Brain Growth Work

Be okay = … ?

It is advised to nurture your brain to further enhance your growth, yes.


hey if you want a good source of omega 3 there are linseeds and hemp seeds :D (/hemp protein powder )


I will have a look at them

thank u :slightly_smiling_face:

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I avoid shrimp mostly for similar reasons although it was a delish favorite! Do you have access to any other seafood sources? Scallops are really good too but depends where you live it can get crazy expensive!

What about wild caught fish?

@Eli do you mean flaxseed? Or it is a different thing? If it’s flax, it’s highly estrogenic with an imbalance between its omega 6 and omega 3 ratios. Hemp protein powder is okay though :)


I actually really enjoy tuna out of all seafood haha :)

There is a field almost for everything but starting out at the root is always a better option, like choosing better food resources.

If you don’t have access (at all) to any higher quality seafood then the tablets will absolutely work!

Maybe @Dr_Manhattan can let us know better too :)
What’s something you like to include in your diet that helps with brain functionalities?


Yes, why not ?
Dream came up in many thread talking about proper nutrition and how you need good materials.

I used to buy expensive DHA oil for my brain, now I just buy standard Omega 3s from the drugstore. The results are pretty much the same at a fraction of the cost and I don’t need to worry about shipping.

I’m not a princess, I’m not OCD about my food. I just don’t buy the cheapest, because I’m biased.
We have plasma light, DNA repair, stem-cells, detox whatever. That’s the cost of living in the modern world and we have tools to adapt to it.

Yup :+1:

I don’t really understand the debate here :sweat_smile:
I hope I gave some insights

Sure, you want to eat what you can’t synthesize on your own, but the fields already synthesize or simulate a lot.

I used to spend a hundred bucks a month on nootropics, it worked, but superhuman genius smashed that and it was free

If you have deep pockets, get yourself some nootropics stack :man_shrugging:
If the supplements are good, taking will boost your results.
The fields are often better, but if it acts just like the original stuff, if you could buy it and swallow a pill, you’d save some listening time for some more advanced field you can’t swallow like BPOL and cie

You still have to eat food you know, to get the materials you need, supplements are the same, I guess you can think of it as micro-food accurately targeted :man_shrugging:

Haha, disclaimer, I’m not Rockefeller, I would buy more fields with the money, but having both is up to your pockets


:tophat: :tophat:

A brain delight! :))


I have different answers depending on the moment.

  1. I love it, I love the colors, I love the awareness, I love the memory, understanding, studying the magic of the world.

  2. Copied from what I sent a friend in private it doesn’t have the precision or tact I would’ve used in public but here it is:

It’s not about intelligence anymore, it’s increasing my consciousness. The better/bigger your brain the bigger your consciousness.

Maybe it’s not super fine-tuned like the guys who refine their energies, but you get more awareness, memory, psychic understanding, you connect things, the world, the colors and people are more detailed and connected. You get a bigger unconscious.

After that I boost my energy body, get sensitive and I’ll add it to my base consciousness. Level up much faster than the rest

  1. If I thought I was smart, I wouldn’t spam the brain fields, I would be bulking, cutting my abs or focusing on some universal love, or aliens.
    But I’m a moron, I know I’m dumb, I’m trying to fix it lol

  2. More skills, more money (everyone their opinions if you want to believe you’ll manifest it from the vortex just by meditating, I’m fine with that)

Pick one


do better brains see differernt colors or are they more vibratent

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It’s different, it’s better. All I can say

Everything gets better and easier and interesting.

Instead of working hard and being consumed by daily tasks, I’ll do it with little efforts and use the rest of my mental energy do something cool.


Philip is the man version of Lucy. He is about to soak up all knowledge humanely available.


Well everything can look brighter and feel better with an improved brain and one’s senses functioning more exquisitely. :smiley:

Like this, for example:

And as @Dr_Manhattan says.


Does this replace Attention and Focus & Permanent Brain Enhancement?
I want to shorten my listening time. :)

poor sapien indeed. . .
( nvm )

I would like to know if it’s a good idea to combine this with the cognitive tag. Has anyone tried this for a longer period of time?

Does anyone know why this audio isn’t available anymore? I just decided to buy it since I haven’t been getting crazy results with permanent brain enhancement :slightly_frowning_face:

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U can msg sammy and ask him to buy it off him


Thanks I’ll try

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Here’s how you buy it:
Temporary Invoicing for Gum’s Med Fields

If you’re interested in the “why,” you can read about that here: Charge Back Black List


Thank you !

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