I can understand your confusion.
When I’ve had times like these, of course, we’re going to want to make “sense” of things. That’s what our brains do. They’re the best meaning-making machines on this planet. However, all the explanations that are available to us (and aren’t there tons of explanations we could use, right? ), they’re all pretty much equally valid. I mean, this person could say you’re not aligned enough, and they could be right. And that person could also say you’ve got blockages, and they could be right. And this other person could say this is the Universe guiding, and they could be right. And how are we going to sort and find The Right One, am I right?
So, what I’ve learned–for myself and try it on, maybe it’ll work for you–is to pick the explanation that’s right now available to you (meaning one you don’t have to dig for or spend years on a mountain top or on a therapist’s couch) that’s most empowering to you and move on from there.
For example, in one of my times like this, I too went looking for answers. And in my travels I came across an astrologer who told I was born under “the wrong star” (whatever that means). I was lucky because I understood that there was no solution–no empowerment for me in that explanation. (Because I can’t undo my birth, right? And I can’t just get into a hole and pull it in after me, can I?–Although I very much wanted to do so at the time. Don’t be like me. ) So, I decided that wasn’t the explanation for me.
Pick whatever explanation gives the most power to you. (There’s tons of neurobiology behind this approach, BTW.) If you’ve got the tools to remove blockages and you’re good at it, then explain all of this as you’re blocked, because you know how to deal with blockages. If you don’t have those tools or you’re not good at removing blockages (or hexes or whatever) then don’t use that explanation. Don’t see your situation through that lens.
Maybe you find more of your power with an explanation that these events have given you some time to think and some insights about how you make your decisions. And maybe that explanation might be more empowering to you because you’ve been making decisions all your life and sometimes you’re really good at making great decisions. So then, with this explanation, your situation is merely a matter of fine-tuning your decision-making skills (that you already do have!) and perhaps updating the criteria you’d been basing your decisions on.
Does this make sense to you?