Big results - 2 years of using (Brain Stack)

I couldn’t even tag you in properly “@Om:man_facepalming:



I’ve played it 2x a day ever since you opened that topic (I think I missed 2 days)
And you’re abandoning it :scream::scream::scream::scream:

Though the rest of the stack is not that stable, especially now that my cognitive tag has arrived, I can give more time to synesthesia + conceptual realizations + animal telepathy


@MonkeyOwl You can ditch animal telepathy once you have conceptual realization

BDNF is one of the most important field, I don’t talk much about it. But it repairs, mature/grow your “embryonic neurons” and create connections too…
But if you use it a lot, autism becomes more important. It gives you more symptoms than just abusing superhuman genius


lol not abandoning it… testing other things for a bit.
If you have testimonials, please update in that thread to let me know…
seems not many people gave reports to clarify effectiveness…

(It’s implied that if I don’t see better results with BNDF, I’ll be back to harass @Dr_Manhattan :smiling_imp: :rofl: )


No more long beep, huh? I’m ok with that too :sweat_smile:
I was thinking of dropping BDNF with the tag, that’s okay, right?

I know, OM, I just like using this, very dramatic :scream::scream::scream::scream:


Lol, sometimes I want to say “you’re not forced and
you don’t need anything… it’s just me spouting my stuff”.

I love that post, I can quote it all year long

So, you can drop it. You paid to have an item that covers almost everything without supervision.

Now if it was me, I’d wear the tag and keep using the same stack with a few twist

Last thing for everyone: ask yourself “how smart do I want to be ?” “Am I really gonna use it ?”


I have a list of things I want to learn, most importantly the language of the country I live in + mathematics (which I did study at uni but it’s really easy to forget…), at least advanced calculus and linear algebra and probabilities theory.

It’s not going so well because these days i prioritize hanging out on this forum and meditating… :)


This is what I immediately thought of as well. Awesome stuff man.


@Frank_Is_Not_My_Name Thanks, there will be a “big results - 3 years of using (brain stack)” thread.

In the mean time not many people shared their progress :man_shrugging:


Combine Sapien + Maitreya download knowledge series and you will achieve both things!

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That is awesome Philip.
Are you planning using this great ability to produce or create something or you conform with playing around with it?

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@Unbreakable Definitely 3rd choice: I “conform with” playing around with it.

Producing and creating are so overrated


Sure, you don’t need to create something.
Playing around is not bad.
I do that too, to have fun and to experiment, and even you can use to improve your life in a lot of things.

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@MonkeyOwl would you mind sharing your brain stack to learn mathematics? Now that I am healthier, I am thinking of continuing my studies, and I need to remember some concepts I learned in college.

Also, if I study only in the weekend, do I only need to listen to the stack only in the weekend?

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Hi @Dr_Manhattan,
Maybe I haven’t paid attention, but can you tell if while the usage of this stack for such a long time you focused on some learning or cognitively demanding task, or were just listening as a day stack without any specific commitments in place?


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Hi! I think best go with the recommendation of Mr Weiss, willpower, superhuman genius and gamma brainwave while studying.

At the moment the tag is the main thing for me, so I’m not the best person to ask.

Before I had the tag my brain stack focused on superhuman genius, BDNF, tdcs and NGF, enhanced hemisphere connectivity
Now the stack itself is more about synesthesia, creativity and conceptual realizations which is not the ideal “brain growth stack”


I studied a lot + my job’s daily paperwork + videos, documentaries etc…

Since I was a kid, I’ve been “stimulating” my brain with little games: calculus, geometry, visualization, fact recollection etc…


Hey buddy,
How’s it going with the tag for you? What differences are noticing with if?

Oh nice. So you’re not a normie then. Great.
Just 2 more questions
Is using brain regeneration overnight for a few days safe?
Also, if one uses it, does it revert back the growth that happened with all the learning and brain exercise in any way? Maybe because the brain is regenerating hence those developments might be reverted to make the brain healthy.

Thanks again!

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It’s very new, so I don’t know yet :slight_smile: