can also feel that fire-y🔥 soul that does not want to give up.

I second Theofilos suggestion, its the best way to start

Maybe do that for a few days

Then later on every morning

Subconscious Limit Removal x 2
Ego dissolution x 1
PTSD x 2
Crucible x 2
The outlook retrainer x 3
Become whole x 3
Pranic swirls x 2
Jing x 2
Ojas x 2

And at night to sleep

Bushmen medicine x 2
The essence of mantras x 2
The spare of destiny x 2
The essence of faith and prayer x 2
Angel intercession x 2

For like a couple of weeks or 3

That will really get you out of the hole you feel you are in and boost the hope and joy again make you feel optimistic, help you get rid of fears and mental blockages, traumas etc and energized for the day while sleeping good.

Just that. For now.

I know you want to fix everything fast because you are tired of feeling down but one step at a time.

After this or from now if you can buy it then get Magnetic Heart Coherence and that would not only heal everything emotional and mentally you might want and or need but also build a strong bridge from heart to mind and viceversa keeping you completely unbothered and strong, so then you can start focusing on building your career and finances and welcoming love from a partner into your life again.


There are many many more audios but these cAn build a foundation you urgently need. You can explore more later on.


Here is where all the miracles happen, including badass newer versions of yourself!

The suggestions might seem simple, but my thing to have in mind is always work on your own well being.

Yeah you can always listen to something like Attract wealth and receive the most unexpected money

But if your inner being doesn’t appreciate it enough, then the field has a lot to work on before it reaches that “constant cash flow” with you

If you have been resonating with Heart and Solar Plexus then of course go for breathe of belly… this one on its own has done miracles for me

Take an intensive read on the forums to back your mind up with readily knowledge! Lots of that in here

And of course, spice up your playlist with some of the tarot fields for they naturally have a stronger and more instant effect (since their concepts have been around for ages)

Death, The Devil, The Tower, Rune Dagaz, Rune Jera, Temperance and The World, Inner Strength and Chariot, The Emperor, Just a few examples that gives you a world of changes

Explore Dream Seeds for a good interesting time!

And of course, have fun around here! :heartpulse:

Edit for good credits:))


Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your first thread.

Then I’d recommend you prioritize. The fastest way to accomplish nothing is to try and do everything all at once.

Sit down with your issues (some of which you’ve shared here) and pick which you want to address first. That’s for you to decide.

As I just said, this is your decision. For what it’s worth, if I were in your place, this is where I would start because, by addressing this, you will also be improving everything else on your list.

I would start with the PONR stack (customized as suggested in that article). Don’t let the name fool you. It’s what you want.

Listen to that, as directed. Don’t be tempted to hop around and swap things in and out. (Don’t be swapping deck chairs on the Titanic.) Give it a real, honest, good go and demonstrate to yourself how these fields for you.

When you got that taken care of, you can then progress to your next priority and so on.


Thanks for the response @anon96557306
Yes can’t do too much together that I know by now after juggling with many fields … they exhaust you if overdone. And thanks … I will now use grounding if I feel overloaded.
The aura cleansing field scared me first time I used it so I did only half of it. Maybe I will try again.
(I have anxieties I already said … I have to go carefully not in end up in trouble)

Yes :+1:t2::+1:t2:

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Thank you so much :blush:
Looking forward to miracle… then some more

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No problem friend, because the link didn’t go through with letters press the tittle of the video to see the full playlist

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Yes I saw the whole list :blush:… thank you

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Thank you for responding @anon46520955. And thank you for your empathetic message. You could read the despair and rightly so. I am actually at a point of no return. Nothing seems to be working right now… but I have not given up. I still have some hope left and now looking forward to dream weaver if he could help me to work out my life.
I appreciate your suggestions and will try them out.
How many fields is a enough for a day ?Sapien, I read somewhere, mentioned 5 fields and if played 3x each that means 15 audios. Is this the upper limit ?
How do you guys pick then from so many.

But more important question is this … how do you all know which field is working for you and for how long you try it before you decide otherwise ?

@anon46520955 … I also want to mention that I am warmly surprised to see you read so well between my lines. You sure are an empath. :hugs:


Thank you for responding @Desiree :blush:
I appreciate your wisdom … attract money can become permanent only if there is a change inside. Although for now I am desperate to see any result even if one time. I want to build trust in this by seeing results myself… so anything result at all will give me a lot of hope to try other fields consistently.

So I will go by your suggestion of tarot card fields. Earlier I had dismissed them as they appeared unreal things to me. But now that you say they give fastest results … let me try one for my own trust building exercise.
Which one do you suggest… which is the fasted ?


Thanks for responding @WellBeing. Yes I totally agree with you … mental health is where I should start since that affects every other part of my life.
I am surely at point of no return right now and would love to see if my journey with Sapien helps make my life feel really for what it’s worth.

Great! I’m interested to see when and how you will start your journey!

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Thanks bro! This one means a lot to me

It depends on what you are feeling in the moment and where do you wanna see yourself, what do you wanna feel? Experience? Understand? Grasp? And apply?

For me Death is a very fast acting field, the change of thoughts, moods, and patterns is instant… a feeling of standing up and a physical spine straightening comes with The Tower … and a whoosh kind of patience to yourself flows through with Temperance.

I’d suggest you make a playlist on the go having Death, Temperance, Inner Strength, The Tower, The Chariot, The Emperor, Rune Jera, and The World

About money, I’ve been looping money fields like crazy these past days! So it’s okay; We all have our wants … It’s more so the high trust in your own self that keeps you going!

Also I highly recommend you Spiritual growth mindset combined with Deep Brain Magnetic Stimulation (and the whole album) for your anxiety…
(coming from experience)

There are so many goodies to choose from, the word “results” just keeps you waiting… let The Flow happen within you… Be in tune… That’s the one way things really start to happen, and keep on happening!

Make sure to invest in Pure Magnetic Heart coherence as soon as you can :))


Love, Gratitude, and Appreciation
Love Graviton Wave
Self-realization series

Is a good start for all things.


Yeah I have been looping this one for like 2 hours now, after a long time of not visiting it much :))

Suddenly the world just feels better :D


Thats all you need!!

4 max when they aim any physical goal

But when they are of cleaning the aura, intercession, feeling good you can listen to many more, or when they more or less have the same purpose.

For instant i added Jing and Pranic Swirls because those energize you so you dont get overwhelmed with the audios, tho with Plasma light you gotta give your body time to adjust and you might feel tired or hungry, but thats ok just sleep more eat well and hydrate yourself more throughout the day.

How do we know when things are working well you pretty fast start seeing changing and feeling them too, some are more energy sensitive so we can feel tingling sensations along our body etc but even if you dont feel that they are working.

You havent noticed changes because one, as you said youve been jumping from one field to other and consistency is def key to see progress.

But also because your emotional, energetic and mental state is depleted, low etc plus lost of blockages in your mind so hard to see results like that.

Good news is that if you are consistent with what we have suggested you so far youll soon enough start feeling much better then youll know you are healing


Hey Man I found out that making a playlist actually makes you less patient at least for me, I just use whatever fields that I use throughout the day and it makes me more consistent that day.

I need you to listen to this
Depths of Your Soul x3 a day, It is also agreed with the captain himself, What this field does it will make you grateful and appreciate your being, Really useful and will put you in an happy abundant state.

Now I am not going to add any paid audios for you, thats up to you buy once you see good results.
In Terms of Love?
Try the Lovers Tarot Archetype
With that Add some Attract Love, Abundance Mindset.
Also Archetype of Parental Love will help you feel that validation making you a much happier person.
Want to focus on a career?
Millionaire Empire Mindset
Guided Path Abundance Mindset

All Purpose Anxiety Removal

Now I need you to have some energy through out the day.

Also got the Outlook Retrainer which will enhance your experience in life
Now these fields are life changing but require alot of patience, They are working when you aren’t realizing it. But these fields also aren’t short cuts my man. If you wanna feel loved and be loved, These fields will help you but you gotta make moves too, Start talking to people and approaching them.

Now You wanna make some money and focus on a career? Start Learning new things, I know sounds easier than it actually feels like but add procastination audio and willpower if you are having trouble with that. Start learning how to make money, Read books about investing, How can you open a small business. Look into dropshipping, Very Simplistic and you will have experience.

Also Listen Ego Dissolution SLR MANDATORY IN THE STACK

Check your Tarot Birthday Archetypes and use those as well. The Tarot School: Birth Card Calculator and use those fields…

Good Luck

Should be about 10-15 fields 20 max for you,

Than when the money comes in, the relationships come in and happiness comes in. Look in the paid audios. But you also have to step up and make a change for yourself, Don’t just expect things to come to you with no effort.


Oh and I forgot Self Love and Acceptance, so you don’t look like a needy person, Because a needy person will not attract anything in his love life. Pursue your goals and put yourself out there.
Good luck King

Also for Grounding Try the Grounding Audios,Take A break ORRRR
Use Torsion Field Hehe, Hidden Secret but that one floats you pretty well