Best Path In Life dogtag experiences

Not to toot my own horn but I’m either delusional on the effects that I get from all the Sapien tools (which I am not) or all the work I did before finding Sapien is why I get results as fast as I do.

For two years, I did nothing else but energetic clearing work on each chakra along with understanding how the subconscious mind works (this is ever developing, I’ll never claim I have anything “completely down”) and understanding the principals of how you can structure information for the subconscious (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic thinking models).

That made me both very sensitive to energy and extremely attentive to mental patterns.

That might be the only advantage I have on people here.


Maybe or maybe not


This is really powerful, when it happens you just know it’s happened. It’s a wonderful result I’d say


All the time. What’s the significance of the left hand by the way?

Do you mean because it is of “low energy”? I am not as familiar with all these concepts of energy, but I thought I noticed a slight change in how I react to the field when I went through the course

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I will have this tag very soon :slight_smile:

I have been thinking about the description and the similarity between this and connecting to your higher self.
Would it be fair to say that the tag pushes you and the circumstances in your life towards the same changes as you yourself would do anyway if you had clear communication with your higher self? So sort of like a more forceful higher self “connection”?


I had the same thoughts. :eyes:

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well you know what they say… great minds think alike :smile: :yum:

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How much do you wear it?
Is there an area in your life you feel like needs change?

Also, is it boosted?

What? That’s new. Can the best path be boosted? You will be in a happier path? the path will come way faster? will start to force the changes?

Who knows man I not wear it anymore I have doing other spiritual stuff

Yeah you can boost it theoretically but I asked it for context, I don’t think anyone should.

And couldn’t you wear it at the same time? How long were you wearing it?

I guess 6 months

That is just really a vague description of the tag.
Every best path depends on you.
How are other results with field?

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what you had in mind in particular? you don’t even know the path you choosing right now if it’s the best. You don’t even know where you going in life, how do you know what is the best path?


I agree with this

Problem is with BIPL you cant even know that any apparently positive result is due to the tag


I hope that things will soon go better for you but this “vague description” part is inaccurate. We buy products (actually, we don’t even have to buy 99% of them, since he’s an incurably generous Santa Claus) from a person who’s never stingy to provide the slightest details when it comes to “physical” fields.

As for the more “spiritual” ones, he’s not vague but rather humble enough (despite his power) to let everyone discover by themselves and NOT impose a mechanic point of view (unlike others…). Believing in independence of mind and choice.

Even LOL’ing us when we attempt to advocate on his behalf (so maybe he’ll lol this post of mine as well ;)) LOL’ing… not “oh nooo you can’t”ing or forbidding.

One example among zillion others