Best Muscle Audio

From your experiments what is the best muscle audio that changed your physical appearance?

you will get big and strong,
no Im joking but everybody has their own experiences, some have gains with extreme muscle growth and others with myostatin etc, cant tell you much on this tho
try it for yourself, asking me questions wont help you


I can’t even tell you man since I listen to so many things for this

But I think what I’ve seen has made me make noticeably faster gains after adding it to my playlist over night is LGD 3303 or cardarine lol

@majin that field is a blessing, it actually will help with gains too lol since your intestines absorb nutrition too and constipation is a nightmare for a lot of bodybuilders

One of my favorite releases recently honestly lol

Edit: test booster 2.5 was revolutionary too


Careful with those, aren’t you a teen?

And know I don’t mean to preach or scare you with “CaRdArInE iS BaD”


Nah I’m 21 lol I’ve been listening to hormone fields since I was like 13/14… now that was bad! Haha


is LGD Safe and what results i can see from it?

Honestly I would only use it if you had a higher purpose in something related to fitness/being an athlete and not just look “good”… unless you had a higher goal of looking really good (and ofcourse, If you’re at least 18)

It’s performance enhancing drug called a SARM, a selective androgen receptor modulator, which means it changes your androgen receptors, more particularly the ones in your muscle

What this does is send available more/all free test to your muscles resulting in larger gains

There’s a reason cycles only run 8/10 weeks, because your androgen receptors get fried and it also begins to suppress testosterone over time, around this time is when you’ll begin to feel the effects of testosterone suppression (lethargy, fatigue, Ect).

So to summarize, do it if you want to be athlete for a living (or excel to a higher level than you would naturally) or if you want to look really good, or if you want to be a bodybuilder… and use it with caution as you would with any other performance enhancing drug

And I love it! :grinning: the results depends on you too, results vary from person to person because every one is eating different and training differently

But my results are a lot of gains very fast! But I wouldn’t give all the glory to LGD… since I have the glory tag too haha and I listen to other stuff as well


What about cardarine? Should that be used with the same caution?

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Om made a good detail review of cardarine here

He also did one for lgd 3303 here


AMPK, Vitamin C, Sestrin could be massively useful in the future for recovery and overall performance.


What happened to the alien roids deal? Did you take that far enough? Seems real alien tech whould be stronger than Earthly juice and supps! Also could probably eliminate side effects/PCT etc. Change DNA etc…

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Maybe I’ll start that deal again when i cycle off cardarine and lgd 3303 haha

I was getting fast results when I was asking for help though! I think this time around I’ll be better at communicating with them


U mean this can help gains

From his post:

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