Best way to remove black magick from person, home and property

Dear sirs,

What fields should I use to remove black magick and ghosts from person, home and property,and how many times a day for every field You suggest me?



New Release - Curse/Spell Removal (Gumroad)

New Release: De-Inhabiter Combo

Positive Vibes Energy (for yourself/environment/surroundings) – Enlightened States



But I don’t have those, are there something else that is available on YouTube from Sapien?


You know, when a person asks a direct question, he gets a direct answer.
But every situation is very individual. And we talk about this all the time.
When you go to a doctor, he asks you about your symptoms, takes a medical history

And this is the same approach in the world of energies.

If you describe your situation in more detail, the community will give you a more accurate answer


Nah I think he might only have access to the free ones.

Best ones in general would be exorcism rite, banishing frequency, clear negative energy and entity.

(I’m not sure where the clear all negative energy and entity went to, is it repel negative energy v2 now?)

For home, some of the environmental fields might be suitable, maybe essence of mantras? White light waves? Atmospheric vibration riser is also on YouTube.

There’s some newer ones though, as I don’t have much experience with those fields, it’s better to wait for someone else’s input.

If you’re willing to save for one I’d recommended booted bhoots - Booted Bhoots


Thanks a lot. Why there is not negative entity bad spirit demonic removal on Patreon. Where can I find it on mp3?



Yea this one I find is a bit odd too. It’s bundled with de-inhabitor combo.

But patreon has the clear negative energy and entity one


^ These are all great. Essence of mantras especially as I used to recite mantras (mostly om namah shiva ya) back in the day when I was experiencing some negative attacks and the energies would be neutralized pretty damned quickly.

Angelic Intercession is awesome as well. Angels are powerful defenders of light and darker beings tend to scurry away from them… just be respectful towards the angels. They are benevolent but aren’t pushovers either. They are archetypes of justice/judgement after all.

So yeah, play all these audios and let go of whatever fear you have of this negative infestation. If you fear it and are weary of it still, a part of you is holding on to their existence. Pulling them in with your focus. So even if they are all cleared away, your fear can manifest more negativity into your life.

Often, it’s not magick or entities bothering you but just inner turmoil that you need to deal with being reflected onto the outside world.

That being said, you should feel yourself and home cleared after listening to all of these. The clearing energy it leaves is very reassuring.


I’ll just chime in with, after you’ve removed your spell/curse/entity/whathaveyou, make sure you’ve given yourself and your home a thorough physical cleaning, too.


I’m convinced I am going through this.

A year and a bit ago, I found a voodoo mask in my garden.
I suspect my neighbour across the road from me practices in this.
I have also found a random book in our garage (although I can’t get to it as I don’t have access to it. The landlord hasn’t done repairs and it’s a no go zone. I can just see it through the hole in the roof.) I suspect she put it there.

My life has gone downhill so much these past few years.

For the past two days, things about voodoo keep appearing around me.
First it was a YouTube video suggestion and when I saw the masks in it, I realised that’s what had been in my garden.
Then a few other things I was reading yesterday mentioned voodoo.
Then it got weirder…my daughter was watching a new TV show and it was all about a voodoo mask!!

Today, again, there’s the word voodoo in another article I read.

I started a sword banishing ritual yesterday, but I have to do it for 33 days along with another protection ritual.

I’m currently playing exorcism rite and will follow it with banishing negative energy.

Is there a way I can actually see how strong this is? Or anyone I can contact to help me out?
For so long, I didn’t know what was going on. But now I’m being guided to the damage.

Thank you :pray:

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