
:open_book: Two of the greatest masters in the last two thousand years are Damo (Bhodidharma) and Chang San Geng. Both of these masters […] were able to reach level 72 (the highest possible level) in Mo Pai during their human existence on Earth. - “Enter Mo Pai” by James Van Gelder

The purpose of this NFT is to reach level :seven::two: in Mo Pai during human existence on Earth.

-I- Long Scroll of the Treatise on the Two Entrances and Four Practices

1. True understanding

  • 1a
    Treatise on the Destruction of Characteristics (《破相論》 Poxiang lun),
    The Wake-up Treatise (《悟性論》 Wu-hsing lun)

  • 1b
    The Bloodstream Treatise (《血脈論》 Xuemai lun),
    The Genealogical Treatise (Hsueh-mo lun)

  • 1c Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra

-II- Cultivation

2. Automated advanced Bodhidharma cultivation

  • 2a Dantians filling:
    Lower dantian (下丹田, Xià Dāntián)
    Middle dantian (中丹田, Zhōng Dāntián)
    Upper dantian (上丹田, Shàng Dāntián)

  • 2b Qi compaction

  • 2c Mind

-III- Spirit

3. Blessings and guidance

  • 3a Highest energy

  • 3b Celestial immortality

  • 3c Soul

Mandala + Audio

Captain, the best way we can say “thank you” will be to work diligently with Bodhidharma. :pray:


I would like to understand what these 72 levels are and what must be achieved for each of those. Do you please know where one can find a list of all the levels?

I did some google search but didn’t found anything.
On the Daoist forums they say that barely anyone even reaches level 4…

And here is what GPT provided – not sure how correct this is:

Mo Pai Levels - General Outline

Lower Levels (1-12)

Level 1: Basic Energy Accumulation
Learn basic breathing techniques.
Begin accumulating “Qi” (vital energy).

Level 2: Qi Circulation
Enhance the ability to circulate Qi through the body.
Practice meditation and basic martial arts.

Level 3: Strengthening Internal Organs
Focus Qi to strengthen internal organs.
Develop resilience and basic healing abilities.

Level 4: Qi Projection
Learn to project Qi outside the body.
Increase effectiveness in martial arts.

Level 5: Intermediate Energy Accumulation
Deepen Qi accumulation and refine energy pathways.

Level 6: Enhanced Physical Abilities
Use Qi to enhance physical strength, speed, and endurance.

Level 7: Energy Manipulation
Learn advanced techniques for manipulating Qi for various purposes.

Level 8: Advanced Healing
Utilize Qi for more advanced healing techniques and improving health.

Level 9: Qi Shielding
Create Qi shields to protect oneself from physical and energetic attacks.

Level 10: Qi Sensing
Develop heightened senses and awareness through Qi.

Level 11: Spiritual Growth
Focus on spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Level 12: Harmonizing with Nature
Achieve a harmonious connection with nature and natural energies.

Intermediate Levels (13-36)

Level 13-18: Deep Energy Integration
Integrate Qi into deeper layers of the body’s energy systems.

Level 19-24: Elemental Control
Begin to control and manipulate elements like fire, water, earth, and air using Qi.

Level 25-30: Astral Projection
Learn to project the spirit or consciousness outside the physical body.

Level 31-36: Advanced Martial Techniques
Master advanced martial arts techniques enhanced by Qi.

Higher Levels (37-60)

Level 37-42: Mastery of Internal Alchemy
Engage in internal alchemy practices to transform and refine the energy.

Level 43-48: Mastery over Life Force
Gain control over one’s own life force and possibly influence others’.

Level 49-54: Advanced Spiritual Abilities
Develop abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, and advanced healing.

Level 55-60: Immortal Practices
Begin practices aimed at achieving immortality or greatly extended lifespan.

Master Levels (61-72)

Level 61-66: Union with the Universe
Achieve a deep, mystical union with the universe and cosmic energies.

Level 67-72: Enlightened Being
Reach the highest spiritual enlightenment.
Gain mastery over all aspects of Qi and spiritual practices.
Possess profound wisdom and abilities, potentially including transcending physical form.


Also, judging the list from GPT, it seems some levels are easier to reach than others.
And higher level does not necessarily mean that it is something more difficult to obtain. For example, astral projection (levels 25-30) can be achieved within a few weeks and months of daily practive, while spiritual growth (level 11) can take many many incarnations…

In the end, I guess one needs to achieve and master all 72 levels and just the final levels?


In Mo-pai, basic astral projection is learned at very basic levels. At advanced levels, it is about projecting yang shen where the projection appears as the physical body and can do everything one can do physically and more.

Mo-pai is notorious for a lot of myth mixed with reality + commerce, so everything there should be consumed with a pinch of salt haha


It’s true. There is very little information. I have read that a full description of the next level can only be obtained from very trusted sources after reaching the preceding level. In addition, it takes 2 times longer to reach each successive level, but since the cultivator’s concentration level also increases, Bodhidharma had to sit in the cave for “only” 9 years.


Quote from the book:

The purpose of level one is to fill up the lower dantien with yang chi. The level one practice achieves this through a mixture of awareness meditation, lower abdomen breathing (or reverse breathing), and proper grounding. Accomplishing level one requires eighty-one hours of absolute meditation. It is estimated that a student who is just beginning can only hold his concentration for 2.2% of the time, which at this rate would take the average practitioner ten years of training at one hour per day.



Just to share my experience. I bought it today and I noticed some subtle changes in my breathing pattern while meditating to it. I also noticed some heat in the belly area in the lower and upper regions, and a little pressure on the third eye and sweating hands. Meditating to it is quite a pleasant trance-like state. After the meditation, I felt more energetic and my mind was clearer, as well as feeling physically sharper and more alert.