Bodhidharma (project)

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John Chang (22 Mo Pai level)

Chi Kung Master Burns Paper With His Hand - John Chang

Each level duplicates the energy:

  • level 1: lower dantian 100% (regular 1h meditation each day requires 10 years depending on skill)
  • level 4: powerful electric chi (earth immortal)
  • level 30: golden light (celestial immortal)
  • level 72: 2361183241434822606848x more energy than level 1 (don’t ask)

If you care that much about it, why don’t you just do the training for it?

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Mo Pai technology (as described in the book) can be dangerous when E.g. training the horse stance too aggressively, overfilling the lower dantian (above 100%). Bodhidharma achieved this only through meditation. It is worth to use different “tools”.

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Interested :slight_smile:

:rocket: 36h to lift-off.
:no_smoking: Please take a seat and don’t smoke.


@Rosechalice please close this thread.

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