Body Warmer for Winter

Here is a topic started by @SC448 which was not migrated over from the old Discourse website. (Thanks @Bronyraur!)


With the weather starting to get cooler, is there an audio to help keep the body warmer? I have used Kanpu Masatsu a few times when it was released but that made me sweat so much part way through the first listen.

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Here are the replies from the Discourse website:


bro, you are a genius man, hope dream does make this field


Fat Burning Genetic and Thermogenic Weight Loss will you keep your body warm. at sapien medicine

The Sun Gazer at dreamseeds



Excellent suggestions in this thread. Had tried a few of them. Instant effect.

You can complement the already suggested Sun Gazer with the other Sun track (see below). It had literally burned me during the first listenings lol, so I’ll probably use it this winter.

Also, you can have a look at the tracks which are in the Sacred Places albums. Some of them like Haleakalā, Sedona, Giza do the trick for me. It doesn’t mean that the actual places have always high temperatures, but sometimes you can catch the warmer side (and days) of their energies.



You’re all awesome, thank you!!


Infrared works so well for this I attuned myself and my ex-gf to it a week or so ago.


The Chi Elixir, Transmutation and Microcosmic, Soul/Core Energy Restoration and Soul Restoration (Heart storage Center) can help warm one from within as well. :smiley:

Here are a few posts about Soul Restoration (Heart Storage Center) by @_OM and @Atreides which might be of interest:

TF_CAD :arrow_right: akkar

This field only work inside or outside the body as well?


Superhuman mutant or everything that in creases metabolism . As increased metabolism causes more uncoupling which produces more heat .


Depends on your body chemistry what works for you. Here are some additional suggestions to the ones listed here before:

Salt Cleanse

Automated Grounding


And an awesome post by @Bronyraur:

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Thanks to YOU! :star: The forum is in your good hands… Seriously, we do appreciate you so much for helping the migration process :bouquet: