Beginner's Journey through the Corpus Spiritus Tarot

Also quick spotlight post on: @AkiraTheWild!
We tested distant tarot reading

I asked his question to my tarots, and it was very vague. Very. Did it so he didn’t have to tell me and that was on purpose- we wanted to see if it could still understand

The tarot (ok when i say tarot from now on in this forum I just mean Dream’s lol. It’s getting annoying continually typing CS Tarot or “our guy’s tarot” again and again) didn’t care, for it still pulled accurately.

Mine? Eh idk. But in tarot’s defense my question was a little too vague. But it was interesting because those two tarots he pulled tended to fall out or make appearances often during my tarot self readings


I’ve only ever pulled/got about 5-6 cards from the sapien tarot ever :joy:

Ok granted I don’t use it as much, and for me mainly I asked about the present, i.e. what’s in the background of situation X,
What are the next steps on my end/what is the lesson to be learnt
And true intentions of person Y (or how person Y sees themselves in the situation).
What is the most probably outcome of situation Z
What in the past lead to current situations and what’s the resolution.

Also I mainly ask either work related questions because most of my time I spend working, or I ask About next steps for me in spiritual development. Those are some difficult answers, I got the “get over yourself drama queen” card a few times when asking about past situations I find difficult to get over… and that’s interesting because I see myself as a calm and grounded person, and that’s also the feedback I get from friends, boss etc. But sapien tarot doesn’t b.s.


So… What to make of this?
Are you a latent drama queen? :D

You remind me of my niece lol

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Aww, thanks. You must be having a marvelous niece.

Yes lol she’s 15

Which Tarot Archetype is the archetype associated with:

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Depends on what kind of focus you’re meaning. Check out:

  • The Magician
  • The Chariot
  • Strength
  • Temperance
  • Sun
  • Judgement


I would add the ruler/emperor


That was it. Chariot. Thanks you two @MonkeyOwl @WellBeing

Is tarot in anyway correlated to them?
Or is there any tarot minor or major arcana that can depict them- judgement tarot maybe?

Seraphim = burning ones
Judgement tarot= i get that vibe

Traditionalists will tell you that the tarot is correlated to everything. It’s an occult encyclopedia, especially when you take an Qabalistic approach to the tarot.


:pray:t3: Thank you sir!! You’re the best

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With this deck was there anyway to differentiate between regular and reversed?

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the idea is that you print them out (if you buy the digital), so after that it will be just like a regular tarot deck and the reversed ones are upside down


I have the regular deck but I can’t seem to differentiate the reverse from the regular

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Is there a small white disk on every card? It would be at the top of the regular card. If it’s reversed, the white disk will be at the bottom

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Interesting, they all do have a small white disk on each card but it’s all on the top. I also did a quick scan and didn’t find any repeats. The only difference I found is some have a number in the white circle and some have numbers

There are no repeats.

The reversed cards happen when you shuffle and then lay them out. Some cards will be upright. others will be in a reversed position due to your shuffling and laying them out.

In the deck they’ll all be upright.


Ok that makes sense, thank you both @WellBeing @Rosechalice