Brain Growth Work

Practice makes perfect, do a bunch of IQ test everyday, you’ll get better at it :+1:t2:


Iq tests are designed so that practice doesn’t influence your score, it’s your raw intelligence, sure there could be a deviation of 5 points after practice, but for a good iq test, it shouldn’t go much further than that. Doing iq tests doesn’t increase your intellectual capacity.

I’m sure you could get 10 maybe even 15 point with lots of practice


If it’s a good iq test, no, 10 maybe the furthest, wat is urs btw? U r pretty smart.

Considering the stack, I find it strange that you don’t use neither Plasma nor ISIRB.

And at the beginning nothing to really fuel the brain… (nitric oxide, oxygen…acetyl)


Oh yeah I use hyperbaric oxygen as well.

There are brai n training programs which can increase up to 30 points though, which is cool.

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No it’s not and my comment above was a way to say IQ test are kinda bullshit.



I’m going to “Diss” your stack a bit…

Beginning :

  • Blueprint
  • Plasma
  • Superhuman Genius (x times…)
  • BDNF


  • Brain wave (alpha or gamma)
  • oxygen /alchemical blend /nitric oxide


  • Tdcs
  • Brain growth
  • Conceptual…?

Feel free to jump in @Dr_Manhattan


yeah, to some extent they are, they don’t measure everything, but it’s the best measure we have.

If you train for IQ tests, you become good at… IQ tests. Simple.



I am missing 4 of those fields. But I think it can still work.

To be honest I think your stack is more like to convince you can become smart, rather than increasing intelligence… But maybe it’s just me…


That’s why is stay out of it

Ever had a friend who tries weed for the first time, takes one small spliff, won’t inhale and tells you he didn’t feel anything ?


Wdym? Is it the audios?

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I get the analogy you are trying to make, that I just listened for a week or something and gave up, that’s not the case, I have actually put mental effort into this, I constantly challenge my brain, and listen to the audios almost every single day. Sure my stack may not be as good as the one listed above, but I, unfortunately, don’t have enough time for that, along with my other non-sapien audios. It’s not something I just un-enthusiastically listen to, I have actually tried.

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Hey guys,

I am feeling this beauty could help to be conscious in lower brainwaves states (theta - delta - epsilon) and maintain those while in active life due to higher coherence of brain hemisphere, more clarity, vigilance, etc.

I feel Enhanced visual processing would complete it perfectly (underrated alert, whoop whoop)

Feeling as well to add something for the right brain, would you guys recommend the well of creativity or Imaginarium divine (double underrated alert, whoop whoop) or another?


Well, apples and oranges @borisju :yum:

Well of Creativity will stimulate the areas revolving that side of yours.

Imaginarium divine is a bridge within your mind, through which you can become more creative, psychic, rational, conscious… Etc… Etc…

So, the latter not only will stimulate your brain but actual strength other fields/capabilities you might be developing. Whether those are sensory perceptions, psychic events, kinesthesia…

To reap the full benefits, you would have to listen to the full audio (I know it’s long).

To sum up :
If you want short bursts of spontaneous creativity, go for Well of Creativity.

If you want sustaining downloads, inspiration, oneness, Realizations, go for the last one.

Of course, to be able to “download” it fully, you have to be connected for long :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe brainwork at the end could also provide a good closing overall. :+1:


If you go to the top of an audio release youll see the link.

This one is on teespring.

Dream has audios/items on:

Sapien Shop
Youtube channels (Sapien Medicine, Dream Seeds, Energetic Alchemy)
Some on Spotify
Some on Amazon
Some page i dont remember the name lol to buy Portals posters as well.