Best Path in Life (Mandala)

Your annoying user giving another testimonial on a different field :relieved: I believe this field guided me to use fields that should be on my priority stack, rather than listening to too many due to FOMO. That realization hit when I posted for advice and received some helpful comments from users and then pondering about to myself, ā€œdo I actually need bunch of fields that donā€™t serve my purpose?ā€ I immediately cut my stack immensely and am focusing on the stack that will yield the best results towards my development.

Additionally, I didnā€™t want to go to class today, and wanted to stay home (before having the mandala with me) I then decided to head to class after putting the mandala in my pocket and thank god I did otherwise the important stuff I missed would be given in 2 essay assignment for missing class lab lool. Very nice field. This will be long term growth I suspect.


Whatā€™s the goal of BPIL or is it for general broad purposes?

Like best path for financial freedom
Best path for health
Best path for love?

I guess it makes sense to say itā€™s the best path for everything in general haha I guess!

Just printed out the mandala and slapped it on the back of my phone, letā€™s see what happens in the next couple coming weeks!


The best way I can describe this to you is to think of all the little things that add up. For example, you may think whatever choice you are making is the best for you, but maybe this mandala has another path for you to walk to, even if you may not like it. Maybe your call was to become a doctor, maybe you actually wanted to be a chef.

Treat this mandala like a lifestyle, subtle changes over the course of time that will lead to bigger changes in the future. Experiences, realizations, a little mishap, etc are carved into you everyday.

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Here you go:

If u wanna best path for finances, get Prestige and Grandeur and tell it you wanna finances and work for them, lol, the same with any other specific things other than what it was defined for, the best path is just the best path :wink:


Appreciate it!

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You can have everything you want with this fieldā€¦you may not understand why you chose this path but later on youā€™ll be grateful.

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To simplify it, think of long-term happiness, satisfaction, growth and wellbeing.

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Also, one example I should mention. When I was working with PaG, I wanted one job and then got it. It was basically 95 % perfect in things I wanted. But then later I decided to go on BPIL (and my PaG went to my friendā€™s wallet to hold and enjoy :D ) and I felt like death and then reborn. Days after, I started to really hate that job, all circumstances very quickly started to basically push me out of the job, so I left and then felt good again.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Prestige and Grandeur

So I assume this is guided by your Higher Self? So Higher self 2.0 version? That would be great.


This is both a mini review and a question for others using this.

From the moment I knew this thing existed (tag days) it just gave me all sorts of chills. The stay away kind of chills, as if by using it horrifying things would start happening. Something in me was just absolutely terrified of this creation. Soā€¦ I kept my distance. Then tags went bye bye. Iā€™ve been a premium tier patron for about 2-3 months now and saw this offered. Thanks to self love fields that frightened voice was (mostly) gone so I decided to give this a try.

I am now completely disillusioned with my life to the point that nothing feels worth continuing with. My current city, job prospects, hobbies and interest, most people apart from close family. Justā€¦ nah. Some of these feelings have been present for a while now but everything is suddenly amplified.

So my question is: could this be BPIL related? Iā€™ve read the reviews and so far I havenā€™t noticed anyone reporting absolute disinterest in everything they had goingā€¦ ?

This could mean many different things:

  • Your new level of self love is not compatible with your whole old life

  • BPIL is picking you up at your new level of self love and telling you to change

  • BPIL is telling you that your old life and current external circumstances are completely not aligned with your best path

  • The ego is still interferring massively with what the BPIL is pushing you towards to

  • You are still in a massive transition phase from the old you to the new you (meaning that the self love healing process is not finished and the old and the new reality are fighting against each other)

  • Your new level of self love changed your habits and now you have less addictions ā†’ dopamine flatline ā†’ a phase where nothing feels exiciting at all

  • A combo of these

  • ā€¦something elseā€¦


Hmm. A combo for sure and Iā€™m absolutely still going through the process. Thank you for that listā€¦ makes perfect sense. I was just a bit worried because this sudden ā€œflatlineā€ came out of nowhere and Iā€™ve lived through years of depression and anhedonia and never, ever want to repeat that cycle not ever again. Itā€™s a #1 personal nightmare that it would all come back. This feels different, though. A bit like waking up and not recognizing the once familiar surroundings - annoyance - why am I here, how do I get away from here?

Iā€™ll keep the image with me. How bad can it be if it is the best path?

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Well I can tell you this, I was the same up until a couple of days ago when I decided to finally use it and whatever happens happens and within a few hours I was led to purchase a NFT which I Initially did not want to purchase but I cant tell now itā€™s what I needed to move forward despite the anxiety it initially gave me from using it, also got my money back which confirmed to me that I made the right choice


Hello everyone, Iā€™m Siria and a new member. :relaxed: Been reading a lot in this forum since February, finally signed up recently and also subscribed to patreon. Itā€™s so amazing how you all contribute and share your knowledge. I hope soon I can also become a more active user here and join discussions, or share experiences with the fields. Iā€™m very grateful to have found Dream and to be here with you in this forum.

Last year a huge change in my life happened: my inner voice told me to quit my job (a job Iā€™ve been doing for 7 years and I enjoyed a lot). So I quit my job, I separated from my partner after a 10 year long relationship (this happened four months after quitting my job), we then canceled our apartment and I decided to not rent a new place, but instead travel full time. So since September last year Iā€™ve been traveling and so many things happened.
Fast forward: now I reached a point where Iā€™m longing to find a place to live, to settle, to find my soul family, a new fulfilling job, and eventually feel ready for being in a relationship again.

Iā€™m in Japan right now. I love Japan but I donā€™t want to live here. I booked a flight to Australia next, but I feel quite ā€œlostā€. Not sure what path to take in my life right now. But I really want to find a place to call home again. But which country, which city, just where in the world I donā€™t know.
Going back to my home country Germany just causes a big ā€œNoooā€ yelling inside my head. But there is no pull in a specific direction. I feel like I have all doors open in front of me but donā€™t know which way to choose.
I do feel this is rooted a bit in feeling insecure, anxious about taking the wrong decision and a lack of trust in myself. Even though I tell myself this is silly since any step I take will lead me to new experiences.
Well, after reading through the struggles other people were going through in this forum, I decided to fully concentrate to work on Selflove. I read a lot of posts, and I thought this was the best thing to focus on.

Iā€™ve been listening to @JAAJ daily Self Love stack for the past month during daytime. Iā€™ve also been listening to @Maoshan_Wanderer Unconditional Love stack since beginning of March also during daytime. What I recently added are: higher self connection mandala & listening to the field, the Guided Path, the Blessed Paths and also another thing I started very recently after stumbling upon a post (sorry forgot which one): while listening to Angelic Intercession, I ask my Guardian Angel for the most benevolent outcome to find a new place to call home and build a new fulfilling life.
I should probably listen to PONR as well (not sure why I havenā€™t done that yet!!).
At night I take a listening break.

Overall, I feel happier, more content, more self assured, also good things are happening during my travels BUT still, here I am feeling lost and uncertain where to go and where I want to live. This often keeps me up at night. Maybe Iā€™m stressing myself out too much about finding a new place to live. Life has taught me that things usually work out best, when I just focus on the things that bring me joy and also to give back to people around me. In the past, this always lead to new opportunities and I didnā€™t even have to work hard to have positive outcomes. Iā€™m overall a very happy and cheerful person.
Itā€™s a new feeling for me to feel so lost, worried about my future and without any direction.
My family in friends keep telling me to come back home. But my heart and subconscious mind tell me no. To keep looking for that special place.
I want to shift my mindset again back to having faith in myself, and looking forward to a bright future! I want to feel certain about that I will find a place to live and feel happy.

Sorry, for this long post, I just think itā€™s good to know where Iā€™m at right now to help me with my question. Iā€™ve read about the Best Path in Life and kept coming back here to this thread. Do you think this could be the right field to listen to and also use the mandala? Do you think I can use it as a beginner, or does another field come into your mind that could help me to find my path?

ā€œDoes the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?ā€ (Garth Nix, Sabriel)

Thank you very much for reading my long post. I highly appreciate your comments, thoughts or guidance.


It has been mentioned that BPIL is just that, the best path for you and the one that your higher self wants you on. The path that was made and meant for you. Butā€¦ thatā€™s not always the path you have in mind. Maybe you want to live in X and your best path is Y. Or you are adamant about being single and your best path might include marriage. Other than that I canā€™t think of any reason why a beginner could not use this.

What Iā€™m trying to say isā€¦ this might mess up all your plans and really surprise you.


I recommend self love stacks and conceptual realization before you hop on BPIL. This could really take a huge turn and you may not even be able to handle it even though itā€™s for your own good.


I always get sidetracked by bunch of fields and leave BPIL out. This time Iā€™m using it again for the past 3 three days. It seemed it nudged me to use ojas, Prana, mama circuits, and I been feeling great using it since my energy levels were too low these days.

Never leaving you again BPIL, take me to my best route.


Glimpses into best path in life, after spending a little time with this tag. Some notices.

  • Walk out into a beautiful day. Blue skies with clouds. Plenty of sunshine. Ocean water nearby.

  • I see a couple. A man and women very neatly groomed and dressed for a high-end, luxurious type setting. Women is wearing a simple but expensive looking dress. Man with dress pants and a blazer. Walking in hand in hand. I donā€™t normally see this.

  • A cafeteria. People are eating. There isnā€™t silverware available. This place, people take resources from another group for their own group, department ā€“ tribal. I watch myself as I take a little bit of my own groupā€™s resources to support the larger groupsā€™ need to eat. Sharing of resources.

  • A man crosses paths with me and asks a question. Iā€™m not usually stopped and asked questions. He asks where the big event is, as he adjusts his ā€œplatinum sponsorā€ tag on his shirt. ā€œI donā€™t really know,ā€ I reply, and we continue walking our paths.

Iā€™m a lot more calmer and gentler than I have been recently these past several months. More composed, and here in the now. More neutral about being as well.

Just is.


I wanted to give an update about my experience with the best path in life. I ended up deciding to try it out myself because I really felt stuck and was very uncertain about where to go next and what to do with my life.

As a kind of preparation I took some time to meditate and write down things under the aspects ā€œMy dream lifeā€, ā€œMy personal developmentā€ and overall ā€œWishes for my best pathā€.
For example I wrote down that I wanted to expand my knowledge about certain spiritual topics, find new mentors, resources, books, etc., and create a deeper connection to my higher self, continue working on the expansion of my heart chakra & self-love, and I also wrote down my strong wish to find a new country to live in, build a new live, find a new fulfilling job, find my soul family and overall have just more loving people around me that I feel a deeper connection with.
I honestly made a very detailed list with things I wanted to ask the Best Path in Life to guide me to but also kept some things more open.

Then around the 25th of April I printed out the mandala and have it with me ever since.

And guys, I can tell you it was a HUGE shift within only a few days!!! Suddenly, many amazing coincidence started happening. I was in Japan and a friend kept reaching out to me asking me to come to Australia. Before I was a bit undecided whether I should go but when I got the best path in life, I suddenly felt a strong calling to go, so I booked my flight and went to Sydney in the beginning of May. Now Iā€™m staying with my friend and her husband and we have such a loving friendship. I really feel like I found a part of my soul family in them.

Other things that happened in the past weeks:

  • whatever I look for, whether itā€™s information, or something I wish to experience - suddenly people appear in my life and offer me exactly that
  • I really wanted to find a creative and fun job and now my friend asked me to start a business with her
  • In April I didnā€™t have a clue where I wanted to live and now I felt this calling to stay in Australia
  • then here through this forum I found a meditation from a YouTube Channel called ā€œtools for ascension by Wolfgangā€. I absolutely loved his meditations. They really helped me to open up my heart chakra and also remove a blockage from my throat chakra. I decided to book a private session with Wolfgang and it was absolutely amazing! He helped me to connect me with my higher self and I found out that I had past lives living in Australia.
  • After printing best path in life I also experiences so much more abundance in terms of finances. Seems like it boosted the Wealth generation ++ for me. I get so often invited and treated for meals, I get gifts out of nowhere and also my old company sent me a huge bonus even though I quit my job in September last year.
  • I keep meeting people that I feel a deeper connection to and we find out we have rare things in common. Iā€™m only here in Sydney for three weeks and already made some meaningful connections, that really makes me feel so happy every day.
  • I feel a better connection with my Dragon servitor. I also had two lucid dreams and feel like my psychic abilities a slowly growing. I get better in knowing what people are thinking.
  • I also reduced the amount of fields Iā€™m listening to daily and sometimes I feel guided to try out fields I never thought important before.
  • Iā€™m eating healthier and exercising comes more easy to me. Here in Australia I feel drawn into nature and am almost every day on a 1-2 hour hike in some of the National Parks around Sydney. This really boosted my energy and mood!

So I can tell you I feel so much happier and Iā€™m blown away by the abundance that is coming into my life! Especially by the ease I suddenly find information about things Iā€™m looking for. Either new people show up and offer me the information I seek, or I stumble about the information in the internet but in somewhat unexpected ways.
Iā€™m grateful for finally feeling again a sense of direction in my life, having new goals and knowing where I want to live. :relaxed: :heart: