Jojo's Brain Journal

Also, I’m loving the Manhattan method, drops of memory, mathematical madness combo. I swap to this every once in awhile for some quick gains.

Directly expands my consciousness every time. The focus improvements just get better and better, and because there’s a lot of stimulation, this is done more rapidly.

You will notice your working memory goes up very quickly along with spatial reasoning, and problem solving.

Like try closing your eyes and creating a whole environment. Try not to lose any details, try to reach for maximum abstraction. It’s a pretty fun thing to do honestly. The ability to represent reality in your mind conceptually and numerically while also intuitively capturing the distance of everything (also numerically). It’s very fun.

I’ve noticed that with more and more brain fields like Mathematical Madness and Manhattan Method, I’ve adopted introversion as my primary state of being. I’ve never been this happy to be alone. Me and Doc already talked about this in the social bonder thread though.


Today I restart with a brain stack, only for the first two weeks in a soft way; could this be okay,
even as a playing order?

  • Brain Key x2
  • The Brain Game x4
  • The Manhattan Method x4
  • The Plasma Brain of Youth x1 (Necessary or Enough Brain Key?)

Thank you


I think this is a good stack. Maybe pboy 2 times just to be sure the axon overgrowth is cut.

Yes, only for this reason of axon growth; I will subsequently integrate with WM and PBoY,
increasing times and repetitions.
In your opinion, is it a good idea to put Stress and Anxiety in another stack?

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I think you can put it here.


@Jojo Can you share the difference you see between Conceptual Conglomerate (SM) vs Conceptual Thinking ( PU)? It feels like they are very similar but not sure.
I have CT and don’t know if it makes sense to also get CC.

I will need more time honestly, I probably have a long ways until I finish the circuitry, but when I do, I’ll let you know. Master of conceptual thinking is a wiring field and I will have to spend time wiring with it a bit.

Master of conceptual thinking improves multiple cognitive skills like attention for example.

It’s similar to manhattan method in a way.

But conglomerate has various skills and a psychic perception skill that helps you perceive information at the root. You can peak into the true meaning behind something a lot deeper than shallow level processing.

It has it’s own ESP which I think makes it different.

However both have memory subfields, pattern recognition, abstraction, etc.

I can’t really speak on it much though, as PU could’ve hid more abilities that I haven’t seen yet, whereas with conglomerate, I’ve used it for 300+ hours.


What has been your experience so far with CT?

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Just ask yourself if the Psychic ability to percieve meaning at the deepest core is amazing enough.

They are different in some ways but I’d have to wire to express them as I don’t know if a automation of thinking and all of that will be apperent for me with CT.


The CT field is fantastic. I’ve become a better problem solver and can get to solutions much faster. I see complex issues and understand them easily. I’m clearer in my thinking and my critical thinking has increased. So many more benefits.


I think if someone has MM and CC already then CT will be overbought for him.

Yes, this is really amazing.

Ohhhh… dang it, @Jojo !! Now, I want to get this. :joy:

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I believe that to be subjective.

Conceptual thinking can always be improved and always will be improved upon. PU himself stated that conceptual thinking just keeps getting better, you can’t really put conceptual thinking in a box honestly.

The wiring is probably different as well. Dr. Manhattan always speaks about how the brain connects and combines different circuits to form new abstract and original abilities.

I have the Manhattan Method and Conceptual Conglomerate, they are even the most used brain fields that I have if anything, but I’m still using Master of Conceptual Thinking.

But that’s just my take with all advanced brain fields in general. I could’ve just used manhattan method and wholistic thinking to cover the pattern recognition, mathematical skills, and decision making/problem solving skills, but of course more circuitry can be compounded with newer skills, so I got mathematical madness.


Considering these three fields that are essential for me in this period:
Manhattan Method, Brain Game and White Matter, in what proportion should they be listened to for a good level of improvement, in %?


WM - 20%
MM - 60%
BG - 20%

I can’t give a complete level as I’m not sure how many hours you’re playing, and the percentages are just speculation as I don’t know how many synapses, astrocytes, etc are being covered by brain game. But that would be how I’d spend my time if I was using 1 device.


I only use one device at least for the moment. I have a desire to broaden the range of brain fields and number of listens but unfortunately I have to respect the roadmap of other types of fields to maximize their effects. Meanwhile, on the fourth day of this new brain stack I perceived the pleasant effects of BG, that is, clearer brain and thinking, a sort of refreshment in the cerebral area and I think some small benefit which in turn is transmitted to MM.
A couple of ideas came to me on how to increase the ratings of these three fields together with Stress and Anxiety and SB in a few weeks. I will then develop all this until next summer, so for another 7/8 months or maybe more.
Thanks for your tips.


You meditate a lot don’t you?

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jojo have u tried any Fields Field Emitter? i thinking of getting a broadcaster and was wondering wether u have tried one?

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No, I never meditate. I listen to many fields between healing and financial. UIT and The Expanse
helped me a lot.
However, the good thing is that the fear of listening to too many brain fields is disappearing in place
of the desire to listen to more.


I don’t prefer them although I have heart of a foreign god which is a very recent nft with the ability to “play many fields at once”. I prefer to play my fields individually but that’s just me.

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