Blessings Of Aphrodite

Do these types of audios automatically establish a connection with the beings mentioned on the first go, or is it like a thing where you consciously make the connection?


The energies are always there in the universe - this is how Captain taps in. The audio focuses them to assist us. The energies of Aphrodite are there when played. You might have to do more on your end to perceive them in a visceral way, if that is your desire. Some meditate while playing or use other rituals.


I use other rituals in a way to keep her energies always with me, even while I sleep. :heart::hibiscus:


I bought an Aphrodite tee-shirt to amplify the blessings!

(guess I had to tell myself) :rofl:


Having her energies around you even when worn like that is so powerful and delightful. I am getting far too attached to having her energies be so abundant around me that I wouldn’t want it any other way.


If anyone is looking for a practice to accompany this audio, I found that offering a libation is something that has helped me make a stronger connection. This is a format I found online: Libation Format | Hellenic Faith. I thought it was interesting that it is recommended to mix water and wine except for libations going to the spirits of the Underworld. In ancient times, it was also common to drink wine this way in ordinary circumstances.

I have been making offerings, in different ways, for a good part of my life. In addition to the spirit/deity receiving the offering, it also makes them more real to you in my experience. To me, there is something beautiful about knowing that thousands of years ago, devotees of Aphrodite also poured out libations for her. The wine was different, and they didn’t have to use Styrofoam cups though…

I have done a lot of other things to work with this audio, but libations I feel are a good start. I also offer rose water, olive oil, and incense.

The feeling that comes after is something like Aphrodite rooting for you.


Loving this track, as a Taurus Ascendant my natal chart ruler is Venus, so first thing in the morning my stack is:

Nullify Negative Planetary Effects
Amplify Positive Planetary Effects
Blessings of Aphrodite
Gratitude for Blessings

Makes me I feel like I have such a beautiful morning.:sparkling_heart:



I miss you around the forum!! :hugs:


hi there! I just saw your message, this was so helpful, I appreciate your kindness in taking the time to response, thanks again and blessings!


Wow. This is perfect. Thank you so much for the time you took with this description. After using this field for quite some time, all of what you’ve said really resonates with me and my experience with it (now it all makes sense!! Lol​:heart::kissing_heart:).

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Hi, Livier! nice-to-meet-you-hearts


Can this audio make my facial features attractive too?



Aphrodite oversees love and beauty, so that’s a possibility. Or she may help you to see and love the beauty that is already within you.


Yes. It does. To me it’s not an overwhelming way, but there is a difference after a few listens. Kind of reminds me of a physical manifestation of the charisma and glamor audio.


Thank you for this!! :)

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This is hauntingly beautiful and has a bittersweet quality that makes me feel both sadness and joy at the same time.
It brings up painful memories and somehow also soothes my soul and provides a deep sense of peace and calm.
I love it.
Thank you, Dreamweaver. Thank you, Aphrodite :blue_heart::pray:


I believe this helps with self love. Or rather, the falling in love with parts of yourself and your life. I’m taking a lot more pictures lately. I’m on my own side more often. I find myself lingering in a moment of appreciation. I’m doing little things that I know would make me and others happy, just going that little extra mile.


Neglected using this one, but in regards to shadow work I´ve felt the pull to reach out to Aphrodite (same with Nyx) multiple times, so I´ve finally did.

Looped it for at least 30 minutes

And Wow!

A powerful sensation of peace, contentment, security and comfort. Like somebody giving me a hot cacao and laying a warm blanket over my shoulders.

I´ve teard up in the first seconds, a few times later on.

The concept of a woman entered my mind, sitting on my lap,gently touching my face, kissing me.
running her hands all over my body.

Although she is a very sexual being, the intent of these gestures was mainly to heal my emotional and sexual trauma.

A part of me usually associated sex with violence, pain and humiliation.But she reminded me the concept of a loving and respectful kind of intimacy. Something that I´ve apparently preferred to express, but burried under a decade of partly very violent porn, trying to avoid confrontation with deep sexual trauma.

A free, compassionate kind of love. Based on a healthy relationship to my own being and the desire to share it with the woman I interact.

Not on dominating each other to mask or numb insecurities.

Sex being more about a loving connection and mutual give and take.

That the capability for physical, emotional and spiritual intimacy shows strength and not weakness.

Childlike but confident and mature, playful, free flowing, open but always respectful of each others boundaries.

She reminds me of the first girl I´ve fell in love with when I was a teenager. The one that teached me about unconditional love.

I´ve found myself gently rubbing about my chest and arms, feeling more in tune and loving towards my physical body.

I´ve came across the term “initiatrix”, don´t understand it 100% but it seems to at least partly resonate with sexual shadow integration. (I´d appreciate if anyone could clarify on that term).

I´ve had dreams in the last months of women that apparently tried to help me in my shadow work. One was a beautiful blonde. She seemed to be highly benevolent, maybe it was Aphrodite herself.

She is amazing.

Sensual, non-judgemental and loving. That grants her power.


Lovely. Now when you go out and talk to a woman, can you notice the Aphrodite in her? I started doing that, very wonderful. Also get the nft!


Haven´t been out of the house yet, but will observe it when I do so.

Actually I´ve thought about getting the NFT afterwards. If she is willing to, it will eventually happen, for now I am set with the normal field.