BEGINNERS GUIDE TO Overall Health Issues: IBS | Acid Reflux| Blood Pressure High |

Good day guys,

Since I’ve seen a number of increasing problems due to stomach acidity, IBS and overall problems to the well-being for a few people. I decided to write this post.

So, you found the hidden gem called Sapien Med and the dozens of audios available. LIke many of us do/did, you want to listen to them all, buy them all. Or even, have the ultimate audio/tag to rule them all. You start by addressing the specific issues you are known to have, however ,most of the times, without realizing the root cause. So you are acting on the consequences of your living behavior.

- First, not everyone has the same monetary capabilities
- Second, not everyone has the same energy manipulation understanding
- Thirdly, not everyone has the same time availability to listen to a huge amount of audios.

I was thinking today, playing my brain stack, in writing something for you guys. A general approach/stack suitable for anyone.

To battle misinformation:
If you are having overall problems with health, please understand that most of what you are facing are consequences rather than the causes!
High Blood Pressure? It won’t do much to listen to audios to keep the flow going, if the main issue isn’t addressed,
Lack of energy? Again, you can listen to all the energy audios, but the rooted issue needs to be fixed.
IBS? You can target the stomach and intestins to feel more at ease, but again, you might be acting on the consequences.
Procrastination, lack of drive? What if it is coming from a suppressed lymph system? Or even immune system malfunctioning? Again, you can listen to all the procrastination, will audios…But the root will remain.
Tiredness? You can listen to all the removal blockages you want, but wouldn’t you want the damn problem to go away already?

So, what is the solution?

You should go for a overall stack ( In order of importance) mostly from a physical standpoint.
Between each step there is a certain period. The goal is not to follow every single one in the first day.


Step 0 - Hear the bacteria audio destroyer IF you have the chance to supplement the needed probiotics immediately after (do this one day only). Then keep with the below audios
Step 1 - Is the “holy grail” of the audios targetting directly the condition.
Step 2- The overall approach (Politics of the body) & Sigils from Patreon.
Step 3 - Kidney Adrenal (Everyday)
Step 4-Antioxidant formula (Everyday)
Step 5 - Is kind of a lifestyle to sustain.
Step 6 - Is something to introduce at step 0. When you start.
Step 7 - Detox (once in a while , for example once a week, two times a month…etc)

All in all Step 1-4 will remain your daily steps.

1- Lymphatic Drainage v2.0

Comment: Your lympathic system is the to-go system when things get messy. Imagine that your body is a complex of pipes and valves. Your lymph system ensures that those pipes are able to flush the toxins and are purified. So, not only this helps with neutralising threats, but also to promove a healthy flow throughout the body.

2- Politics of the Body Album :

If you are on Patreon and a sigil user you can also refer to:

This Book has three sigils that can be used to help with maintaining your health and keeping you living long and healthy.

  • The First Sigil works on your internal organs to help cleanse it of bad and degenerating energies.
  • The Second sigil works on placing a combination of energies that promote healing and regeneration.
  • The Third and last sigil works on strengthening all your internal organs and helping to enhance their respective functions.

@MasterOfYellow thank you for the input

2.5 Bonus - Energetic path

2.5 Bonus:

Comment: Your body as a whole needs to be functioning properly, so it is best go go for an overall approach of Cleaning, Healing and Enhancing its function! Both physically and energetically. Think of your body as an accumulation of food and energy. You want to be e-nergy, as in, energy in motion ( honorable mention to @psynergy) , so you can’t afford to have blockages and malfunctions.

3- Kidney & Adrenal:

Comment: Both kidneys and adrenals are key elements to your well being. Regarding adrenals, think thyroid for instance, and the regulation of hormones and the immune function. Kidneys are responsible for flushing the toxins from your body.
From an energetic perspective, Kidney is the central and most powerful reservoir of Jing for the entire body/mind!

You have a great article from Mr Maoshan @Maoshan_Wanderer available here which I suggest a reading Consequences of Sex - #9 by Maoshan_Wanderer


Comment: Now, antioxidants are key to a healthier system overall. Antioxidants are molecules which can safely interact with free radicals and terminate the chain reaction before vital molecules are damaged. Although there are several enzyme systems within the body that disarm free radicals , the principal antioxidants are vitamin E, beta-carotene, VITAMIN C, and selenium.
Also, VITAMIN D is known for boosting your system a notch.

PS: Mr Sapien, how about a Vitamin E audio? Is that possible? @El_Capitan_Nemo

5- Sestrin Productions:

Sestrin 1: The encoded protein plays a critical role in antioxidant defense by regenerating overoxidized peroxiredoxins.
Sestrin 2: This protein may be involved in cellular response to different stress conditions
Both are stimulated to produce the respective proteins, to help in your body repairing and to act in a protective way during stress responses.

5- BEEF: Have you heard of it?

BREATHE (B) : Deep diaphragmatic breathing facilitates movement of lymph through the bloodstream
and dramatically increases the elimination of toxins.


Breathe deeply in through your nose and hold for four counts. Exhale through your mouth for two counts. As you get better at this, you can increase the time – for example breathe
in for a count of five, hold for 20 counts and exhale for a count of 10.
Exhaling for twice as long as inhaling brings oxygen to the blood and activates the
lymphatic system. Perform deep diaphragmatic breathing two or three times a
session, three times a day. You can do this either sitting or lying down.

Mr Sapien also helps you to breathe better:

As a matter in fact, he’s such a good sport that also allows for some drainage :wink:

If you don’t like that specific exercise, another one which certainly deserves a honorable mention is OM’s @_OM AUUUUUM :wink:

EXERCISE (E) : Lymphatic vessels are activated during movement of the musculoskeletal system. The
main lymph vessels run up the legs, arms, and torso so moving these areas will
move the most lymph. If you love exercising, then that’s great. If you’re someone who does not, it’s important to do some type of physical activity. Pick something that you enjoy doing! Again, energy in motion!

You know what Lymph Problems Love? Sedentary people.

EAT HEALTHY (E): Ok, this elephant needs to be addressed. Regardless of you being carnivore, pescatarian, omnivore, vegan, proceed to insert other labels here, an overall agreement that increasing your antioxidants, vitamins and such should be a good approach, no? I won’t proceed to suggest a one-fit diet or anything of the sort. However, a good way of thinking should be eating more of what you are currently are not…
If you are eating pizza and lasagna all day, and feel terrible about it, then perhaps eating more fruits, legumes, vegetables should be a better approach? Unless, of course, one wants to be a constipated dogmatig human being :man_shrugging:

Think with me for a second: If your goal is to flush out the pipes and valves, as addressed earlier, shouldn’t you stop the food intake for a moment? I mean, if your body has to choose between processing new food or cleaning/healing itself, will always do the first one.
Why? Because there’s literally more food incoming, and it needs to get processed otherwise you will bottle up.

When we fast, our bodies have a chance to reset themselves back to factory settings. The human body is an amazing machine and, all on its own, repairs itself and demands what it needs for itself, if we just care for it. Restricted time eating, unlike calorie restriction, is sustainable.

Your lymphatic system is always on edge when food is being placed onto the bodies, so to allow for some recuperation, have one day where you fast or , at least, space the eating periods.
Nonetheless, fasting can switch the metabolism from using glucose as fuel to using fatty acids. This shift seems to trigger our stem cells to become more active and regenerative.
Prolonged fasting between 48–120 hours can activate pathways that enhance cellular resistance to toxins and stress in mice and humans.

Of course, you have also an additional help from Mr Sapien’s :shushing_face:

You see, when you actually think you’re doing yourself a disservice for not eating more, you are actually granting your body with the rest it needs to be able to regenerate itself! Believe me, it will thank you later.


Prebiotics are compounds in food that induce the growth or activity of beneficial microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. The most common example is in the gastrointestinal tract, where prebiotics can alter the composition of organisms in the gut microbiome.
At a very basic level: Enzymes are what help your body break down food , and probiotics are the “good” bacteria you can introduce to your diet to make your gut happier.

Digestive enzymes are mostly produced in the pancreas , stomach , and small intestine . But even your salivary glands produce digestive enzymes to start breaking down food molecules while you’re still chewing. You can also take enzymes in pill form if you’re having certain digestive problems .

So, you see the importance of having an overall healthy body? Especially certain key organs.
There is an audio that aids with nutrient absorption, nonetheless I’ve asked :pleading_face: Mr @El_Capitan_Nemo if he could make one that targetted also enzymes & probiotics/prebiotics.


Always have a day for detoxing, the periodicity depends on you. It can be on the fast day! For example.
Sapien has audios for cleaning bacteria, fungus, and detoxing your body from toxins.

If you’re in for the first time, start by detoxing yourself:

Advanced Detox + Healing of Billary System (Liver, Gallbladder and Pancreas)

The key organs should also face some additional treatment from time to time:





**Lastly but of utmost importance: CAREFUL | CAUTION

That audio is to clear the bacteria from your system. SO YOU NEED TO SUPPLEMENT IT LATER ON. If you are having troubles with your system (IBS | Stomach Pain| Bloat) consider buying a supplement of Probiotics.
If you do, use this audio before to clean the mess, and later one repopulate it with a healthier flora :wink:

In conclusion: Before listening to thirty audios for each one of the different problems one may have, I’ve tried to narrow it down to a few. Start by detoxing and then move with the audios/suggestions from 1-7. If you have troubles with the lymph system, your gut, and such, consider start by detoxing, removing the mess from your flora - bacteria destroyer, and repopulating it with a healthy probiotic supplement!

Of course there are other things to try later on…So many! But always start by a general approach.

If it happened to be a tree going sick, would you cut its branches or deal with the root?

Either way, I’m rooting for you!

Honorable mentions:


Might I suggest to include the Book of Long Life and Good Health from Patreon? Sometimes people get overwhelmed with too many choices, so this could be a simpler approach.

This Book has three sigils that can be used to help with maintaining your health and keeping you living long and healthy.

  • The First Sigil works on your internal organs to help cleanse it of bad and degenerating energies.
  • The Second sigil works on placing a combination of energies that promote healing and regeneration.
  • The Third and last sigil works on strengthening all your internal organs and helping to enhance their respective functions.

Yes of course!

Thing is, not everyone wants or knows sigils, nor is a Patreon subscriber.
Nonetheless I will include them alongside Step Two - Politics of the Body!

Thanks :slight_smile:


thanks for the mention friend @RisingKundaFest :hugs:

i wanted to highlight these as i too try to fix the ‘band-aid’ issues without addressing the ‘root’ of the problem.

i wonder if @El_Capitan_Nemo would be interested in creating a morphic field that helps you find the deepest roots of what holds you back.

maybe something like Quadible Integrity’s Root Cause Formula.


This is brilliant @RisingKundaFest :clap: thank you so much for taking the time to put it all together!
I totally agree with you, if everyone took care of the “root cause” all their health problems the problem would soon disappear. When things aren’t going too great with our health we need to pause and ask “why?”

Take pain for example. I always tell my friends that “pain” is the body’s alarm system letting you know that something isn’t alright.

If your house alarm went off in the middle of the night you wouldn’t just get up, switch it off and go back to bed, right? no, you would grab the baseball bat and go investigate what triggered the alarm otherwise you may wake up the following morning and find you have no furniture left!

The same thing with your body, if you are in pain find out what is causing the pain instead of popping some pills and going about your day because very soon you may need to take stronger pills or start taking additional pills for the side effect of the first lot of pills.


Agreed. I really only started to consider using these sigils after reading this post from @anon26313230 where he says they were very beneficial:


Hi @Jennyfire, glad you enjoyed! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately it is true that many of our issues and conditions, have an underlying one most of the times… Sometimes, quite hard to acknowledge.

I actually came to enjoy this analogy very much. I might “steal it” to explain more in-depth concepts to other folks :slight_smile:


This is my question i ask myself when it comes to audios. unfortunately i justify everything.

If you really want to become aware of the root cause of issues in your life, and prefer to only use tools created by Sapien Medicine, then things like the Ascension tag, the Higher Self mandala, and possibly the Intercession audios/tags would help. If you decide to use them for this purpose, then do so with that intention in mind while you use them. But, realize what it is you are asking for, and prepare yourself for how painful of a process it is likely to be.

Once you become aware of the problem, you’ll have to process and release the destructive energies. Everyone’s different, so your issue could be in any one of your energy bodies, if not all of them (physical, mental, emotional, etheric, astral, etc.). Each energy body has its own tools & practices to identify, process, & release what’s causing harm.

If you’re journey is like mine, you won’t be able to go straight to the root, you have to work your way down through the layers, alternating between digging out issues and then allowing time to heal. The really disruptive, root-cause level problems are often buried deep, so lots of purging/release work may be needed.

But, trust me when I say that even though this process can be painful & difficult, it is incredibly valuable and completely worth it. One step at a time, use whatever strength you have to turn a negative into a positive, even if you can now only manage to address the tiniest, smallest, most seemingly insignificant issues, and overtime the snowball effect will build, and so will your level of freedom.

Good luck. :heart:


Just occured to me, perhaps Ancestral Knowledge to an extent can achieve this?
That audio is highly overlooked!

As for Quadible, I don’t use his products…Can’t really tell.

Can anyone tell me audios or healing method for gallstone gallbladder attack… liver or pancreas pain upper abdomen pain…in lot of pain right now… for Instant relief please thank you.
!! :persevere:


Thanks for this thread!

Multivitamin field possible to make ?

Generally not, because our bodies generally don’t have the ability to make most of the vitamins in a multivitamin. (Part of what makes a “vitamin” a vitamin is that we’re not able to make it ourselves.)*

Dream has said that we need the physical building blocks, like vitamins, and that fields cannot replace those physical building blocks, like you’re asking.

*The vitamin fields we do have are vitamins that we can produce. We make our own Vit. D (but due to modern lifestyle, we no longer make enough of it).

We have the genes necessary to make Vit. C, but due to a quirk of evolution, one of those genes is turned off. The Vit. C field turns that gene on for us so that we can make our own Vit. C, like many other animals do.


The politics of the body album is seriously Great for any issue with digestion and pain and bloating.

Highly recommend doing all three of those regularly.

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