Beginner's Journey through the Corpus Spiritus Tarot

It’s cool, too how you picked up on and made sense of the clues. Well done!



After opening second deck observations:

It just feels more complete. If anyone removes a few (parttiularly three) you’ll just feel like the sleeve in incomplete. It’s fascinating. For me at least,
The same card comes through for both decks; the two of cups. Which I’m still scratching my head over but by all means not complaining lol.

Do not bridge your cards casino style even if its easier for you to grab. I didn’t even realize how much of a number I did on the first deck so yupyup Dream was right.
Also, i have to admit, it feels more natural/smoother/magical with the super cautious gentle handling of them. Like the first deck, I was a nervous wreck lol; I was holding them hard and would get frustrated since I have trouble gripping things lol.
But when you do it like this, very cautiously, lovingly, it’s like a harmonious dance. So for this one, I felt more confident.
The dance is so hypnotic I realized I spent 2.5hours just flipping them and shuffling them just because. If anyone has an infant, they will be thrilled!

And has anyone else noticed, you’ll know what card it is right before you flip It over? Especially for the deep questions?
I find it insane. And mind you I’m certainly not psychic, so anyone else like that on here, I believe that should be of some reassuranw
O &
I always ask to show the Devil upright whenever I need to stop (this is when I’m under that hypnotic like mesmerization/ seeking neither questions nor answers) so it helps me snap out of it lol

Thanks :leaves:


Great observations! thank you for sharing them with us! :sparkles:


In search of something

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If I had to hazard a guess, without any context at all, the phrase “undercover lover” comes to mind. :smirk:

However, only you hold the real key to its meaning. You alone know the context.

Consider that the Hermit is the Shaman of the deck in the form of a robed figure who carries a light in the dark. He’s a natural with no formal teaching. He just knows. Then consider that eights of any kind are the perfection of their element. Cups symbolize love. Therefore, the eight of cups symbolize the perfect love.

Meditate on it that way and see if you don’t come to something insightful for yourself. When you do, let us know…that is, if you care to share. :sparkles:


Will we get an extra deck of tarot cards as offer when we purchase a set of these tarot cards?

What do you mean?

You get one deck per order. So, no. If you meant as a replacement if one looses them or something, I am still 99.3% certain that the answer is no.
(Plus, it’s of NFT origin).


Do these tarots cards have the ability to mess with your energy body or something if you are too much of a novice (with these energy tools and all)?
I’ve been playing with them often for the past few weeks, and today mum pointed out that lately, I’ve not been myself; I’ve become very aloof/ extra anxious, dubious/ not with the program (all which I agree with)- or in her words “under a spell”.

When she said the “under a spell” part, it actually resonated. In a trace-mode-type-of-way since these tarots of Corpus Spiritus are a world in themselves; the cards have highly mesmerized me.

Since I’m not really a person that’s mastered the art of anything energy related- should i put these cards away or something & is that how my energy body will be restored/ go back to normal/ at the very least, revert to un”fried”? Or is this not even coming from the tarots and more like some other energy tool, ie another NFT(s)?

I miss myself. Idk I feel weird and I don’t like it- I’ve had some spooky energy bouts these past 2-3 weeks and I just want to go back to normal. Normal is good.



Ok I lied.
Re-intergrated them back lol.


Tips to highly consider:

  • DONT ask stupid questions
  • DO play within a specific time frame- not 4 hours especially if you have work to do. It’s addicting though so like try not to get too sucked in no matter how tempting it is
  • DONT ask the same question(s) again just because the first time it sounded too good to be true. Because then eventually you’ll start to get really confusing messages and it will lead you down a rabbit hole.
  • DO write down your question if you have memory problems because I cannot count how many times I would forget the question I even asked lol.
  • DO snap a photo of the answers in case you forget what it was (or jot it down)
  • DONT work with them in a highly emotional/turbulent state. Listen to ego dissolution, new perspectives, and emotional mastering first if you must, or better yet wait until the emotional wave is over.
  • DO calm down and ground before the reading.
  • DO ground after

Have fun :nerd_face:


Very nice list!

I have one more to add that I’ve found helpful:

I think this was suggested by Lunamoon in the past (if I’m not mistaken).



These are all very good advise.
Not just for these cards, but tarot in general, in fact any psychic topic.

Non-tarot cards specific advise.

1.First of all, your surroundings.

Yes, and/or plasma flower, vibrational raiser, clearing before etc.
This is to make sure your surroundings are clear and there is no outside energy to mess with you or your interpretation.

  1. You vol1 - clearing (none of this is NECESSARY of course)
    Auric cleanser, Etheric cord cutter, shielding etc. Whatever to play before.
    This is to help clearing, but works on you, not environmental.

  2. You vol2 - ego
    This is the hard part.
    Often in life we don’t see things that are right in front of us and are obvious to others, because of our limited way of thinking / perspective / emotions / attachments / ego.
    The same can happen with readings, especially when we read for ourselves about situations that are highly emotionally charged.
    But, to get a good reading, we should rather attempt to stay objective, and see what the cards say rather than what we “think” or “feel”.

I think I have posted once my experience with trying to guess the lottery Numbers… I won 25 USD after changing 2 numbers, because it felt off to me that 11, 22, and 33 (my initial “results”) would all be in the draw.
I changes 2 of those and got 25 USD. I wouldn’t have hit jackpot otherwise, but I would have won upwards a few thousands if my ego didn’t come and make me think it was silly to have those numbers 🤷
I learnt the lesson and also put the experiment aside for the time being :sweat_smile:

It’s the same with the cards.
Just take the results as they are and don’t try to overwrite it or twist it around or ask the same question again and again hoping for a different answer.


I keep asking the same question over and over again with it lol
Because I want to confirm it - like did I actually understand the message or am I adding wishful thinking into it? I mean it’ll work for the first few times.
But then eventually
It flips an entire 180
And then I get stumped and do it all over again

Its just so addicting lol

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That’s a pretty common occurrence with most tarot, when you keep asking the same question over and over and over again. It’s like the cards are saying to you, “Bitch, please!”, telling you to give it a rest. :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh my god thanks dude
I go psycho over it not being able to understand lol
I always feel like I have to keep doing it because one card falls out once I start reshuffling them before I ask something else
So then I think
‘Oh maybe its a sign I have to ask that same q again’
Glad I don’t have to anymore


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The card that falls out may be the clarification of the situation you are in. Ask, what can you tell me about this situation or what revelation is there, or some such question.

So a very cool thing happens
Right as I’m about to ask a question, (but i know what the question is I’d like to ask) a card flies out
A specific card
My deck is not bent.
Ok fine maybe one deck is but that’s why i bought two extras.
I did some hypothesis testing
Took that energy with me (for what I was wanting to ask) and bam the same tarot every time.

The tarots are accurate though
it’s an actual divination tool (Mr. Nemo’s CS deck I mean)
But that thing still hasn’t come about (the tarot that keeps popping out
Even though I feel in my gutt it will once the time is right

But when I ask for confirmation on that,
I get the World

So it’s hard to decipher

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It’s confirmation :D
There is no card saying just “yes”, but the world is pretty close in this situation lol


Oh! Thank you
Its always in the future position

I keep getting WOF when i ask what it means for us

And wof just further (according to Bill Hayes) intensifies world tarot if paired tg lol

It’s just not happened. But i guess thats why it says future
present tarot is always changing so i stopped asking present

Also! I say i will pull one tarot, correct
Like i literally tell it only one tarot
But its such a good tarot i pull i decide to pull another
And its negative like the evil twin of it lol
So i think it means why are you pulling,
Be you only asked for one you smartass you

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