Brain Guild General discussion

Ohh makes sense, I just re-read it’s description again and noticed it’s a booster with autism protection


About the listening while sleeping, I was convinced that it might affect the quality of sleep since the brain have to rest and go through sleeping cycles,
So it’s a matter of getting used to and building tolerance?

i noticed that its hard to stay sleep if i use it


Hi @Rosechalice It’s been a while. No problem. Thank you :slight_smile:.


If I play man hattan method for 1 hour then pboy for 3 hours would that be counter productive?

maybe itd cut off to much growth ?

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If you have 4 hours of playtime I would do 3.5 hrs Manhattan method, .5 hrs PBoY


Love that quote.

It’s a full answer on it’s own


I have ‘A Key To Babel’ but decided to set it aside as my Playlist has gotten extensive now. I am going to return to using it again. Someone mentioned that The Conceptual Conglomerate rewires the individual listener’s brain. Perhaps that is what I have been experiencing.

Fast working deep sleep x 4
Subconscious limits dissolver x 2
Amygdala healing x 2
Ego dissolution x 2
Hyperbaric oxygen chamber x 2
Enpp6 enzyme x 3
Acetylcholine x 4
Gpld 1 x 3
CBD x 2
Hgf x 3
Superhuman genius x 10
Bndf x 2
Mstate 3 loops of all 4 audios
Nitric oxide boost x 3
Plasma brain of youth x 4
Tdcs and ngf x 4
Synesthesia x 3
Alchemical revision of genius x 4
Abundance mindset x 2
Million dollar empire mindset x 2
Permenant brain enhancement x 2
Enhanced brain hemisphere connectivity x 3
Well of creativity x 2
Ancestral knowledge x 3
Ipf x 3
Imaginarium divine
Unstoppable will x 4
Add adhd focus audio x 3
Ojas x 2
Autism x 4
Brain regen x 10
Navagrah homam x 2

have been using this stack for 5 days now. Haven’t faced anything major like massive headaches etc but I do notice that I am sleeping a lot longer and the last 2 days have felt more tired. Would appreciate any feedback on this stack, the listening order, what substitutes can I add (paid or free) since I would love a shorter stack or more focus on the important audios. Basically anything that can optimise this stack. Also any advice outside of listening like nutrition, how to develop results etc also largely helps.

Thanks in advance.

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I would put every wiring field before PBoY.

PBE for instance, I’d put before PBoY so as to not cancel out the boosters before the integration of wiring.


So which fields are wiring fields in my stack.

@myspace123 your list is quite long, if you start by separating the brain fields from the rest, it would be easier to tell you :slight_smile:

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Ok I’ll get right to it. I have been feeling that myself, its become overwhelming and I am moving backwards in terms of growth.

Enpp6 enzyme x 3
Acetylcholine x 4
Gpld 1 x 3
CBD x 2
Hgf x 3
Superhuman genius x 10
Bndf x 2
Mstate 3 loops of all 4 audios
Nitric oxide boost x 3
Plasma brain of youth x 4
Tdcs and ngf x 4
Synesthesia x 3
Permenant brain enhancement x 2
Enhanced brain hemisphere connectivity x 3
Well of creativity x 2
Ancestral knowledge x 3
Ipf x 3
Imaginarium divine
Unstoppable will x 4
Add adhd focus audio x 3
Autism x 4
Brain regen x 10

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These are the brain enhancement fields I am using.

Fast working deep sleep x 4
Subconscious limits dissolver x 2
Amygdala healing x 2
Ego dissolution x 2
Hyperbaric oxygen chamber x 2
Alchemical revision of genius x 4
Abundance mindset x 2
Million dollar empire mindset x 2
Ojas x 2
Navagrah homam x 2

and these are the support fields

I doubt you need Anti-Autism separately with PBoY. Put the latter at the end of the stack, maybe more loops if you feel better with your current schedule.
ADHD is more conducive to effect earlier in the stack.

Alchemical revision of genius x 4
Abundance mindset x 2
Million dollar empire mindset x 2

These three can be counted as Brain Wiring to a significant extent, especially first one.

Enpp6 is preferred after wiring fields, you can add whenever for enhanced effect, yet better have additional loops after as well.

Overall stack feels somewhat inversed in relation to placements of enzymes, minerals, relative to boosters, wiring and restoration. It’s good in comparison to not using it, but simple reordering should improve efficiency.


That’s exactly what I am looking for. What would you recommend the correct order for it to be. Ideally I’d love a shorter more impactful stack for brain growth in all areas (a short stack that covers it all). My goal is to be like Eddie Morra or as close to it as possible. Even open to paid audios as and when I can afford them.

Want to ask the people who feel like they are getting nice results with brain fields

Do you guys meditate daily, meditate weekly, sometimes, or you don’t


Daily, or atleast pranayama daily. Defentiley helps with concentration and focus

Has anyone tried to loop PU brain fields for hours ? Trying to see if it’s worth it, or if we should only listen few times a day.
