Ah, Jonathan Livingston Seagull! Haven’t heard that title in years!
An excellent and short read, can be enjoyed by children and adults alike.
Ah, Jonathan Livingston Seagull! Haven’t heard that title in years!
An excellent and short read, can be enjoyed by children and adults alike.
One if not the best of Travolta, a great classic indeed
Glad to see people have seen it.
Always feel like this movie gets massively not seen by “spiritual” seekers.
It’s basically a story of Enlightenment.
I remember quite well the first time I saw this movie and the feeling that it gave me, beyond remarkable
How can one “proove” this? More like… Arguments for normies that this is truth.
To me, Dragon Ball has always played that role. And by Dragon Ball, I’m referring to the first anime, before Goku grows up. There’s a lot of spirituality in that show.
Everything Samael Aun Weor (incarnation of archangel Samael)
_OM would surely come up with a more elaborated answer but perso, I have “proven” it to my normie side with Dreamweaver’s latest releases. Playing Epsilon and Quasi beforehand.
Not for me, but for normies general. :D
Don’t worry, it would never cross my mind to put you and the word “normie” in the same sentence… Especially not you! :))) I was talking about other normies.
Oh… nvm!
How did epsilon help you tho?
I’ve been inspired by Samurai, but also a post by Sammy in which he was basically saying that although it’s not the best field to reach a purely meditative state, it helps to calm the mind.
So I start with this one but since it’s not enough, I follow with Quasi (which is better for realm shifting. At least for me).
Little edit though, because it sounds contradictory with the official description of the field lol: this is my current formula, since I have a “worried” mind lately. So I need an Epsilon booster because my general state these days sort of sabotages it (plus, Sammy’s post had some nuances too).
Sounded even more complicated now lol but “nvm” ;)
Doelow da pilotman on youtube is the incarnation of Archangel Uriel I hear
Dune was great.
Finally watched star wars.
Samael Aun Weor- The perfect matrimony