Jojo's Brain Journal

In a few days together with White Matter I will purchase this.
Bro, thanks for the replies.


bang on so far in all your deductions…I can relate… though I’m struggling with results… however there’s lot of wiring to happen. I’m happy with 2 weeks of results. The changed personna is evolving :+1:

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so it is a hidden amygdala+ field?

How true is this definition, great!

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Honestly I can’t make the claim. But it actually does seem like it from some of the past reviews. I’m not sure how deep the fear response goes. Someone will have to update me as I’ve been playing other brain fields.

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Next I would like to talk about limiting beliefs coming after intelligence. About brain fields, about your own raw intelligence level, about limited perspectives, etc.

I have fallen into this conundrum countless times. Where you gain intelligence, and then you feel dumber, leading you to wonder if the wiring is even working, if the brain fields even garner results for you like it does for everyone else. Some of this in my face was overstimulation and low dopamine, which made information processing like 3x worse for me than it normally would be. I had to reverse engineer my daily regimen and gauge the smallest abnormalities in my schedule in comparison to a “Trusted Psychologist’s Recommendation” which proved to me that I’m not at my highest capacity. Some of this also comes from a completely fried brain with very little rest. I mean we’re growing our brains at most likely the highest level ever seen humanistically.

The way I was able to really prove to myself that the wiring worked was, well, when I stepped out of the house and did something out of my comfort zone… When I actually challenged my brain. I went to college and immediately began diving into concepts even with this fried brain. Understanding the concepts, helping teach the class, getting A+'s on every assignment, test, and quiz, without studying, etc.

I believe this is what Dr_Manhattan meant when he stated something along the lines of “Try to do something difficult rather than rely on your thought patterns”. Because if you don’t put yourself out there, you may never know how intelligent you truly are. These fields are about making you learn much easier, quicker, more efficiently, and even enhancing things like memory, vocabulary, etc. But there are many ways you can hinder the revealing of these gains. Such as never testing yourself, never trying difficult things, etc.

Slow wiring from this new age of circuitry fields has many people unaware of their jump from previous levels of intelligence. As Philip says once again, “Slow wiring makes people feel as though they’ve always been this intelligent”, which is sad because well, you aren’t appreciating your own gains and hard work.

But to further extrapolate on the previously discussed point on reasons why people may not notice results, I will created a numbered list of examples:

  1. Your brain is fried, and you are not healed. If you took 1-3 weeks off, you may see a much larger scale in intelligence. You don’t even realize what’s feasible mentally. Your brain is a muscle, and you haven’t given it the rest it needs, while growing your brain at super high levels every single day. Imagine playing muscle roar for 5+ hours every day lol. Yes we have PBoY and others, but damn our brains are taking beatings LOL.

  2. Mental health such as low dopamine. People do not understand how dopamine and intelligence correlate. Things like working memory, memory formation, processing speed, etc. are all limited by poor dopamine levels. All the scrolling we do, addictions we have, and other sorts of issues could stop us from seeing massive gains. If you took a short term dopamine detox, you’d see results so quickly if you’ve truly been grinding. Fields like ABP and BG have so many dopamine benefits, but they can even be squashed through addiction.

  3. Fixing weaknesses. I’m met countless members here who have weaknesses, and they know they do, but they prioritize other fields because of the “boom” it will give them in cognition. If you struggle with reading, why would you not prioritize speed reading field? If you struggle with speech comprehension, why would key to babel not shoot up to the front? Don’t you know that the ability to “Mentally represent concepts in your mind” from the Manhattan Method can be brutally improved upon through linguistic understandings, as well as the fact that most of the learning we do comes form language? This is only 2 examples of people who want to improve their brain, but are being limited by actual problems, yet instead only decide to focus on improving their “already strengths”. It’s simply not the most efficient.

  4. You aren’t grinding as hard as you think you are. Most people think they are putting in countless amounts of effort, surpassing limits, etc. Meanwhile many of us are lapping them 3x a day for more hours, with more fields, with more strategy, and more understandings. So when they compare their results to ours, it sounds like placebo to them lol. Because they perceive they should have our results by now. I’ve met people who say “I’ve been looping more than anyone on this field and I haven’t noticed substantial gains”, and then they find out I’ve played the field literally 10x more than them, with more boosters, and with more understandings of what to expect. This isn’t egotistical, this is simply choosing to be rational. I personally have many more months to go until I finish the circuitry for my fields, maybe even a year and a half, and then after that the circuitry could keep getting stronger and stronger which means it never actually ends. Yet you have some people come up after 1 month expecting to have these massive gains that I personally know will take me myself another 3-6 months to achieve lol, and that’s with my 3 months starting point to begin with.

Just some encouragement guys, stay strong and don’t forget to loop Alchemical Revision of Genius and Subconscious Limits Dissolver if you ever feel unintelligent. Don’t forget to take breaks, and to prioritize mental health as well. I can promise you that none of us who are using brain fields are at our “peak” until we take breaks and watch our habits.


spoken with such wisdom and thoughtfulness as always :raised_hands:t2:


Thank you, brother, this is my most extensive message so far in the journal.

But I hope this truly reaches the hearts of the brainiacs. To understand that this is really a grind and that disbelief shows up to almost everyone. I’ve had my fair share of grinding through the storm. Through those lonely moments.

But there is light at the end of the tunnel.





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This one is tough to approach to be honest. Not because genes are a complicated topic, but because there are so many ways to go about it.

Last time I spoke about dopamine influencing things like working memory, processing speed, etc. But when you go a step further, you’ll realize the advantages that people with certain gene variations hold.

For example, the variance of the DRD2 gene ALONE in someone’s brain can be enough to send someone down a slippery slope of ADHD. Whereas it can make someone else a highly focused, organized, person with excellent learning potential simply by changing the way their brain handles dopamine. This specific gene can assist with executive functioning, multitasking capacity, visuospatial ability, and more.

The COMT gene codes for an enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine) in the frontal lobe. This means that someone with increased activity of the COMT enzyme can expect benefits such as short-term memory improvement, planning capabilities, inhibition control, etc. This is another gene that helps others have an intelligence advantage.

Yet the brain is described to have over 20,000 genes impacting cognition in various ways.

Genes can literally make someone (along with environment of course). It can give you personality, as well as habits to suit your personality. If someone has low activity amongst COMT gene pathways, they could have more anxiety, sleep issues, and other factors that could also indirectly, or even directly, lower cognition as well. All of this is to say that genes can change a lot about us.

This specific topic could take many posts. Like tons… But I will keep it short and hopefully, it provided an inch of value. (It’s also why I recommend ABP.)


Alright… I have to say this, it can’t wait anymore.

I have to post some results…

So one thing that I’ve noticed about my brain is now my brain circuits feel like a servitor:

The brain circuits are known to “automate the thinking” we do right? Like we do the mental operations energetically, thousands of times, until the circuitry becomes second nature and subconscious like Dr_Manhattan says.

Well let’s just say that many times I find answers very intuitively, and I will see about 20-30 images in my head within a span of 2-5 seconds and then I understand the answers to questions.

Or even when I’m outside and learn something new, my brain will send a loop of images I’ve seen and connect concepts together, and boom, I’ve learned a social norm, a primal connection of affection, or even a way people show any type of emotion without even using their face to avoid issues. All done in seconds, sometimes feeling instantly.

Basically my brain automatically understands various social contexts and narratives without even a word needed to be expressed.

I’ve guessed correctly the occupation of various people simply by looking at their body posture. I guessed one person was an exterminator and another was a farmer, even though they were both dressed like casual students, with no trace of it. I’d also had never met either of them. This isn’t a hobby or anything, it kinda feels like an observation just like if I were to say, “Oh you have a nice shirt.” I just perceive things.

There have been many of members here who I intuitively knew who you were in like 3 seconds without even reading or seeing your name, it took 0 decoding skills. I just know.

My working memory to long term memory dual processing expanded so much along with conceptual manipulation that I don’t even use my working memory capacity much, that or the thinking is also automated and I don’t feel it. I don’t take 30 seconds to think about answers much often anymore. It takes like 5-10 seconds to connect concepts and have an answer.

I also scan to read, like when I look at words., I just see it. The answer, the words, the understandings, etc. I spoke about this like 2 months ago in the cyber brain thread but, sometimes it feels like I’m not using my eyes. It’s multi channel processing as Dr_Manhattan coined the term. I have been able to speed read and give answers directly to multi paragraphed questions to some of you within seconds, and it doesn’t feel like I’m skimming, it feels like I read the words in-depth.

I feel like when I hear someone speak I look directly at the concept behind the words along with the emotions attached. I kinda stopped caring about logically dissecting meaning because that became kinda easy. My brain automates the language understanding and comprehension while simultaneously upgrading my arsenal of vocabulary. While that happens, I’m able to see the emotions behind what people say. It’s like I’m mind reading in a sense. Understanding people’s thoughts based off a single word. Their thought patterns are hilarious.

Many of these skills could have been immensely upgraded if I spent more time educating myself honestly. I’ve had a lot of fun lol, I’ve been out trying to understand the world before understanding business more, coding, and other goals I have. But honestly, just going outside and hanging has allowed me to see the conceptual underpinnings of human reality.

Lol just wait, I will show you guys something special in a few months. I didn’t say anything yet, but I have some crazy abilities that so many people here will unlike and be mind blown.

I still don’t feel that intelligent though, there are so many layers to unlock, much of this is done without diminishing returns. I also need so much more information from the world to use these abilities at a higher capacity. We ALL will reach so much further into the depths of wiring.


I could not hold off any longer, I still have a couple skills I haven’t mentioned, as well as some that I could fine tune and expose to you guys, but I will hold off on further expression. It would be cooler if some other brainiacs it and then we can share the fun together.

Plus, a lack of knowledge in various topics and categories makes many things hard to digest conceptually as there’s nothing to connect to, so when I move into the learning phase, I will have far more to share.


Also, I’m loving the Manhattan method, drops of memory, mathematical madness combo. I swap to this every once in awhile for some quick gains.

Directly expands my consciousness every time. The focus improvements just get better and better, and because there’s a lot of stimulation, this is done more rapidly.

You will notice your working memory goes up very quickly along with spatial reasoning, and problem solving.

Like try closing your eyes and creating a whole environment. Try not to lose any details, try to reach for maximum abstraction. It’s a pretty fun thing to do honestly. The ability to represent reality in your mind conceptually and numerically while also intuitively capturing the distance of everything (also numerically). It’s very fun.

I’ve noticed that with more and more brain fields like Mathematical Madness and Manhattan Method, I’ve adopted introversion as my primary state of being. I’ve never been this happy to be alone. Me and Doc already talked about this in the social bonder thread though.


Today I restart with a brain stack, only for the first two weeks in a soft way; could this be okay,
even as a playing order?

  • Brain Key x2
  • The Brain Game x4
  • The Manhattan Method x4
  • The Plasma Brain of Youth x1 (Necessary or Enough Brain Key?)

Thank you


I think this is a good stack. Maybe pboy 2 times just to be sure the axon overgrowth is cut.

Yes, only for this reason of axon growth; I will subsequently integrate with WM and PBoY,
increasing times and repetitions.
In your opinion, is it a good idea to put Stress and Anxiety in another stack?

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I think you can put it here.


@Jojo Can you share the difference you see between Conceptual Conglomerate (SM) vs Conceptual Thinking ( PU)? It feels like they are very similar but not sure.
I have CT and don’t know if it makes sense to also get CC.

I will need more time honestly, I probably have a long ways until I finish the circuitry, but when I do, I’ll let you know. Master of conceptual thinking is a wiring field and I will have to spend time wiring with it a bit.

Master of conceptual thinking improves multiple cognitive skills like attention for example.

It’s similar to manhattan method in a way.

But conglomerate has various skills and a psychic perception skill that helps you perceive information at the root. You can peak into the true meaning behind something a lot deeper than shallow level processing.

It has it’s own ESP which I think makes it different.

However both have memory subfields, pattern recognition, abstraction, etc.

I can’t really speak on it much though, as PU could’ve hid more abilities that I haven’t seen yet, whereas with conglomerate, I’ve used it for 300+ hours.