New Release - Arcana Archetypes 2

The Devil and Lovers. Way too accurate. Thanks for the link.


For anyone finding these tracks to be as powerful as I am, let me suggest something. Michael Tsarion on for about 12.00 a month has done a several hour long breakdown on each of the 22 major arcana. (Hours per card) It is the most insightful thing I’ve found; pulling up obscure information from ancient texts and making sense of it. If you’d really like to understand why and how these arcana tracks are so transformative, I think he’s a great resource to check out.


Are you still using the hermit?


I was just talking about this! The way it accumulates the energy around and draws it inside you is interesting. Calming too. Makes me wonder what other possibilities we have possibly discovered with it.


Not regularly. I’m more into Depths of Your Soul which covers some (not all) of The Hermit goodies. Also because I have a particular affection for the sound of Album 4. Too bad that all the tracks in it can’t be spammed all day long :p

However, as Desiree has pointed out, there’s really much much more in The Hermit archetype (with and without the field).

What about you @Zen?


I’ve been wanting to drop most audios to help me connect with my soul wants, I thought the hermit, depths of your soul, judgement, high priestess (hopefully soon) could help me find direction.

I noticed the tarot cards work really fast and well perhaps because they been around for so long the energy dream is tapping to is dense enough to direct almost instant change.


This list looks yummy ^^

Yes, faster than light! I was electrocuted with the instant effect of The Star, to name only one :))))


I second this too!

And also the star signs ones as well and they get overseen and left behind and they are powerful, so check too if you want, pisces since triggers the deepest soul connection one and cancer (represented by the chariot) to give you direction and movement but also both are under the wing of the moon who holds our hidden truths and desires :blush:

Or Virgo if you want to enhance the Hermit

The energy cant get more ancient than the stars :crazy_face:


For ideas on which cards can work together thematically, the book Tarot Spells by Janina Renée could be helpful. Don’t be put off by the “spells” part. Feel free to skip to the sections on meditation and visualization. It’s arranged by topic, or specific goals. Examples: “To overcome obstacles presented by individuals”. It suggests the combination of Strength, Chariot and Two of Cups, explaining what each card stands for and how it can support your goal. Or “To tap into the subconscious mind for knowledge”, it suggests The Moon, The High Priestess, and The Hermit. “To attract love”: The Star, Knight of Cups, The Lovers.

And so on. I find it beginner-friendly, the reasons for picking those particular cards and the energy they bring is explained simply but well. No previous tarot background required.:blush: The format is the best part, like a reverse dictionary. Look up what effect you want, and it will give you the ingredients.

Of course some spreads that use Minors, I suppose you could substitute with other fields or just skip them for now. As long as the strong intention is there I feel it will do the trick.

Hope this helps!


I have heard Nine of Cups is one of the greatest card in deck
Is it true


Nine of Cups Overview


Book I found online


Where can I find the empress?

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Curious about this too…

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Let me teach you something so you can check on your own first in the future.

1- when a post says “new release” the link to that or those audios/tags are at the very top of the post. Like in this case about arcana archetypes.

2- before creating a post or asking about info of audios click/touch on the magnifying glass then type what you want to check then click on the blue magnifying glass then all the posts about what you typed on the searching bar will show up.
Dive in and read. And if after reading you still have questions then you can ask under said post, that way we dont keep asking the same things and spamming the posts with the same answers :blush:


I quickly wanted to share a couple of experiences with the wheel of fortune:

I am really recognizing the “turning wheel” and “constant change” aspects of this one in my experiences.

Yesterday, I had to go somewhere. I was sort of late; although the starting time was not set firmly, I did not want to wait any longer to leave either. Getting ready had already taken a bit longer than I had anticipated.
I noticed that I was unable to get out of my parking spot because the person behind me had left about two inches of space between our cars and the person in front of me maybe a foot. Literally the moment I realized this, the owner of the car behind me walked by, apologized kindly, and drove off, so I could luxuriously get out.

Next I needed to get gas. Approaching the gas station, I briefly halted the car, deciding which pump to go to (no worries, no one was behind me, lol), which I usually don’t do. Also had forgotten my mask, so had to get back into the car. As I tried to pump gas, nothing happened. I thought maybe this pump just broke, because other pumps were serving fine. I decided to place the nozzle back in the station, waited a second, then tried one more time. Then I saw something happen on the display: the unit price had just been changed (reduced), and now it was working fine for me also, so I barely ended up getting gas at a cheaper price this way.

Later at the event, I’m strolling, and suddenly this small booth is attracting me. After a moment, I decide to step inside. As I do so, I hear glas crashing right behind me, super close. I turn around and see multiple bottles, filled, having been pushed down right where I was just standing. This would have definitely completely hit me and probably ruined and soaked my outfit from top to bottom with liquid and liquor. The armor of light and glory could have also been at work here!

During all these, I was also wearing my luck item, and had also listened to luck and probability alteration and the guided path on that day, so I might post this review in those threads as well since those may have all played together to bring these events about :blush:

Thank you @Gnosticmedic27 for recommending this field to me :pray:

There are still so many treasures (fields, sigils, mandalas, cards) that I have not yet gotten a chance to properly tend to. This was one of them.

And thank you Captain :sparkling_heart: for creating all these treasures for us! They, and so, you are making our lives so much easier and more pleasant! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pray:


These were the first cards I listened to (before I knew about birth cards). This birth card thing representing your challenges is really spot on xD

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I tried the wheel of fortune and i am loving it , this one is giving me feeling of joy , peace and abundance the energy is telling me to rest assure because the universe is working in my favour . I am gonna loop it more.

Thankyou Dream!


Welcome to the forum!

Thanks for sharing your experience.

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Started reading Carl Jungs archetypes book. For anyone that’s interested in a psychological analysis of what archetypes are an so on, that might be good book .
He says that archetypes inhabit the (collective) unconscious and have been around for forever hence why they appear in different cultures across different times in similar ways and are intuitively understood .