Brain Growth Work

It is roots of reasoning :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I was doing a brain stack that was posted awhile ago . I did it for a bit over 6 weeks but didnā€™t notice to much improvements. It wss a 3 hour stack and I was doing it every day but I felt maybe there were to many audios in it and thatā€™s why my brain wasnā€™t able to keep up with it

I bought Roots of Reasoning and took out a bunch of audios and replaced them with this. This audio alone makes me feel more alive! At the end of the stack I can feel my brain areas being stimulated!

Iā€™m also remembering things that Iā€™ve only seen a few times. For instance yesterday my mom wanted to mail a parcel to her sister that lives on the other side of the country. Mom didnā€™t know her address so was waiting to receive an email with the address. I helped my mom type her address before but it must be like 5 years ago. Anyways somehow I remember the address but not the postal code. When her sister emailed the address I checked and I was right on!!

Iā€™m sure this happened because of using the large stack for 6 weeks before changing up, but still so awesome!


@Yuichi i think this post needs to add the new link to gumroad instead of the one initially listed here because its not longer on teespring and between being on different platforms and had the name changed, people is confused looking for it to buy it.


I got this today. Usually i listen alone x 3 a new audio to feel ā€œits personal energyā€ but i forgot and i simply threw it in the brain stack i have now:

Plasma Mitochondria x 1
Brain massage x 2
Alchemical mind blend x 2
Fission x 3

and then this oneā€¦

While i was doing other stuff on my phone, chilling in my bed, so all was good as normal listening to the others when suddenly i felt like if my brain had been connected to some sort of electrical machine Nikola Tesla kinda stuff haha :flushed::flushed: it was almost buzzing :rofl: im laughing so much because honestly it made me jump to sat on my bed i was like WHAT THE ā€¦ :grimacing: so i looked and realized this the one playing.
By the second listen i felt carried away with the water current sound while still full of electricity and at this time here 9:21pm i wanna sit on my desk to use my brain somehow lol i dont know how but somehow im not kidding its almost itching to be used!

You see when in cartoons some character gets a brilliant idea they show it with a :bulb: above their head??? This is how i feel now. Literally.

And i have yet to try the Cognitive Enhancement one that i also got today but i was thinking of playing that in the morning alone, but i think ill listen to this one + CE in the mornings instead.

Oh i didnt know CE was the same Permanent Brain Enhancer :rofl::rofl: i guess i needed it haha


you mean Conceptual Realizations?? or is there a Cognitive audio I overlooked??

There is a Cognitive Enhancement on Gumroad but it is confirmed by Sammy that is the same Permanent Brain Enhancement from yt/patreon


Oh, thanks for bringing this upā€¦ Since itā€™s an old post, the system is not allowing me to edit the post, tagging admin/moderator to edit the links

@AkiraTheWild @SammyG


Actually, before joining Patreon I bought the audio at Gumroad and then after joining and downloading all audios available, I was using Permanent Brain Enhancement with it lol

"Wait the audios are equalā€¦ wellā€¦ maybe they have different fields :man_facepalming: "

And then I joined the forum which cleared the confusion.


I wonder how this would combine with alchemical mind expansion

try it and tell us

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Too much audios already in daily rotation

would be pretty crazy imo. + plasma brain of youth

it would combine well.


This doesnā€™t seem to be offered anymore, what would be the best replacement?

Hey my dude, sorry for the late reply - but it is still available on Gumroad. The name got switched up when it was on teespring and was called The Roots of Reasoning. It got changed to Brain Growth Work and has recently moved back to gumroad - here is the new link:

@mods The link to the OP needs to be changed.


Will it be good if I listen this track 2 times a day + all other intelligence/focus/creativity tracks? (like Superhuman genius (2x), Permanent brain enhancement(3x), NGF(3x), Hemisphere synchronization(2x), Focus and attention (1x), Induce creativity (1x),BDNF(2x), Brain regeneration (2x), all the monoatomic minerals 1x, ISIRB, Tds(1x) and ENpp6 (1x) + morphic fields from other creators targeted on mental abilities)

Iā€™m to start listening again this for more consistent time.
But according to description we donā€™t need to listen this every day, even rest is recommended with proper nutrition.
I think a loop during 3 days a week during betwen 6 to 12 months t is a great lapse to make profounds and permanent changes

To be precise and transparent, this is my playlist of all tracks for mental abilities: + 2x BDNF (which I bought) and my own subliminals for mental abilities, I also use some other tracks for other purposes.
Iā€™ve read almost all comments here, some people didnā€™t recommend combining Brain Growth work (I will call it BGW) with all of them, but BGW is targeted more on specific areas on brain, while other tracks on more areas, so combining it didnā€™t seem bad for me, maybe I could just reduce NGF, BDNF and Permanent brain enhancement to just 1x daily. Iā€™m kinda obsessed with improving my mental abilities and I want to improve them as much as possible. And also does that track with NGF and Tdns really involves in full strength and intensity all of NGF and Tdns which were used in other videos? (cuz I found the original Tdns here: And also, some scientific tests seem to point again tDCS. Does it really help and bring results? Article here: Zapping the brain to boost brainpower may lower IQ, Health News, ET HealthWorld


Is it better to listen to it everyday or 3 times a week?

You made a topic recently where people linked existing topics and someone addressed the article as well that you linked in the end.

Do you think if you write the same things in another topic you will have a different reply? :D

The list of sapien vids you linked was good, I would recommend it to be aligned with Philipā€™s brain stack order to begin with. Heā€™s done a lot of research and experimented as well, so you can take advantage of thatā€¦ And then change it if you feel like it or if it doesnā€™t work for you.


if you didnā€™t notice, I wrote here earlier und then I made a post. Here I didnā€™t get my answer and in my post, I did, so that I guess should explain all. Also, the post with questions was NOT exactly the same, take that into account, thank you.